Chapter 23 – Midnight Mayhem and Mutual Misunderstandings (Not proofread).
It was the middle of the night. Really hot and had put everyone in a bad mood. We couldn’t go out to the club because we were, once again, running low on funds. Not to mention that if we were clubbing, there wasn’t going to be much driving.
Bert had been returned to the shop that morning. After Kenzi saw what we’d done to the ‘poor, innocent thing’, she insisted that she took it away before we did any lasting damage. Lasting damage, my ass, we took its head off. Unintentionally, of course. Although, if I knew that nearly killing it would’ve resulted in it being confiscated, I’d of done it on day one.
“Get off my leg,” I hissed, shoving at Hunter’s shoulders. We’d been clashing horns for at least 24 hours. After the doll incident, I’d gone off to cool myself down and when I’d come back, he’d started being petty, causing another argument.
It wasn’t that I enjoyed arguing with him, because I sure as hell didn’t. He was pretty scary when we fell out, but it brought out the cracks in our relationship. I was kept in the dark, he never told me anything and that was where the yelling was coming in. He’d make a comment, I’d make a snide one back and voila, fight started. At first, the rest of the crew had found it amusing. Well, until Hunter nearly broke Lee’s jaw when he stormed out after dinner.
“If you don’t like it, get out of the fucking bed,” Hunter retorted, shoving more of his side onto my leg. I narrowed my eyes, bringing my knee into his back. I didn’t hear a wince, nor did I see a flinch, so I scoffed.
“Don’t swear at me and stop being so damn childish, just move over.” Hunter made a grunting sound but didn’t move.
“Hunter!” I exclaimed. The light switched on, revealing an annoyed looking Alfie by the door.
“You two need to cut this out. Right now,” he instructed. Dylan cursed, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. Kenzi and Seb were probably still in their other room. They’d gone out money making to have a night together and it was no secret what they were doing. I got my fair share of condom jokes and taunting in before they left.
“I’m not starting anything, he’s numbing up my leg!” Alfie rolled his eyes and Hunter sat up, giving me a deathly glare.
“I’m not that heavy and if I want to sleep on your leg, I’ll sleep on your leg.” I clenched my jaw and resisted the urge to hit him.
“You do not get everything that you want all the time. You may have a merry team of servants running around after you at home but you damn sure don’t here. If I don’t want you to sleep on my leg, you bloody well won’t,” I responded, twisting onto my knees. Dylan and Lee were sitting on the sofa, watching the show and Alfie had given up on trying to sort the argument out, resorting to dropping onto the armchair.
“They aren’t servants, they’re my gang-“ he started.

The Bad Boy, The Sat Nav and Me
Teen Fiction"You're the good little church girl, this sort of thing shouldn't have happened!" Hunter exclaimed and I scoffed. "Please, you're the badass gang member, you shouldn't have got us lost!" I retorted, only to be rewarded with a scowl. "I'm a gang lead...