Meeting Half Of The Advengers

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**Kisas Eyes**

somehow I felt threatened by the one eyed mortal named fury but knew he wouldn't do anything because I was clearly stronger, I nodded slowly seeing Tony I looked at him. " I'll meet you there at base fury, just let me get my suit. " Tony looked at Fury who simply nodded walking his hands behind his back. I walked next to him as we went to the top floor where I had first fallen at. I gasped at what I saw, my blue eyes wide. It was some flying beast, I flew up quickly landing on the interesting machine. Fury appeared next to me. " you know, its better if you just stay by me " I jumped and squeaked, I heard Tony laugh loudly and walk toward us, his body....with metal on it, I sighed and shrugged it off looking around with Tony and fury next to me. " I have never seen this many mortals before " I giggled softly, I began to walk faster turning a corner, I then felt someone run into I yelped falling backwards, I then heard a soft frantic voice. " I'm so sorry ma'am I didn't see you there! " I saw a man in a blue, red and white suit holding out his hand to help me up. I gaped at him shaking my head then smiled sweetly grabbing his hand gently as he pulled me up. " its no trouble at all, I should have been watching where I was going. " I said my face a bright red, he chuckled and smiled making me smile more, he looked behind me and narrowed his eyes. I heard Tony smirk and laugh " well hey there cap!! I see you met me friend Kisa " he grinned putting an arm around me. my instincts took over and I flipped him over my shoulder and held my foot on his chest, my eyes then widened, I immediately pulled my foot off of him helping him up. " sor...sorry Tony! I wasn't expecting that, I'm very sorry, please forgive me. " I looked at him my eyes wide begging for forgiveness.

**Stevens Eyes**

I headed to the training room where I left my shield to train with again, I sighed speeding up my pace as I turned the corner, I grunted feeling myself run into someone, I had only staggered back a few steps, then looked down to the girl on the ground, my blue eyes widened as I franticly held my hand out speaking franticly as I apologized. I helped her up, I couldn't help but look in her blue eyes and smile. As I looked behind her, my eyes narrowed my smile forming into a frown. I saw Tony walking next to Fury, I could see Tonys smirk as he got closer, he put his arm around Kisa. "well hey there cap! " I was about to call him tin man when I saw Kisas eyes widen and she grabbed his arm flipping him pinning him with her foot, I saw Tonys shocked brown eyes widen. I laughed leaning against the wall wiping my eyes as I heard Kisa apologize helping him up, I could feel Tony glaring at me. " oh that's priceless!! " my laughter slowed Down to a chuckle. For a second there I could have sworn I heard Fury laugh, but when I looked at him, I saw an amused smirk as he watched. I continued chuckling as my gaze went to Kisa who's face was a bright red, I grinned slightly then smiled to her. " the names captain America...but you can call me Steve " I flashed a soft smile to her then nodded at Tony and Fury. I walked to the training room with a huge smile plastered on my face.

**Kisas Eyes**

I nodded and smiled waving goodbye then looked at Tony giggling. " sorry Tony, I hadn't meant to do that. " I saw Tonys smirk and he shrugged it off, I looked at Fury who nodded then spoke quickly. " Tony will show you to your new room, then he will bring you to our conference room where you will meet the advengers, you already met two so you can meet the rest. " with that he turned walking away, I looked at Tony who smiled walking forward his hands behind his back. We turned a couple hallways then finally, we were there. " here you go gorgeous, your room, 121 I hope you enjoy it " Tony smirks walking away towards his own room, I entered happily but yet, a quite large pain hit my chest, I cried out then fell to my knees my eyes going wide as a vision hit me...hard.

" you will never win Loki!! We will always win, no matter what, we are the avengers, we always win!! " I shouted flying into the air, my powers going to my hands, I saw Tony, Fury, Steve and others standing below us. Loki smirked at me then laughed darkly. " it seems that way doesn't it, the good guys always winning, the bad guys always losing " his smirk went away " well not this time!! I will rule all of misgard, and no one will stop me!! " he spat towards me as the chituri army poured out, I gasped then snarled." so be it prince Loki, I hope you can forgive me. " I said softly then charged my sword pointed to him, but he disappeared, I stopped my eyes wide and filled with confusion, I heard Steve and Tony shout, " look out!! " ~ the vision ends~ I heard someone rush into my room, as I fell onto my face with a grunt,  " Loki....he's....he's coming... " i mumbled as I heard disoriented voices but they faded away as everything went black.

**Steves Eyes**

I sighed walking out of the training room clearly exhausted. I trainedand practiced fighting for a while now, I grabbed the towel wiping the sweat from my face, I walked past the room, 119. I paused seeing Tony walk away from the room 121, I eyed him curiously then begin to walk once more. I froze hearing someone fall and cry out in pain, I saw Tony look back with curious brown eyes then we looked toward the room,121 then ran towards it. We both burst into the door a we saw Kisa on her knees slowly falling forward, her face hitting the ground with a grunt. I gasped my eyes wide then ran to her, I gently picked her up as Tony looked at me. " Kisa? Kisa, are you alright?! " I asked franticly. I heard her mumble "Loki.....he's.....he's coming... " my eyes widened as I rushed her to the medical room where Bruce was at. " doctor banner!! " I busted thought the door with Kisa unconscious in my arms. I saw Bruce, Fury and agent Coulson chatting until I rushed in, they jumped looking at me, Fury stared at me his eye narrowed. "what happened? " he growled frustrated with being interrupted once more. I held Kisa to Bruce who seemed to be lost and then nodded silently taking her to one of the medical beds gently laying her down. " I don't know what happened, all I heard was a thud, then a cry of pain, me and Tony burst through her door to find hey on get knees falling forward, I heard her say Loki, he's coming, them she blacked out. " I said being completely honest because it was the man I was. Fury looked at me nodding then placed his hands behind his back looking at Bruce and Kisa as he worked on her, my heart raced but I called myself, keeping faith that she would be just fine. I walked out frowning softly, Tony looked at me, I nodded but continued to walk, I heard Tony sigh annoyed by something I shrugged it of ignoring the selfish man.

**Bruces Eyes**

I looked at her as I inserted an I.v in her arm gently, she twitched and sighed softly. I looked at her my hazel eyes curious, I could have sworn I saw her before. I looked over hearing Steve explain what happened, I look towards her once more. I felt Fury behind me as I stood up straight turning towards him, he was inspecting her closely. " who is she, she doesn't seen like she's from earth. " I asked curiously my eyes inspecting her face closely. " her name is Kisa, she's from Asgard. I'm making sure she's on or side before she its able to join the avengers. " I looked towards Fury, my eyes wide as he looked up to me smirking. "Asgard? one out the nine realms? " I asked shocked. He nodded turning to face the silent agent who is curiously glancing over towards me him and Kisa but remained silent. I looked at them not knowing Kisa had awoken. I turned and she was standing close to my face, my eyes widened, I jumped back a few feet, she stared at me silent, her long brown hair going to her ribs, her blue eyes with a hint out gold eyeing me curiously. " who are you mortal? " she asked her voice ringing out, quite loud actually. I looked at her clearing my throat. " my name is Bruce, Bruce Banner, you must be Kisa. " she smiled nodding swiftly. " pleasure to meet you doctor banner! " she smiles blinking a couple times. I smiled as well. " its nice to meet you to Kisa. "

**Kisas Eyes**

I opened my eyes seeing fury and another man leave, I slowly say up swinging my legs over to the ground, I looked up seeing a man with curly pepper and salt hair, in a white lab coat. I stood up wobbly but quickly gained my balance, I stood in front of him curiously not realizing how choose I was to him. this mortal seems like a doctor of some sort. I watched him as he turned his hazel eyes going wide then he jumped back a couple feet. I eyed him curiously, holding in my giggle as he jumped. " who are you mortal? " I asked curiously. I listened as he cleared his throat I watched him closely af he said his name was Bruce, I smiled as he said my name. I blinked a couple times smiling. " pleasure to meet you Dr banner. " I looked around then frowned remembering my vision, I then looked at him once more smiling sadly. " if you do not mind, I must go meet the....advengers as Fury called them. " I quickly walked out before he could say anything. I walked around quickly, I saw Tony and Steve, they looked at me grinning, I grinned back weary walking to them, I looked around behind them. I felt sick to my stomach. It had only been 2 days since I came to misgard, I felt homesick, I wanted to go home, before I could meet the advengers, a red light went of as well as an alarm. I winced then looked at Tony and Steve who looked at me wide eyed, then Steve shouted. " stay here, we will be right back! " I narrowed my eyes then pushed past them running outside, I saw something fall from the sky, I gasped instantly I flew into the sky towards the falling object.


Heyo!!^-^I hope yall are enjoying my book!!!:D what's the falling object headed toward earth!? >:) if chu wanna know then read more ;) hahaha I'm evil x3

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