An Unexpected Surprise

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**Kisas Pov A Month Later**

I jerked awake feeling as though I were sick, I leaped out of bed rushing to the bathroom, I barley made it to the toilet before throwing up violently. I heard Loki rush into the bathroom, his green eyes wide with concern as he quickly walked towards me as I continued to get sick. " Kisa? Are you alright? " he asked with great concern a he spike, I nodded weakly them once more got sick. It seemed like an eternity before I shortly stopped getting sick, but it had only been 3 minutes. I slowly got away from the golden toilet and stupid shaky, Loki helped me by carrying me gently to or need, After he laid me down on our bed I looked towards the huge clock above the door and my eyes widened, it was only 5 am. I looked towards Loki who looked at me worryingly, " I'll be back, I'm going to get the doctor. " he spoke gently kissing my forehead smiling sweetly but with concern glimmering in his eyes, i nodded slightly then watched him get up and quickly leave, I sighed staring at the ceiling my stomach hurting, my head pounding and my back tightening. I waited for at least 10 minuets until Loki finally returned with a beautiful female nurse, instantly I got jealous and glared at her. why was I jealous and mad? I know Loki wouldn't cheat on me, though beautiful, Kisa listen to your self, your going crazy, Loki loves you and you only. She smiled a toothy, perfect white smile at me, I kept my straight face and.continued to glare at her, awkwardly her smile slowly went away making me satisfied. " how are you feeling right now princess Kisa? " she asked while putting a tube under my tongue. An orange screen popped up showing my temperate was normal, cottagers and spoke calmly when she pulled the tube out from under my tongue, " my head hurts, my back hurts as well as my stomach. " I felt Lokis eyes on me but I ignited out and she looked at the screen, using her fingers to move things around and she looked towards me as the screen went away. " well everything seems to be okay, but just in case, take things easy for a while, if things continue to hurt ou you continue to get sick, come see me right away. " she spoke towards me and Loki before she bowed leaving us. I looked towards loki my heart pounding. Loki climbed onto the bed and held me closely to his chest, he muttered softly into my ear, his breath warming my hear making my heart leap with joy. " everything will be okay love, just try to get some sleep. " i nodded slowly and Shut my eyescgoing to sleep slowly.

**Lokis Pov That Morning**

I slowly opened my eyes, wincing at the bright light that hit me instantly, I groaned softly careful not to wake Kisa up. I slithered out of bed and got dressed in my normal black leather pants, green short and my favorite overalls on. I walked out of the door rubbing my face then running my hand through my hair sighing totally. " Loki, my son, I heard about this morning, is Kisa alright? " I heard my mother Freya speak as she walked towards me smiling. I turned my head to face her smiling nodding as I out my hands behind my back. " yes, she is just feeling a little down, but I'm sure she will be alright. " she nodded slowly and smiled widely, " perhaps she is sick because she is.." Her voice lowers and she leans in to whisper in my ear. " pregnant? " my eyes widened and my heart stopped and I chuckled softly, " mother don't be ridiculous, there is no way she could be pregnant. " I snorted looking nervous, I then gave her a quick hug and turned speaking over my shoulder, " mother I must go, I promised heimdell I would see him today as well as Thor. " I left before she could reply, my heart racing. There it's no way Kisa could be pregnant, it is impossible.....isn't it? I mean we hadn't done it THAT much....have we? Oh gods, I don't think I'm ready for a child yet... I frowned at my thoughts as I walked toward the bifrost seeing Thor and Heimdell. I nodded remaining silent as I looked toward them. Thor grinned but went serious once heimdell spoke, " there is danger arising in the frost giants realm, as we speak,  laughfy is after Kisa, we must stoop him at all costs. "I narrowed my eyes as he spoke about my father going after Kisa, I will not let him get anywhere near Kisa. " we will have more guards on patrol from now on until they attack. " I said looking at Thor who nodded, I looked at heimdell who glared at me slightly making me feel slightly uncomfortable but I didn't show it. " Loki, may I have a.word with you? ".I heard heimdell speak towards me, I nodded and looked at Thor who left walking back towards the kingdom to talk to father about laughfy. I looked towards heimdell who walked down from his post to stand face to face to me. " I heard about Kisa getting sick this morning, I can see the babies inside her, now...I want you to listen very closely, you will be there for Kisa and help her through, I already had permission from your father to hurt you if you leave Kisa or hurt her." He growled glaring into my horrified and shocked face, after I soaked everything in I nodded looking intently in his eyes and began to speak from my heart about how I felt, " I wouldn't ever dream of hurting Kisa, ever as long as I'm alive, I'll admit, I'm afraid of being a father but that doesn't mean I will leave, I will always and forever be there for Kisa, I truly love her and her only, I will never leave her, she is perfect for me and she means a lot to me, I will never let anything bad happen to her as long as I am around, and I solomly swear to always be here for her no matter what happens, you can believe me on everything or don't, it won't matter, I will never hurt nor leave Kisa, she is my true love, she is my one and only, she is my soul mate and I will forever be there. " heimdell smiled and nodded happily to hear what I said, he walked back up to his post and looked out toward the realms remaining quite. I teleported back to Kisa and my room and my heart raced as soon as I hadn't found her in her room.

**Kisas Pov**

I walked outside not knowing what I was doing, I wasn't in control of my body anymore, I walked past Thor who grinned and greeted me but I ignored him making him confused and follow me. " Kisa, are you alright? " I remained silent and continued walking my eyes blank, I then felt his hand gently grab my shoulder making me stop and turn my head slowly to growl furiously, " get you hands off of me you filthy asgardian!! " Thor jerked his hand away his hands, his eyes wide. I smirked and chuckled darkly speaking in a dark voice, " laughfy is on his way, not now, but soon, and when he comes all of Asgard will fall, there will be fire, destruction and death. " as I spoke, Loki ran up along with lady sif, volstagg, faldryn and Freya but I couldn't stop I continued. " and no one will be able to stop us!! ASGARD WILL FALL!! and your precious little Kisa and the infants will be no more!! " I smirked seeing everyones shocked faces then suddenly I began swaying, I was so dizzy, I could feel the thing in my mind leaving, the next thing I saw was black. after a while I woke up, my head spinning and pounding, I couldn't remember anything, I saw Loki, heimdell, Odin, Thor,and Freya speaking softly. I frowned when I heard Loki angrily shout, " No!! Father I can protect her!! " Odin stayed silent shaking his head, " we cannot risk the loss of Kisa and her infants, we must send her to earth where laughfy cannot find them, she will have more protection Loki, you must understand..." Loki interrupted snarling, " no father you must understand, those mortals cannot protect Kisa, they didn't last time and she nearly died!! " Odin softly spoke and I guess he said something horrible because Lokis face was horrified then he snarled and stormed out slamming the doors making me flinch slightly, I slowly sat up holding my head looking at everyone, I stood  up slowly. the pounding in my head stopping, I looked at everyone and asked, " what's going on? What happened? " I saw heimdell rush to me and grab my face gently looking at my face, " Kisa, are you alright? How are your babies? " I froze looking at him with wide eyes when he said babies. " ba....babies?!? " heimdell looked at me, " Kisa.... Your pregnant....with twins....and you must return to misgard. " he said slowly.

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