The Unbearable Truth

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**Kisas eyes**

I jerked awake to the sound of knocking at my door, I groaned getting up walking/staggering to the door, I opened the door to see a smiling Thor looking at me, my eyes went wide and I smiled. "Thor! What a pleasant surprise! If I had known you were coming I would have looked alot better. " I saw him smile more and heard him chuckle softly.

"  I'm sorry if I woke you up, I wanted to know if you would like to come train with me. " he grinned looking at me, I smiled in return and nodded.

" of course! I would love to! Just let me get ready. " I smiled happily as I felt my cheeks heating up. He grinned and nodded. I gently shut the door then rushed to my bathroom taking a shower, getting my armer on fixing my long brown hair in a pony tail then rushed out the bathroom, I opened my main door smiling, I saw Thor grinning at me then held out his arm for me, I blushed and grabbed it gently as he led the way to the training arena. as we walked I felt cold eyes on me, I turned to see Loki staring at me, his emerald eyes staring at me Coldly but yet calmly, then I saw him turn to walk away. I blinked then heard Thor say, were here, I jumped then grinned, he walked toward the weapons. I pulled out my sword smirking, a satisfied look on my face, Thor laughed as he grabbed a sword, he smirked looking at me. " No one has ever beaten me in training, so don't...." I interrupted him by shouting a battle cry and kicked him backwards, he flew backwards then landed on his feet, his eyes wide with confusion, then he smirked and charged at me. I moved swiftly to the side and tried punched his back, he fell forward but swiftly got up and punched me in the face. I grunted falling backwards but then got up wiping the blood from my lip smirking, we charged toward each other our swords drawn, we clashed together, he was stronger then me but not by much. We both jumped back grinning, our grins disappeared as a guard franticly rushed in shouting, "frost giants!! They entered Asgard!! " I gasped then looked at Thor who growled then nodded, running after the guard who ran to where everything was happening, I ran after him panting.

" Kisa!! Go to your room!! " I heard my father heimdell shout as he killed a frost giant, I was bewildered as I ran up, Thor charged into battle with his hammer, I ignored him, and joined in, I cried out in pain as a frost giant grabbed me by the throat pinning me to the wall then froze staring at me, his red eyes wide then he smirked coldly. " it seems like your true parents are not here to save you this time. " he cackled and squeezed my throat tighter, I looked at him then kicked him, confused, my true parents? What did he mean by that? " what do you mean by my true parents? " I snarled, the giant then smirked.

"so they never told you the truth, your father is not the pathetic gatekeeper. " he stopped his red eyes wide as he fell forward heimdell behind him as he looked at me his gold eyes filled with sorrow and pain. I stared at him feeling numb and betrayed, I dropped my sword, as everyone killed the last of the frost giants, I looked at heimdell tears blurring my vision, I trembled with anger and pain. I choked out, " what......what did he mean by that.....what's....what's going on? " I felt the hot tears slipping down my face. He just stared at me his golden eyes looking sad, he stayed silent, I began to get impatient.  " WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THAT FATHER?! " I screamed my voice breaking. Everyone stopped and looked over, their eyes wide. Thor watched his blue eyes saddened.

**Thor eyes**

I had heard Kisa scream what did he mean by that father, I froze turning to see Kisa drop get sword, Her body trembling. I froze my eyes wide, I knew what was going on, I rushed over and looked at Kisa and saw the tears falling down her cheek, I frowned deeply, my chest tightening with guilt, I looked at heimdell who frowned sadly remaining quite. I looked at Kisa then to heimdell turning away. " let's give them some privacy " I shouted toward the guards outside, I walked inside, looking back one last time.

**Heimdells eyes**

I looked at her sadly sorrow hitting my chest, I couldn't speak, I just frowned seeing the tears fall from her eyes down her cheek. " please young one, I wanted to tell you, but Odin made me promise not to tell you, being loyal to the king, I kept it...please understand. " I reached out to hug her but she pushed me away snarling.

**kisas eyes**

I snarled as he reached over to hug me, i pushed him away screaming, " NO!!! That's no excuse!! All....all this time...... I believed you were my father! YOU LIED TO ME, ALL THESE YEARS!!! " I choked on a sob, my body trembling with anger, I turned and I ran, I just ran, I didn't look back. He lied....he lied to me... All these years, he made me believe he was my true father, could will not accept this, I will find the frost giant leader and I will find out the truth about my parents!! I cried running inside, past the guards, past Thor, past Loki, past everyone. I heard heimdell and Thor shouting my name running after me. I forced my burning legs to go faster, I turned and ran into Loki who teleported in front of me, I cried out and fell backwards sobbing, I screamed, ".STAY AWAY FROM ME!! " I felt his cold eyes on me as he grabbed me roughly, pulling me towards the now incoming Thor and heimdell, I thrashed violently shrieking, threatening to harm them, heimdell held me close to his chest, no matter how much I thrashed and hit him, he still kept me close hugging me tightly, I cried. " I hate you....I hate you so much! " I shouted into his chest weakly, I felt my knees growing weak, my head spinning, my vision fading, then nothing but black.

**Thors eyes**

I panted standing by my brother watching heimdell hold Kisa as she screamed and thrashed, I frowned deeply as she said I hate you. I looked at heimdell who shut his eyes tightly a tear slipping from his eyes. I looked toward Kisa who slowly stopped screaming, and passed out while heimdell held her, then picked her up, I sighed pushing the hair out of my eyes. I faced Loki who stared his eyes cold and dark, I turned and walked to my fathers chamber. I entered then bowed as I saw my father. " father, Kisa..."

"   I know my son, I saw and heard, when she awakes, tell her to come at once, " Odin looked at me, a hint of sadness in his blue eye, I nodded walking out of the room. I thought to myself. I hope she will be okay, she's just like Loki in a way. Hopefully nothing will happen, I pray to you allfather let her be safe and okay. I sighed eyes weary, it was only 5pm, I groaned tiredly, I went to my room to relax, but as soon as I laid back, I fell asleep.

**Authors Note**

Ongoing mmmmeeeeehhhhhh gggggeeeeerrrrrdddddd, what will happen? What will happen when Kisa awakens? >:) hmmmm let's see!!!! :D

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