The Truth

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**heimdells Eyes**

" please my king, let me tell her the truth, she deserves to know, she had a right to know who her true parents are, we have led to her long enough! I won't be long, just a couple days maybe a week, I will not Disappoint you my king, you know you can trust me! Please, I'm begging you my lord. " I begged on one knee looking at the ground but looked up to see Odin frowning toward me, his eye showing nothing but sympathy. I heard him sigh deeply getting up from his throne chair, his gold scepter in his right hand gripping it tightly, he slowly walked down the stairs until he reached me. As he reached me he gently put his hand on my shoulder gripping it tightly, he got on his knee as well and searched my pleading eyes, he sighed then nodded. " alright, I shall allure it, only because you are my most trusted and loyal friend and warrior. Be back by the end of the full Moon, we cannot risk having the frost giants attack and you not here, give her my regards, but may I remind you, she is still banished. " he said strongly looking at me, I nodded getting of my knee and standing straight, I bowed slightly thanking him before quickly leaving, I thought to myself. I'm coming my sweet Kisa, I'm going to tell you the truth, I'll tell you everything, I swear to it, I promise I will never keep anything from you, no matter what your are still my daughter in my eyes, I'm sorry, I how you can find it in you to forgive me for betraying you. I rushed to the bifrost nodding at the 2 guards, I took out some of my dark magic, I Shit my eyes looking for Kisa, as I found her I used the dark Maddox to take me to her. In less then a minute I was there, on a strange ship. I slowly opened my eyes, I saw horrified mortals stare at me then immediately they took out the strange black whip in a pointing it at me shouting for me to put my hands in the air. I did as I was told and then said. " I promise you I mean no Garth, I have come to speak with my daughter, Kisa, I am heimdell of Asgard, I am the gatekeeper of the bifrost. " I saw a female mortal put a finger to her eat that had a strange device, she muttered something then waited a minute, get gaze never left mine.

**Kisas eyes**

I laughed as Thor told one of his hearing stories about how he demolished a rock monster within 5 seconds. As he rambled I found my gaze to a bored Steve who played with his fries I think they we're called, he looked up towards me then smiled gently, immediately i felt the heat rise in my cheeks as I smiled back sweetly, just then fury busted through the door looking at me his eye narrowed. " Kisa.... There is a man here for you, I believe his name was heimdell. " he spoke his voice hard, Thor jumped up a huge grin on his face as he rushed out the door. I froze, I felt my stomach twist. I felt Tonys, Steve and bruces eyes on me, my body tensed up, I started at Fury not knowing what to say. I bit my lip as I slowly got up nodding then looked at them, still in shock as I thought to myself. Why in the name of Odin is heimdell here!? If he's come to apologize he can just march right back to Asgard right now. I'm still furious at him, I trusted him, I believed that he was my father, ask these years. I sighed shakily as Fury led me to where heimdell and Thor were, I felt Tony, Steve and Bruce behind us, I inhaled sharply as heimdell looked at, his eyes gentle, I'll be honest, I did miss him...alot actually. " Kisa! " I heard heimdell say as he rushed over to me gently hugging me, I didn't hug him back even though I wanted to hug him back badly. As he released me he gently cupped my face in his hands, I hissed smacking them away glaring at him coldly. " if your here to apologize you can just go back now! " I spat coldly to him. I saw him flinch sightly, he stared deeply into my eyes. " I didn't come here only to do that, I came here to tell you the truth, about everything, especially your parents, Kisa, I understand you hate me, but I realized It was wrong to keep the truth from you, I deeply and most sincerely apologize, as well as Odin. " I looked at him my eyes searching his, I felt my stomach churn more making a tight pain in my belly. I looked at his sincere eyes then slowly nodded, I looked at everyone nodding slowly. " if you wish to talk.... Follow Steve, he will doe us to the, conference room. " I said my voice cracking slightly but cleared my throat quickly. I turned my hands shaking as I followed Steve closely, he looked at me worry in his eyes but I smiled trying to convince him I'll be alright. He nodded then opened the door for us. I smiled nodding my thanks then say in a chair watching heimdell enter, my heart raced with fear and excitement.

**Steves Eyes**

I gently shut the door then walked out to where Tony, Bruce, Thor and Fury were at, I looked at Thor. " so who is heimdell exactly? " I asked as I walked next to Thor looking at him curiously. Thor looked towards me saying. " heimdell is Kisas.... Father, he isn't her real father but he made a promise to my father, king Odin who found Kisa when she was just a baby that he would take care of her and raise her as his own. " I nodded slightly, I looked at Bruce who seemed confused. " well heimdell said he wad the gatekeeper of the bifrost on Asgard, is the bifrost some type of a transporter? " I looked atThor who simply nodded. " yes, heimdell is the one who transports us if there is trouble in any one of the nine realms. " Bruce nodded slightly understanding a bit more. I looked back inside thinking about how Kisa was doing.

**Heimdells Eyes**

I looked at her taking a deep breath, I gently grabbed her hand as she stared at me intensely waiting for the truth. I began to speak. " your fathers name was haldane, your mothers name was Freya, your father haldane wad pure blood asgardian, your mother wad not, she was part chiturai, and part frost giant, laughfy, the leader of the frost giants, found out that one of his own people had formed a relationship with one from Asgard and had a child, which was you. Freya found out he knew about her relationship with your father, so she decided to run, run away with you're father to Asgard, that's when I meet them, they had the most beautifulest child I had ever seen in my entire lifetime, as they arrived, laughfy attacked, your mother and father have their lives to keep you safe, street the frost giants fled, a crying child was found by Odins room, she had been found by the written Frigga. Frigga had showed Odin the child, he thought about who would be the best caregiver, he called me and I accepted, I was to care for you and raise you as my own, but it came with a price, I could not tell you what happened and who your true parents were, I shouldn't have kept the promise, I should have told you before, I am do sorry my sweet Kisa. Please.....forgive me. " I looked at her, tears burning my gold eyes, I felt one roll down my cheek slowly. I saw Her bottom lip trembling, her eyes staring into mine, I could see the tears flowing from her eyes. I got up and hugged her close to my chest, I whispered softly. " I'm so sorry Kisa, I swear I will never keep anything from you again, I will never betray your again, I will always be truthful to you, I promise from now on no more litres, no more deceiving just the truth. " I felt her body tremble as she sobbed into my chest. I sighed holding her close to me.

**Kisas Eyes**

I sobbed onto his chest, not able to control my feelings. finally, I know the truth, it hurts but it's the truth, I'm....I'm so mother father haldane, I love you, forever and always. I Clung to heimdell hugging him tightly. " I love you father, I love you so much, I'm...I'm so sorry. I was to blind to see, to realize that all I need is you, yes I want my parents, but I know, that they will always be there, just like you heimdell, I forgive you, I missed you so much. " I blurted out sobbing gripping his armer tightly. I felt him smile and hug me more closely, I then heard him whisper. " I'll never let you go my sweet princess, I love you to my little asgardian angel. " I smiled wiping my tears away, I nuzzled into his hug happily. I looked up at him tears slipping out still but I wilted them away. I saw him smile then lean down and kiss my head, I smiled them grabbed his hand leading him out of the door then let go of his hand, I wiped my eyes as I went outside. I heard Thor, Tony, Steve, and Bruce quickly walk to me but of course Steve was the first to reach me, I giggled then looked at them happily. I looked back at a smiling heimdell, who smiled back paving his hands behind his back. I looked forward toward them, I smiled them hugged all of them. " you guys are the best friends I ever had, I looked toward Fury Who just looked at us,  I grunted giving him a hug as well, I felt him tense as I hugged him gently. He looked down art me in shock, his brown eye wide with shock. Eventually I let go smiling at all of them. I giggled looking at them them back at heimdell, my father. I walked toward him curious, I felt Steve, Tony, Thor and Bruce follow me. I styled until I was in front of him, I frowned softly. " so I guess your going to leave now....right? " I looked towards the ground sadly, I heard a soft chuckle come from heimdell, I looked up and saw his big smile. " no not yet, I am allowed to stay for at least a couple days to a week." I smiled them jumped on him hugging him. " now we can be a true family bond again, after my training that is, and if its patty with Fury. " I looked towards Fury who just simply nodded yes. I grinned happily  I thought to myself add I looked at Steve happily. My life is patching itself back up, maybe this banishment will help me learn, like it had been the list 3-2 days, I'm staring to really like misgard. Hmmmm maybe I'll stay a while longer, even after my banishment is over. I smiled sty the thought of staying longer, with Tony, Bruce, and Steve. I grinned happily low looking at everyone.

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