The Battle Begins Along With Deaths Of Many Loved Ones

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**Kisas Pov**

I felt sick, I couldn't breath, I could fell the tears build in my eyes blurring my vision when they told me everything. I choked on a sob putting a hand one my speech and my other hand over my mouth shaking my head them I quickly inhaled and growled, " no.....I'm not leaving Loki, either I stay or he comes. " I heard Odin sigh sadly and frown looking at me with his one blue eye, " I'm sorry but we need Loki here with us. " I felt the tears run down my cheeks as I felt everyones eyes on me as I glared at the wall then I shook my head then shouted, " no!! I'm not leaving!! " I ran past them bursting through the doors and running not realising I ran past Loki, I began to run faster sobbing. I transformed into my wolf form and ran faster. " Kisa!!" I heard Loki shoot from behind me, I continued to run ignoring him until I busted out the main doors that lead outside, I paused for a moment, looking back seeing Loki run towards me followed any heimdell and Thor, I turned then tried to run until I ran into him. I gasped my eyes going wide as I backed up. " no... " I folded my ears back with feat then I snarled barring my teeth towards laughfy who chuckled darkly grabbing my throat and throwing me into a wall making me change back into my human form, I cried out in pain as I smashed into the wall. I slowly opened my eyes to see heimdell and thor running toward me. I slowly got up my head spinning as heimdell picked me up gently as frost giants began to run out fighting the guards with deadly force, I looked out towards Loki to see him fighting with laughfy, I tried to cry out his name but only a whimper came out and I blinked feeling the warm salty tears slip down my cheeks, I felt Thor gently grab me and set me down as heimdell looked towards me his eyes sad then a bright light and I was on Starks tower. I tried standing but I was way to dizzy to try, I  couldn't move, I thought of Loki and I began to cry curling up into a ball hugging myself tightly, I heard a faint voice that sounded like Tony, then footsteps rushing towards me.

**Tonys Pov**

As i talked to bruce and steve i heard a loud thump on the very to of my building, my heart leaped for joy hoping it was Kisa, I ran up the stairs shouting, " Kisa? is that you?! " I heard Steve and Bruce running after me, I had a huge from on my face that faltered rather quickly when I saw Kisa in a tight ball crying, I gasped running towards her. I quickly sat down pulling her into my arms trying to sooth her as she cried and clung to me, " Kisa...Kisa listen to me, what happened? Why are you here crying? " I spoke in a calm gentle voice as Steve and Bruce ran over kneeling beside us, I heard her trying to speak, " laughfy attacked Asgard, trying to get me, and.....and...." She trailed off then began sobbing more making me frown, " you and what kiddo? " she whispered, " I'm.....I'm pregnant, he's trying to kill me and my babies and he's trying to take over Asgard, then misgard.... " I gasped and widened my eyes looking at her belly to her, I looked at Steves face which was twisted with anger, sadness and horror as well as bruces, I gently picked her up as she cried into my chest. I kissed the top of her head and brought her downstairs in my living room getting her a glass of water, I walked toward her as she hugged Bruce who frowned speaking to her softly making her calm down, I handed her the water and she drank it quickly then wiped her face, I looked toward Steve who had a soft face looking towards her, I heard her sigh Sharply then glare at a wall. I looked at her confusingly then I jumped back when she threw the glass at the wall snarling, " who does Odin think he is, I have just put you all in danger, I'm going back to Asgard and killing laughfy once and for all as I have with malekith. " she stormed up the stairs then we all heard her scream out, " heimdell, bring me back, now!! " I looked at Bruce who got up and followed her. A moment of silence went by and she screamed once more, " damn it father bring me back, NOW!! I swear to the gods I will find a way up there and beat you senseless!! no Bruce you calm down!! " I chuckled lightly then poured myself a shot of shawrarma then heard Kisa shriek, " get your hands off of me Bruce or I swear to the allfather you will never be able to have mortal children no matter what!! " I choked and laughed putting a hand over my mouth trying to stop laughing, I heard Steve only chuckle then stop when Kisa stormed in and she glared at us, " what in the name of  gods could be so funny?! " she spat, " Loki could be dead, I'm pregnant and more people are trying to kill me, so do tell what could possibly be funny right now?! " I looked at her my smile fading as she scoffed turning and headed to go downstairs as Bruce walked in.

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