Chapter 5: Hell Is Infinite

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Cherry pulled away from King Dice and continued to gaze into his eyes. Slowly she let her mind wander until something crossed her mind. They had not looked around the Devil's office for Cherry's missing soul contract, a spark of hope ignited inside her.

"I'm going to have a root around the Devil's office" Said Cherry as she hopped off the table and walked towards the Devil's private casino door.

King Dice watched as she walked to the private casino, he knew full well she was paranoid about her missing soul contract. Gently Cherry pushed the door open and glanced around the room. The Gambling tables shined like diamonds in the light. High above on the second floor was a circle of doors one being King Dice's room, one the ballroom doors and the others were kinda a mystery.

Finally she averted her eyes back down to the door which lead to the Devil's office. Gracefully she glided over to the door and gently gave a knock on the door out of habit.

"Why the hell am I knocking there's nobody in there" mumbled Cherry as she pushed the door open, the room the exactly the same as she remembered it.

Suddenly all the memories came flooding back to her mind... everything the Devil has done. Her eyes slightly shaking in their sockets causing her to panic deep inside. Finally Cherry calmed herself down and strode into the Devil's office. The dim light illuminated the desk in front of her, the black leather chair stood tall behind it. Shelves once covered in contracts now bare and empty... not a single one remind. Cherry sighed and looked over towards the desk deciding if she should have a rummage through it or not.

With her mind finally deciding to have a rummage in the Devil's desk, she glided over towards it and around to the other side. Gracefully Cherry sat down in the black leather chair and slowly slumped down in it. Her eyes staring at the draws in front of her, finally she reach out and opened the top drawer. Stacks of papers layer in a neat pile on the wooden bottom of the drawer. Gently Cherry reached in and grabbed the stack of papers, placing them on the desk in front of her. Softly flicking through the pages as to not damage any, her bright green eyes scanned the pages. Hoping that she would find her missing soul contract within the pile.

Each and every contract in the pile was blank... but something was kinda strange to Cherry. Half of the pile had a slight yellow tinge to the paper and the other half had a slight grey tinge to it. She picked out one of each and placed them side by side on the desk, the faint lighting gently beamed down onto the desk and the papers. Her eyes scanned over the words on the yellow tinted page.

"Soul Binding Contract: This contract binds the soul of whoever signed it to hell. When they die there is no chance of them going to heaven. Unless the contract is destroyed it is permanent"

Confused her eyes glanced to the grey tinted paper next to it. Cherry's mind was wondering what could even be the difference between these two papers.

"Soul Possession Contract: This contract makes the soul of whoever signed it the possession of the Devil. The Devil will be able to manipulate and change the soul as and when he pleases. This contract is permanent and the only way to end the contract is by relinquishing the ownership back to its original keeper"

Cherry's grew wide with shock, her mind spinning with all kinds of possibilities. Aggressively she ran both her hands though her hair, having an iron grip close to the roots. Her breathing becoming heavy, tears brimming on the edge of the edge of her eyes. Cherry's heart was pounding out of her chest, her hands trembling against her head. Tears were now streaming down her face, staining her checks as they traveled down. Her vision now blurred, making the room hazy.

After a while she finally calmed down enough to think clearly once again. Gently she put the contracts on top of each other and placed them on one side of the desk. Swiftly Cherry pulled the handle on the next drawer down and gazed inside. A black box wrapped in a crimson red ribbon with a small tag hanging off the bow in the middle of the box. Gracefully Cherry lent down, grabbed the box and placed it on the desk in front of her. She grabbed the tag and read the message on the other side.

"Happy 21st Birthday Cherry, Love Father, Mother, Alexa, and Jaxon xx"

Cherry's mouth flew wide open at the writing on the tag. Her mind was now starting to fill with confusion, tears brimming on the edge of her eyes. She placed both her hands over her mouth in shock.

"My birthday isn't until a couple of weeks... why the hell would I have a gift from my family... better yet why would I have a gift from my family they're long gone... and there is no way the Devil would have given me this... would he?" Cherry mumbled to herself as she continued to stare at the box in front of her, her mind slowly becoming distant from reality.

Finally she stood up and placed both her hands on the desk, closing her eyes she let her mind become calm. Slowly Cherry walked to the side of the desk when suddenly a pain emanated from her chest. Quickly she knelt on the floor clutching her chest, her eyes shaking with panic. Her eyes averted down to her chest to see her heart turning black from the centre and the veins turning a purple black colour. Clenching her teeth tightly shut so a scream would come out of her mouth.

As quick as the pain had come it faded away again. Cherry collapsed flat out on the floor, heavy breathing and tears streaming down her face. Steadily she placed a hand on the edge of the desk and picked herself up off the floor. Cherry felt the same weakness as when the Devil was biting her neck and draining the life out of her. She steadied herself against the desk with both hands either side of her, her heart still racing from the previous events. The black slowly faded from the veins surrounding her heart and her heart itself.

Suddenly Cherry was flung across the other side of the room, crashing into the empty shelves. The shelves shattered from the force and came tumbling down on top of Cherry. Quickly she curled up into a ball to protect herself from the falling shelves. The crash echoed in the office... then there was silence until a faint chuckled emanated in the surroundings. Cautiously she moved her hands away from her head and looked over towards where the chuckling was coming from. Finally her eyes were graced with the presence of the Devil.

"Miss me my dear" Chuckled the Devil as he placed a hand on the edge of his desk, glaring down towards Cherry who was currently sprawled out on the floor with the broken shelves surrounding her.

"Of course not" Growled Cherry as she tried to pick herself up off the floor, a shock of pain coursed through her body.

She quickly fell back onto the floor, her vision now slightly hazy. The Devil chuckled again and looked down towards Cherry who was clearly growing weaker by the second. Just like he had planned from the beginning. Majestically he strode over to Cherry and knelt down in front of her. Forcefully he placed a hand under her chin and tilted her head up to look directly into his eyes.

"You may think you're smart in working out the tricks I used here... but I've always been one step ahead of you from the start and you've only now realised it" Said the Devil as a sinister grin grew on his face, a smug look completed his face.

"You're the last Debt Collector... and I plan to make your demise as brutal as I physically can" Continued the Devil as a menacing laugh emanated from his mouth and filled the room.

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