Chapter 8: Friends Are More Than Just Family

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The next morning Cherry woke up before King Dice, he was still sound asleep. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, walking over towards her bedroom door. Gracefully Cherry grabbed her silk dressing gown off the back of door and swiftly slipped it on. She shivered slightly at the cold touch against her soft and delicate skin. Quietly Cherry walked out of her room and closed the door behind her, making her way over to Cuphead and Mugman's room. Peaking inside she saw the pair of them both fast asleep, a small smile on her face as she closed the door behind her. Swiftly Cherry made her way to Elder Kettle's room and peaked inside to make sure he was alright, he was peacefully sleeping. Quietly she closed his door and made her way downstairs into the kitchen.

Swiftly Cherry began to make breakfast for everyone in the house. She was so focused with the food she didn't take any notice to the shuffling coming from upstairs. King Dice was standing in the doorway leading from the living room to the kitchen. Stealthily he walked up behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist. Before Cherry could scream, King Dice quickly clamped his spare hand over her mouth. Quickly began to struggle against his arms wrapped around her figure.

"Doll, Doll, Doll calm down it's me Dice" King Dice Said as he rested his head against the top of Cherry's, trying to calm her down slightly.

Cherry relaxed hearing his voice, then glanced over her shoulder to look at him. Her mouth still covered by his hand, her waist pinned against King Dice's body. She mumbled something into his hand and continued to look over her shoulder at him. King Dice removed him hand from Cherry mouth and wrapped it around her waist with the other hand along side it.

"Was that really necessary?" Said Cherry as she gave him a kiss on his jawline, then relaxed against his chest feeling safe in his embrace.

"I didn't want to surprise you then you wake up the entire house that's all" Replied King Dice as he played with a strand of Cherry's long brown flowing hair between two of his fingers.

"Fine you win this time Dice" Said Cherry as she turned around, still in his embrace, looking up at him then placing her head against his chest.

That's when she finally noticed he wasn't wearing anything but his underwear. Her eyes went slightly wide.

"Dice are you insane? What if my family see you like that" Cherry whisper-Shouted as her eyes were looking up and down at King Dice.

"I didn't really think of that" Replied King Dice as he let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck glancing down at the floor.

Suddenly the pair of them heard shuffling from up stairs. Both of the glanced at each other horrified the up at the ceiling above them.

"Here take this" Said Cherry as she slipped her silk dressing down off and shoved it into King Dice's chest.

When they both hear footsteps, King Dice quickly slipped the dressing gown on and looked over towards Cherry. She was over by the work top putting everything onto plates. Finally the footsteps grew softer on the ground until Elder Kettle, Cuphead and Mugman where walking into the kitchen.

"Morning you two" Said Elder Kettle as he went and sat over at the dining room table in the kitchen, gently running one of his eyes to try and wake himself up.

"Morning you lot" Said Cherry as she picked up five plates and carried them over to the kitchen table, setting one each in front of Elder Kettle, Cuphead, Mugman and two empty spaces.

Both Cherry and King Dice sat down at the table, the whole five of them began eating, having a laugh and enjoying themselves. Once everyone had finished, Cherry placed everything into the sink and went over to the doorway where King Dice was waiting for her. Both of them headed upstarts to get ready for another day refurbishing the Casino. It didn't take them long before they were on their way to the Casino, Elder Kettle, Cuphead, and Mugman said they would be down a bit later to help out. King Dice and Cherry walking hand in hand all the way to the Casino.

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