Chapter 11: New Start With Hostility On The Side

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Cherry kept it to herself that her family was still alive, she knew it would lead to chaos if anyone found out. She kept the outfit and the note which came with it hidden in the box it came out of. The rest of her birthday consisted of the whole group of friends spending time together and enjoying each other's company. It was five months later and the entire Casino had been refurbished, ready to be opened once again. Cherry's senses seemed to have become insanely strong, like she could feel the presence of anything and anyone near by. More specially it seemed to be she could feel someone watching her.

It's the day before the Casino is being opened. King Dice and Cherry were adding the final few touches of decorations to the Casino before the new workers were to arrive. The workers were coming to collect their work uniform and for a proper tour of the casino before the grand opening. A couple of hours later the finished the final decorations and were now waiting for the workers to arrive.

"Are you okay?... you've been really distance" Said King Dice as he wrapped his arms around Cherry's waist and rested his chin on Cherry's head.

"I'm fine... I guess I've just had my mind occupied" Replied Cherry as she wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head against his chest.

Cherry couldn't tell him about her family being alive.. as much as she wanted to she just couldn't bring herself to do it. Before King Dice could even ask what was on her mind there was a knock at the door. The pair of them looked over towards the door.

"Come in, its open" Said King Dice as he unwrapped his arm from around Cherry and turned fully to face the Casino doors.

The doors opened and seven people walked in. Both King Dice and Cherry walked over to the and greeted them. One seemed to be a group of alcoholic glasses, which were clearly not sober at all. Another was a giant floating 8-Ball, with a pair of eyes and a wide mouth. There was one that seemed to be a cigar in and ashtray scooting along the floor. Another was a domino piece with a top hat on top and a bow in the middle, almost like conjoined twins. The next one was a skeleton horse, with a visor and floating on a blueish platform with no lower body half. Another one was a white rabbit in a blue suit, with a slight twitch and easily looked like and insane magician... and not the good kind either. Finally was a roulette wheel, who seemed very posh right off the back without even a word being spoken.

"Everyone this is my partner Cherry" Said King Dice as he wrapped an arm around Cherry's shoulder and pulled her slightly closer to him.

"We.... we're... the.... the... Tipsy... Troop" Said one of the three alcoholic glasses, hiccuping in between each word.

"I'm Mangosteen" Said the giant floating 8-Ball, with the large mouth and eyeballs.

"I'm Mr Wheezy" Said the cigar in the ashtray, who was coughing slightly probably from the amount of smoke coming off it head.

"I'm Pip... and this is my sister Dot" Said the top half of the domino with the top hat placed on its head, and the bottom half gave a little wave with a small smile.

"I'm Phear Lap" Said the skeleton horse, with the blushes base hovering off the ground.

"I'm Hopus Pocus" Said the rabbit with the slight twitch sitting inside a top hat, looking almost crazy insane.

I'm Pirouletta" Said the roulette wheel as she cupped both of her hands in front of her.

"It's a pleasure to make all of your acquaintances" Replied Cherry as she gave them all a soft smile, placing both her hands behind her back.

"Follow me and I'll give you all a tour of the Casino" Said King Dice as he gestured towards the Casino floor behind him.

That's when the group started to follow King Dice towards the grand staircase. Cherry didn't move for a second, Pirouletta stayed behind for a few and glared at Cherry. Pirouletta glided over towards Cherry and stood a couple of inches in front of her.

"You shouldn't even be here... one of the Devil's Debt Collectors you should be down in Hell... tomorrow when me and the others finally expose you for going behind everyone's back... I can't wait to see you destroyed... just like the rest" Growled Pirouletta as she shoved Cherry back slightly, jabbing her right over her heart causing Cherry to have pain course through her body.

Pirouletta scoffed and walked off to quickly catch up with the group. Cherry was standing there shocked by everything that had just happened. Slowly she glanced over her shoulder to see the group walking around the different Casino tables.

"What was that all about?" Cherry mumbled to herself as she quickly caught up with the group, her mind was slowly getting consumed with all different thoughts.

As they were all walking around it took Cherry back to the first time she was in the Casino. When King Dice was showing her how everything worked, how that games were played... and the first time she actually kissed him even if he was slightly drunk. Suddenly Cherry was snapped out of her thoughts when she realised they were back where they started.

"That's basically the entire Casino" Said King Dice as he finally came to a stop and glanced around at the group.

"Uniforms are on the table closest to the door... each ones got your names on so its easy" Continued King Dice as he gestured towards the table closest to the front doors of the Casino.

"I've gotta sort some things out... you're all welcome to look around again if you wish" Continued King Dice as he turned away and went towards the private Casino, leaving Cherry with the new workers.

Once King Dice was out of the Main Casino and into the private Casino, the entire group of workers turned towards Cherry. An almost demonic grin plastered on each of their faces. Cherry's eyes were darting over the whole seven of them, not losing any composure that she had. Gradually they all started to form a half around Cherry, with the wall behind her she had no escape.

"A Debt Collector who's weak and pathetic... that's a first" Taunted Mr Wheezy as a chuckle left his mouth, glancing towards Cherry with a devilish smirk covering his face.

"Getting the Devil to destroy the lives of who dealt with him" Continued Dot as an annoyed expression covered her entire face, her eyes could easily burn holes in the walls.

"What... are you guys on about?" Replied Cherry now started to become agitated with the entire group, she worked out the Devil had done something to all of them and were blaming the Debt Collectors.

"You Debt Collectors take away families... destroy anything that meant the world to the person the dealt with the Devil" Snapped Mangosteen as he clenched his fists trying to control his anger.

"So to destroy the Devil... we're going to destroy the last precious thing he has... and that's you" Continued Pher Lap as a smirk grew on his face.

Cherry was just standing there not seeming phased by the situation going on around her. She was trying to work out what was really going on with this lot.

"Tomorrow will be your last day here" Said Pirouletta as she walked towards Cherry, glaring down at her as Cherry glared up towards her.

After a couple of moments of staring Cherry swiftly slipped around Pirouletta and walked out of the gap in the half circle. Everyone turned around and watch her open the Casino door and walk out without looking back. Once she was outside Cherry lent her back against the door and slid down, hugging her knees to her chest. Tears were slowly forming in her eyes.

"This can't be then end... can it?" Cherry Said to herself as she placed her forehead on her knees and let the tears fall from her eyes, staining her cheeks as they fell.

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