Ready to Train?

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I had been training with Mia for a week now, the training's getting more intense with every passing day.

We started with simple things like sit-ups and push-ups, then moved onto more complicated things like sprints and laps.

After every training I would shower in warm water, then cold, giving my muscles a proper treatment.

I hadn't gained any injury's this past week which was good, because my first day in the maze is today.

I got out of the shower that morning, the water still running down my body from my wet hair.

I walk out of the bathroom and hurry down to the kitchen. Sarah is a cook so I managed to bargain with her so I would get a little extra food this morning.

I don't wait in line, and instead skip straight to the kitchen door. I open the door and spot Sarah, plating a rather large plate of food.

She spots me and runs over, handing me the plate of food.

"Thanks, sweetie," I say, before kissing her forehead and running off to my table.

"That's a lot of food greenie!" Melony says, staring at my plate.

"Yeh well Sarah got full, I told her Ide eat the rest," I said, making off the quickest excuse I could think of.

"It's okay, she'll need it," Harriet says a proud smile playing on her face.

"Think your ready greenie?" Mia asks, staring straight into me.

"Yeh I think." I say, poking at my bacon with my fork.

"Good. You did well in training, you'll be good in the maze." Sonya says approaching our table.

We all eat out breakfast, creating small talk along the way. I tried not to eat too quickly but damn was Sarah a good cook.

20 or so minutes pass and everyone's left the table except Mia and I.

"Now when we first get in the maze we'll sprint to the first section, then well slow down for a bit. Every hour or so we'll have a water break, and eventually, we'll stop for lunch." Mia explains.

"I've already filled your pack, it's beside your hammock," Mia says, gesturing to the part of the woods where my hammock is.

"Go get ready, ill meet you at the east door in 15 minutes," Mia says, before getting up from her seat, and running off towards the homestead.

I finish off my food and begin walking back to the kitchen. I open the door to see Sarah cleaning up the dishes. I walk in and set my dirty plate beside the sink.

"Hey Y/N. How was the food?" Sarah asks, taking her eyes off her task.

"Brilliant!" I say, a wide smile developing on Sarah's face. 

"Good, you'll need it. when do you leave?" Sarah asks, going back to cleaning her dishes.

"In about 10 minutes," I say, giving the small girl a hug.

She takes my hands in hers and makes me stare straight into her eyes. I recognize those eyes...

"You remember your promise right?" Sarah says, squeezing my hands.

"Of course, and I intend to keep it," I say, squeezing back.

"Good." She says, letting go of my hands. "Just be careful." 

"I will," I say, before kissing her forehead and running off.

--time skip--

With my hair tied up and my pack on, I'm waiting at the east door for Mia.

I see her jog over from the homestead, 2 water bottles in hand.

"Have an extra. You'll need it." She says, handing me one of the cold bottles.

"Thanks," I respond, shoving it in my side pocket

The ground begins to grumble, knocking me off my feet.

Mia quickly helps me up, as I watch the doors open once again.

They opened every morning, I just never saw it up close.

The latches unlock and the doors start sliding. My mind is still having trouble figuring out how this could even be possible, but it is.

The doors finish with a band, signaling that they were done opening.

"You ready?" Mia says, turning to face me.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I say, turning to face the dark, mossy hallway.


Short chapter YEET! Sorry, it was short I just like miniature cliffhangers. Oh also don't forget to vote! It means a lit knowing people actually read this crap. But thanks for the people who do! Love youze all!

-Sophie <3

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