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The two boys and I talked for a few more hours. I was glad I wasn't alone this time, last time I was in the slammer I was on my own for hours on end.

Newt explained to me how the 'glade' worked, and it was almost exactly the same as the girls. He talked to me about glader slang, which was so much simpler than the fields slang. Stickbrain was pretty close to Slinthead, and the glader lingo just rolled off the tongue better. He told me about the jobs, and even showed me a bad map of the glade.

It was weird. Everything was set up the same as the girls, but it just looked different.

Newt told me that every month they get a new glader in the box, but they've never had a greenie come from the maze.

The box. That reminded me of the name WICKED, that was plastered on every single crate in the box with a bright green.

Newt continued.

"The greenies usually don't run, we always catch the-"

"What's WICKED?" I say sharply, cutting him off.

Newt looks at Minho, staring at him for a breif moment before sighing heavily.

"Were not sure, but we think their the people that put us here. The people that built the maze and the people who send us new greenies every month." Newt says, not making eye-contact once.

"There are these little machines called bettle blades. They look like little metal lizzards. We think thats how they watch us." Minho explains, using his hands to mesure the size of the creatures.

"Have you ever trie-"

"Yeah. They're to fast to catch, and even if we caught one, how would we turn it off quick enough before it escaped again." Newt says, shuffling so he's sitting on his knees.

"Oh," I say, planting myself on the floor.

"Everyones asking about you, you know." Newt says, picking at the grass with his dirty fingers.

I stand back up and walk over to the bars. "What do you mean?

"We've never had a girl before. All the boys are curious." Newt says.

"How many others are there?" I ask, anticipating an answer.

"About 50 or so." He says, still picking at the ground.

A shiver runs up my spine.

50? I think, the back of my head starting to hurt more than before.

Minho looks up from the floor and notices my panic, immediately jumping at the chance to calm me down.

"Don't worry though! None of them will hurt you, because if they do, ill kill them myself. You have my word. Besides, they would run for their lives after seeing these muscles." He says, flexing his brown biceps.

Newt and I start laughing, and i throw my hand to my stomach, desperate for breath.

The sudden movement of my arm had caused a stinging sensation to go off in my bicep.

I hiss, pulling the boys attention from the joke to my arm.

I remove my hand from the part where the pain was, to see my white shirt stained with a dark red patch, more spilling down my arm.

"Oh I forgot about that." Newt says, shuffling to a stand and moving to the door.

"Its okay really im fine." I say, hissing again and applying my other hand to the wound.

"How'd this happen greenie? It wasnt there when you came out of the maze?" Minho says, prying my hands away to examine the cut.

"When I first woke up I wondered if I was dreaming, so I got a scalple off the table and cut myself. You dont feel pain in dreams, unless you want to." I say, looking at the blood stained tee.

"Well we'ed better get you fixed up. You'll need stitches." Newt says, taking the keys off the floor and unlocking the door.

"Don't run okay?" Newt says, unlocking the cage door and swinging it open.

"Alright" I say, letting minho help me out of the pit.

I stretch my legs, shaking out every last strain before yawning, and settling back down in my body.

Newt ushers me to follow him, and he starts walking towards the homestead, minho just behind me.

Gladers look my way, every jaw dropping when they spot me.

"Newt." I say, tapping his shoulder. He stops and turns around to look at me. I point at the boys gawing at me, and give newt a slighly frustrated, yet uncomfortable expression.

Newt looks at the boys with a scrunched up face. "Back to work Shuck faces! Shes only been here a few hours no need to drool over her just yet." He yells in an angry tone, causing all the gladers to quicly look away.

Newt gives me a quick smile and i giggle, before heading towards the homestead.

He leads me up the stairs and into one of the medjack rooms, ushering my towards the bed.

Minho walks up to the door, and begins to enter, before newt stopps him. He blocks the doorway with his whole body, his eyes meeting minhos.

"Its fine Minho, we only need one person to do this job." Newt says, staring angrily into minhos eyes.

They stare for a good minute, before Minho gives in and walks away. Newt closes the door and sighs, his face wridden with guilt.

What was that about? I think, before shuffeling in my seat to make myself comfortable. Newt must have heard the uncomftorbale noise, because it didn't take him long to snap out of his reverie and get back to his task.

He walked over to some cabinets and grabs some supplies. A needle, some string, a few bottles of liquid, some tissues, and a bandage.

He walks over and sits on the chair next to the bed.

"Do you mind?" He says, referring to my shirt.

"Go ahead." I say, relaxing my arm.

He pulls the shirt sleeve up, revealing the gross bloodied cut.

He hisses at the sight, then quickly gets to work.

He pulls the thread through the needle, whilst applying a clear liquid to the cut that makes all the feeling in that areas go away.

He brings the needle up to my arm.

"Ready?" He asks, the needle now less than an inch from my arm.

"Just go." I say, clenching my eyes tight.

There's silence for a few seconds, then I feel newt pull back, landing back in his chair with a thud.

"All done," He says, organizing the supplies back into its cabinets.

"Seriously?" I say, touching my arm and feeling the stitches stretching across the gash.

"Yeh that's it. That liquids a miracle liquid hey? We're only supposed to use it in emergencies, but as long as you don't tell anyone they'll never know." He says, spinning around to wink at me.

I giggle, agreeing with ever word.

Our moment was cut off my an ear blasting siren, so loud I covered my ears with my hands.

"Shuck I forgot." Newt says, quickening his pace.

"What?" I yell over the noise, barely hearing myself speak.

"It's the greenie alarm."

Hi.... I think my writings getting better yay! Don't forget to vote if you liked it! If you vote more people get to read my story and that makes me really happy {)

-Sophie <3

She's The Greenie (Newt X Thomas X Minho X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now