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-Thomas's P.O.V-

I threw up. A clear, sticky liquid rising from the deepest pits of my stomach. I chucked again, this time feeling the raw scratching of my throat, as whatever was in my stomach scratched against it. And again, this time making my eyes water, as I felt the thick, blubby liquid rise.

I steadied myself, my hands shaking from the sickening session I'd had only a moment ago. The room is so dark I couldn't see a thing, just the blackness around me, along with the slightly grey tint in whatever I was throwing up.

The room I was in shifted sideways, throwing me against a wall, causing me to hit my ribs hard. I stand up, feeling for a roof above me as I rose.

I stood fully, resting against one of the walls so I could catch my breath.

The room shifts again and i fall over. I hit my head against the corner of the box, feeling the blood pour out.

Small white lights start to fill the little gaps in the cage walls, moving quicker with every passing second. I looked above me and peered through the gaps in the cage roof, only to see a metal roof not far away.

The room was only verry small, so there was nowhere to go to avoid the enevitable crash. I stagger to me feat and run to the closest wall, resting my fists against it.

I start to bang my fists on the walls, creating an ear peircing sound.

"HELP!" I scream out into the empty walls, my words coming out a little shaken from the scratching in my voice box.

"SOMEBODY HELP!" I yell again, knowing full well no one is going to hear me, and that no one is going to help.

I look up to see the roof only meters away. I duck onto the floor, covering my head with my hands. I let out a deep, manly scream, before feeling the box jolt, and come to a sudden stop. A little green light above me flashes green, before finishing with a ding.

For a few seconds nothing happened, but after a moment the ear piercing shriek of metal onn metal sounded from the roof above me.

A small line of light started to apear above me, growing by the second.

I pushed my sprawled body into the corner, watching the whit light fill the box. When the roof was fully opened, I saw nothing but white, and a few dozen black figures towering over me.

One of the people jumped into the cage, landing with a metalic thunk. He had blonde hair and white skin that was littered with a dozen or so freckles.

"Day one greenie." The boy says, pulling me to my feet.

A few people pull my squirming body out of the pit in the floor, and throw me to the ground. They all surround me in a circle, looking down at me with hungry eyes.

Where the hell am I? I think, watching the boys rathe at me.

I jump to my feet and do the only thing i can think of. I run.

I sprint through the crowd of boys. The action is followed my countless shouts and giggles. I run out into the open, letting my shaking legs carry me along. I run forwards, my head to the floor, but as soon as I lify my head, I see four massive walls towering around me. Caging me in.

What are-

The thought was cut off by my body suddenly shifting. I felt a pair of hands shove me to the side, and I went flying. I hit the ground, using my hands to take most of the weight, but my hands are pushed from underneath me when someone sraddles ontop of me, and holds me in a lock.

I struggle against the restraints, but its not doing much to shake the person ontop of me.

"Let go of me!" I say, trying to fling my arms in every direction I can.

She's The Greenie (Newt X Thomas X Minho X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now