The Glade

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A gun. That's all they gave me a gun against these 20 cranks.

"5 of them have to die. It's your choice." The man says, leaving the room.

I look at the faces of the cranks. I know all of them. We know each other, well, used to know each other. We were friends before they were driven mad by society.

The chains around their necks were the only things stopping them from biting every inch of my quivering body off.

I pulled the gun up to my eye level, trying to hold it steady through the shaking of my hands.

"Do it now." A voice calls over the loud speaker. "Do it now or die."

I hold the gun up, aiming it at the first crank, and pull the trigger.

The sound of a gunshot can be heard, followed by a life threatening screech.

I scream and sit up, hitting my head on something as I go.

I pull both my hands to my head, holding it with both hands. I wince in pain, pulling my knees to my chest.

I feel the pain in my leg and pull back the sheets.

A bandage runs all the way from my leg, around my stomach.

Perfect. I think, swinging both my legs over the bed.

I look around the dusty room. There's bottles of liquid and bloody tissues strewn everywhere.

I stand from the bed, my leg stinging a little from the cut.

The cut... I think, feeling my stomach drop.

I run over to the window in the room and look out.

I'm in the field! But it's different.

Everything looks older and in worse condition.

I hear a group of people laugh, and go to look in their direction, but I didn't get a chance to before the door slams open.

I jump backwards, pulling myself into a fighting stance.

Standing at the door is someone with short blond hair.. a boy?

My eyes widen and my jaw drops.

What the stick? This has got to be a dream.

I grab the scalpel on the bed side table and bring it up to my arm, slashing downwards.

I scream with the pain, and fall onto the bed.

"What the shuck was that for?!" The boy says, running over to me.

I throw the knife, pinning his shirt to the wall behind him, the knife less than an inch from his face.

I grab one of the other scalpels and press it to kids neck, forcing the boy to hold his hands up in defense.

3 other figures come running to the door, pausing as soon as they saw the scene unfolding.

"Newt you got done by a girl?" The tallest one says, an amused smile appearing on his face, causing his cheeks to lift and his eyes to disappear.

I chuck the boy a sarcastic smirk, then throw the knife at him, hitting his right arm.

He falls over, the other two boys coming to his aid. I take this as my chance.

I run past the boys, looking down the hall. I'm in the homestead, I know my way around.

I sprint down the stairs and out the door, heading for the maze.

I sprint as fast as my legs can take me, completely ignoring the burning sensation in my leg.

I sprint past multiple people, too scared to look whether they were boys or girls.

I hear footsteps behind me getting closer, but that doesn't stop me.

I sprint faster, only a few meters from the doors.

I step one foot on the cold stone, before I feel myself being violently tacked over, hitting my head on the ground with a smack.

"Ass hole." I say, kneeing the person in the crotch, before rolling them over, and pinning them to the floor.

A bunch of other people start to run over, gathering around us in a circle.

I look down at the boy and see the one from the medjack rooms. The one I threw the knife at.

He has a massive smirk on his face, and he's just looking at me, not phased my the situation.

I tighten the grip on his wrists, anger building inside of me.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me? With what?" The boy says, staring into my eyes.

I loosen the grip on his wrists and stand up, giving him some time to gather himself.

The tanned boy stands up, pulling my hands behind my back. This is dejavu.

He pulls his head around to look at me.

"Welcome to the glade greenie."

Yay! Umm also if you couldn't tell the guy you threw the knife at mad Minho.... just Incas enough we're confused. Anyways thanks for reading don't forget to vote! Luv yas!

-Sophie <3

She's The Greenie (Newt X Thomas X Minho X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now