Deciding Time

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Sonya falls off her chair.

Harriette chokes on her bacon.

Sarah and Mia stare at me in surprise.

And Melony is rolling on the floor, laughing.

"Wait you want to be a runner?" Melony giggles.

"Yeh what's so wrong with that!" I say, an embarrassed flush overwhelming my complexion.

Did I say something?

"No body just wants to be a runner. Most people avoid it if they can," Harriet explains, giving me a questionable look.

"Why do you want to be a runner anyways Y/N?" Sarah asks curiously.

"I'm not sure. The maze just calls for me. I want to be able to explore! I want to be a part of helping finding a way out of here!" I say, holding my hands up in defense.

Harriet sighs and looks at Sonya.

"Well you've got the speed." Sonya says.

"And you're pretty smart for a newbie." Harriet says.

Sonya and Harriet stare intensely at eachother, then they break.

Sonya sighs under her breath.

"We'll have a gathering tommorow, then we will decide what to do." Sonya says, giving me an intense stare.

"YES!" I yell, a stupid massive smile on my face.

"You can have tommorow off, we'll have the meeting tommorow morning. For now just rest, it's been a long day." Harriet says, taking everyone's now empty plates from them.

"Thanks Harriet, you too Sonya." I say, smiling at the both of them. What Harriet said only now made me realize how tired I was, I was exhausted.

"No problem Y/N." Sonya says, giving Harriet a smile.

Sarah gets up from her spot and comes to stand next to me, tugging at my sleeve.

"Come on YN, you need sleep." She says, pulling my from my chair.

"Sarah, thanks." I say, walking over to my hammock with her.

I settle down in my hammock, slowly watching the sky go dark.

"Goodnight Y/N." I hear Sarah say, as she rolls over, her back to me.

"Night Sarah." I whisper, letting the darkness over take my consciousness.

"SCREW IT Y/N!" I hear a man yell.

In front of me laid a man, blood spewing from his harshly displaced jaw.

I scramble backwards, hitting a wall, then run in the opposite direction.

I have no control over my body, there's nothing I can do to help myself. It was like I was in my body, but someone else was controlling my moments, forcing me to sit and watch as the events unfolded.

I turned a corner and screeched to a halt.

"Nice of you to join us Y/N." A guard says, gun in hand

I back up. With no weapon to fight with, there's nothing I can do.

I recognize the voice, one of the guards that stands outside my door, now stands in front of me, gun pointed straight at me.

The man and I have had many conversations, and he would always cheer me up whenever I needed it. I trusted him.

"What are you going to kill me?" I ask, hitting a wall.

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