The Maze

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The air whips my face, sending small spikes of pain through my cheeks. The maze is cold and dark, moss-covered walls tower over me everywhere I go.

Mia and I sprint through the maze, heading towards section 6.

We round a corner when Mia comes to a stop. She holds out her arm to stop me from going any further.

"Mia whats up? I ask, stopping in my tracks.

"It's section 6. It's not open." She says, staring ahead.

Infront of us is a 3-way hallway. 3 passageways, and supposedly 3 different sections.

"Which ones supposed to be section 6?" I ask, examining the walls.

"The one to the right, but its closed," Mia announces.

I walk up to the left side of the intersection, and see the far left door is open.

"This ones open?" I say, gesturing for Mia to come over.

"That's weird. That one never opened before." She says, examining the hallway.

"Should we go through?" I ask, turning to face her.

"What choice do we have?" She says, getting ready to jog down the empty path.

We jog for hours, going through twists and turns, remembering the patterns.

left left right left

Mia and I cut a vine with every turn, taking it in turns.

The doors close at 7:30, and it's about 1:30.

Mia stops to sit down and pulls out her sandwich.

"It's 1:30, lunch break," Mia says, gesturing for me to sit with her.

"1:30 already? We've been running for a good 6 hours," I say, planting myself next to her.

"Yeh well, we went a little further than we should have, after this, we should quickly head back," Mia says, taking another bite of her sandwich.

Melony had told me that no one had ever survived a night in the maze, and the thought of being trapped out here scared me.

"Will we make it back in time?" I press, worried.

"Yeh, the way back is always quicker than the way there, we just won't take as many breaks," Mia explains, moving on to her apple.

The thought of staying in the maze at night had made me lose my apatite.

"well, we'd better get going then," I say, standing up and holding out a hand to mia.

She glances at me and takes it

"Let's go," Mia says.

--time skip--

Mia and I have been running for hours, and so far we were making up for lost time, and neither of us had stopped for a drink yet.

We make it to the passage that led us to the new area and pass through it. At this rate, we would reach the field early.

We ran out of the section and down the hallway, following chopped vines.

An awful screeching sound causes Mia and I to pull to a halt.

"Is that a-"

"Greiver." Mia says, finishing my sentence perfectly.

"I thought they only came out at night," I whispered into Mia's ear.

Mia turns to look at me, her face covered with concern.

"So did I." was all she said, before turning back to look down the hallway.

I was shocked. A Greiver out in the day? No ones ever seen a Greiver and lived to tell about it.

Mia walks up to a corner, another passage leading the other way.

Mia pokes her head around the corner, only to snap it back immediately.

"Is there a greiver there?" I ask, walking towards the corner.

"Yeh, but it's not moving, it looks like its waiting for us." She says, poking her head around the corner once more.

"What do we do about it?" I ask, panic starting to take over.

Mia sighs and looks into my eyes.

"We wait." She says, sliding down the wall into a sitting position.

I slide to sit down next to her, cuddling my knees to my chest.

"Perfect," I say, burying my head into my knees.


Short chapter again sorry. I wanna see how many chapters I can get done today because I will be pretty busy with school work soon enough. Hope you're enjoying the book


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