Chp 2: Pretty Lil' Princess

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(Y/N)'s POV
I had always admired my sister. Her beauty, her charm, her grace, basically her everything. My parents wanted me to be elegant like her, but, when I failed, they used the excuse that I was too powerful to act like a princess anyways. They didn't give up with the etiquette lessons, though, but my tutor did. I give her credit, she tried for a long time, but now we just drink (favorite beverage) and chat.

Rory and I were escorted to our carriage. Two Gypsy Vanner stallions stood quietly at the front of the carriage. One was black and the other white, the colors of Crystalli's flag.

I wore a white, beaded mermaid gown with a black cape, black gloves, and a diamond crown. I sat uncomfortable in my attire, I had no idea how Milaina did this every day. Rory came in after me and motioned for me to look down. He helped take my crown off to temporarily make myself more comfortable. It was a non-stop two week carriage ride and I was expected to wear the same queen-like garb the entire time.

After what felt like years of traveling, a massive palace pierced the setting sun. We were finally there and I couldn't wait to stretch my legs... errrr I mean... meet the prince! Rory was wearing black and white, like the my Secret Royal Protection Squad would wear. Although, he was not a fan of the white and would prefer to be able to merge into darkness easier, but my parents forced him anyways.

We approached the main doors, along with our ordinary guards who surrounded us. The doors slowly and mechanically opened to reveal a fiery-bearded man. King Todoroki Enji of Endeavor.

"Greetings Princess (L/N)!" His voice boomed. "Do come in! The rest of the royal family are waiting for you in the Royal Dining Hall!" He seemed so jolly, too jolly. I got the feeling it was going to be a long night.

"I appreciate the negotiations you have made with Crystalli, King Todoroki-" I was trying to act like Milaina, but was cut off.

"Please call me King Enji! King Todoroki was my father!" Is he going to ever stop yelling? Gosh, reminds me of home... or the Kingdom of All Might or even our sister kingdom, the Kingdom of Present Mic.

"Yessir, King Enji," I curtsied and Rory bowed. "As I was saying, I appreciate the negotiations and look forward to meeting your son. I've heard he has quite the quirk," I was kissing up to the king quite badly. I had to do what was best for my country, so Rory, Milaina, and Hitoshi could live in peace.

Our guards were dismissed with word that we had arrived safely, and Rory and I were escorted by the king himself to the Royal Dining Hall.

"Welcome to Endeavor Palace, Princess (L/N) and... uh?" King Enji stared blankly at Rory.

"Sir Rory!" I answered for Rory, who had tuned out of the conversation a long time ago.

"Ah Sir Rory, an interesting quirk you have there," King Enji noticed the dark aura Rory was emitting and Rory just scowled in return. I heard faint laughter from the back of the hall and then a quick squeal of pain. "Oh that reminds me!" That screech reminded you of something?! This guy is messed up! My thoughts consisted of slight concern, but my fake smile remained unfazed. I did, however, get chill that ran up my back. I ever so slightly brightened the room, in hopes of catching someone staring at me, but to no prevail.

"These are my children! There's... uh these boys, yeah they don't really matter," King Enji barely acknowledged all, but one of his sons. "Oh and this is Fuyumi! She's nice," Enji smiled. I was trying so hard to keep my smile from twisting all up. I turned to see that Rory could care less about the roll call. Princess Fuyumi came and curtsied to Rory and I, before returning to her precious position next to a half red and half white-haired boy.

"Now this is my best creation..." King Enji announced. Rory growled and I couldn't help, but sigh when I realized that this son was treated the same way I was. A weapon. The weapon I was to marry and make more weapons with. "Shouto come up here, now," there was harshness in his voice. Prince Shouto begrudgingly walked up to where I stood. He eyed me up and down, taking in my pitiful sight. My crown was crooked, beads had fallen off my dress, and my hair was a mess. Not to mention, I had forgotten my shoes in the carriage, but my feet were covered so hopefully no one noticed.

"It's an honor to be acquainted with you, Prince Todoroki. I hope we can get to know each other well and provide for both Endeavor and Crystalli," I smiled, trying to seem like a perfect lil' princess. In return, all I received was a grunt. I used my quirk to create an illusion of still eyes, as I rolled my real ones. I couldn't believe I was to marry this self-centered pest.

"I apologize for Shouto's rude behavior. He's been going through a moody phase lately, but I'm honestly impressed with you, Your Highness. Your parents weren't lying when they said you were 'something else'" King Enji chuckled.

Dinner was awkward, but not as awkward as the ones I was used to. Fuyumi and King Enji were very curious about Crystalli, and being the great ambassador I was, I promoted the kingdom very well. Government and Speech were my easiest classes. My tutors were always impressed with how knowledgeable I was of my kingdom. As we chatted, Shouto and Rory seemed to be having a glare-off. King Enji picked up on this and called dinner to an end.

"Shouto, be a gentleman and show the princess to her room. Fuyumi, please escort Sir Rory to his," King Enji demanded. Fuyumi eagerly nodded and Shouto sighed, making me feel just peachy. I waved at Rory as he looked befuddled to the sudden yank on his wrist. Fuyumi pulled him out of the Royal Dining Hall and to his room. Shouto started walking out another way and I stumbled as I tried to catch up.

"I didn't know your quirk was speed," I joked.

"It isn't," he stated.

"I -I know... I was just joking..." I scratched the back of my neck, as I practically jogged to keep up. We passed several rooms and we walked silently, until we came to a giant window.

"Your garden is massive!" I couldn't contain my excitement as I pressed up against to window. I loved gardens. When learning about my quirk, I studied a lot about the sun and photosynthesis and later how sound affected plant growth. I became mesmerized by plants at a young age, but my mother thought gardens were a waste of space that could be used for a training field. My eyes practically sparkled as I thought of all the plant names in my head.

My amazing ears picked up a tiny laugh that was quickly covered up by a cough.

"Come on, we don't have all day," the prince motioned for me to leave the window. I struggled to hold in sarcastic remarks, but somehow managed. We seemed to be almost to my room when he suddenly stopped.

"Show me your feet." He commanded.

"Wait, what?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and repeated himself. "Um, you can't tell me what to do," I found sass that I didn't know I even had.

"I know you're not wearing shoes," he bluntly stated. My breath was caught and I realized I probably just ruined all the negotiations because of being forgetful and leaving my shoes in the carriage.

"I forgot them in the carriage," I mumbled,
overwhelmed with shyness.

"You seem different..." Shouto pondered the idea as we came to my room. "But probably not. I'll have you know, unlike you, I want nothing to do with this stupid marriage. I could care less about you or this kingdom," He spoke boldly, just like his father, and practically pushed me in my room. "Your stuff is in there, and be respectful and wear shoes next time."

The door slammed shut and I sat blinking blankly at the door. I wasn't sure what just happened, but I guess I was right in thinking it was going to be a long day. I opened my closet, but noticed none of my clothes were there, in fact, none of my stuff was in my room. I was too tired to care or notice that I was not in a Royal Guest bedroom. I walked to the window and noticed that I had a perfect view of the garden. How lucky! I thought. With a view like that, I thought that there could be a slight chance I could deal with marrying an idiot. I just wondered where Rory was located.

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