Chp 32: Freedom and Forgiveness

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Shouto's POV
"Yes, of course I will, Sho!" The melodious word's played like a symphony through my ears. A smile unconsciously grew on my face as I slid the diamond-studded ring onto (Y/n)'s left hand and stood up to steal a kiss from her. Before I could lean in, she grabbed me by the tie and beat me to it. It felt as if our lips were touching for the very first time, once again. My hands danced through her messy hair, as I pulled her closer to me. In this moment, it was just her and I. We needed not to do anything for anyone except ourselves. We had finally broken free of the chains our parents had put around our necks. We were no longer their puppet to control and were far from their reach. This kiss was our new chapter and the happy ending to what was expected to be a tragedy.

The kiss ended too soon, but we had run out of breath. Her hot, heavy breath brushed against my nose, bringing a light shade of pink to the surface of my face. She smiled and dropped her head in the crook of my neck, hugging me tightly. I returned the embrace and we stood there in the silence for just a minute. We were now ready to take on any challenge.

"You ready?" I asked, not really wanting to leave from our current position.

"Ready as I'll ever be," (Y/n) sounded uneasy, but we both knew what we had to do.

"At least the walk to the chapel will burn some calories," I tried to lighten the mood, which was a success. She let out a small giggle that made my insides feel bubbly. (Y/n) took my hand and dragged me out the door.

We took our time with getting to the chapel, after all, it wasn't like we were trying to please anyone. Before long, the glimmering stained glass windows came into view, which was accompanied by a sigh from my partner.

"Why don't you go in first? Don't want to shake them up quite yet," (Y/n) told me. I knew she was trying to be funny, but it ultimately failed. It was too obvious that she was nervous about her decision. All she wanted was for her parents to be proud of her for the choices she made. Sadly, her story wasn't written that way. She would just have to live knowing that her path would not be one in which her parents would smile upon.

I walked into the chapel and down the aisle, everyones eyes on me like lasers on a target. My hands began to sweat and I tugged at the cuffs of my suit coat. No one exactly knew how to act. I stood in my place just as I did at the beginning of the wedding and awaited the entrance of my bride. Soon enough, the doors swung back open and in walked the love of my life.

Heads snapped around to see (Y/n) walking in. Even I was shocked when I saw her for she was once again wearing the massive, glittering ball gown and her hair was pulled into a neat updo under a long veil. The orchestra picked up with Canon in D again as (Y/n) walked down the aisle. I maintained my urge to laugh as I saw (Y/n)'s parents' faces. They were clearly unsure of whether to be irritated, disappointed, or relieved.

As (Y/n) arrived at her designated spot, she gave me a wink and then smiled to everyone around her. The minister hurried back to his place and clumsily gathered the papers he was supposed to read from. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by my favorite girl.

"Do you mind if I say something... you know... after my big scene?" (Y/n) asked politely, batting her eye lashes at the minister. The minister looked confused, but nodded, signaling that she could.

"I would like to apologize to Prince Todoroki, for my actions earlier today; however, I do not take back what I said," (Y/n) turned to the congregation, receiving a collective gasp. "Yes, I love the man with all my heart, but marrying him today, here, and under these circumstances would signify nothing. This is the exact wedding that was planned a year ago when I didn't even know him! This wedding isn't about love, it's about duty. If this was about our love, our loved ones would be standing next to us and supporting us," (Y/n)'s eyes shot knives at her parents. I could see her parents trying to get up and leave, but Rory was quick to cut them off and sit them back down.

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