Chp. 5: No Control

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Shouto's POV
"You are weak! What is wrong with you?! Snap out of it!" I heard my father's annoying voice through the darkness. I realized I was no longer in the unrecognizable palace. The image of the arena came into to view, along with my father's agitated face. I was laying on the ground, so I brought myself to a standing position.

"What happened?" I rubbed my head. "Wait, where's the princess?" I noticed that (l/n) (y/n) was nowhere in sight. I saw shattered ice where I last remembered her standing.

"She was taken to the private infirmary-"

"What?! Did I really do that much damage?"

"No, Son, you were weak. She blasted out of your ice as you seemed to faint. After that, she gripped her ears, closed her eyes, fell to her knees, and started screaming. I'm not sure what happened, but this might change my mind about the arranged marriage..." my father trailed off.

"Really?!" I couldn't help, but be excited at the news.

"Watch it! A noble prince, like you, should never smile at an ally's pain!" He scolded. I realized how awful I sounded. "Now, clearly you are not strong enough to handle your power, seeing as you passed out, so you will be training with me all day tomorrow!"

"That's not what hap-"

"Silence! That's final. Now go check in on Princess (l/n)," my father turned on his heels, ignoring me. I still was so confused on what had happened, but the only way to get answers was through talking to that strange, (h/c)-haired girl.

~Time Skip~

"She finally stopped crying, but she fell asleep. You can go in if you want though, Your Highness," a nurse motioned towards (l/n)'s room. I didn't understand why she acted so delirious all of a sudden, but, then again, I acted out of the ordinary too.

I walked over and sat in the blue chair, next to (l/n)'s bed. Tears stained her face, but she still looked rather stunning. I hadn't noticed her raw beauty when I saw her before and I wasn't sure why I noticed it then. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair gripped her paler (paler than your skin tone) face. I unconsciously started smiling, a rare occurrence.

All of a sudden...


Weak... weak... worthless... mistake... must protect...

I sat up with a jolt and gasped for breath. Where am I? Where WAS I? Those memories... no it didn't happen... Mother would never...

"(L/n), are you okay?" Two eyes of different color stared into my (e/c) ones with concern.

"Wh-what? Who... oh Prince Todoroki. I'm so sorry for startling you, must have had a nightmare... yeah a nightmare. Where exactly am I?" My surroundings were completely foreign to me and I had no recollection of going there.

"Oh, right. This is my family's private infirmary. No one, outside of the royal family, will have record of your visit. I was told that, during our battle, you broke out of my ice and broke into a fit of screaming. At least, that's what the king claimed, somehow I passed out," Todoroki explained.

"Wait, you passed out?" This felt all too familiar... almost like the time when Milaina snuck up on me during training. "Did you see anything after you passed out?" I questioned.

"Actually, I did. I wanted to ask you about it. Everything went dark, but I opened my eyes and was in some sort of palace. There was a little girl, who looked somewhat like you, who planted some... dandelions, I think, outside a window. Then this woman, a mother perhaps, came and told off the proud child, forcing her to go and train. It's a bit foggy, but I remember following the two to an indoor arena. The girl made a rainbow, only to be abused by her mother-"

"No... are you sure? I thought I was having a nightmare, but this happened again?!"

Shouto's POV

She seemed stressed at what I told her. She hugged her knees up to her chest and rocked a bit.

"I'm so sorry," she whimpered. "It's all my fault. If I could control my emotions then that would have never happened. I don't deserve forgiveness, but if there is anything I could do to make it up to you I-"

"How about a walk in our garden? I'm not angry, just curious about your quirk. What do you say?"

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