Chp. 31: The Wedding Pt. 2

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Rory's POV
"Did she really just say 'I royally decline'?!" I rolled my eyes and asked myself. I could see the heartbreak in Shouto's eyes as (Y/n) rushed away from the alter. I saw my mother get up to grab (Y/n)'a wrist, so I rushed over and shoved her back, before chasing after (Y/n). What had gotten into her?!

"I can't do it anymore!" I screamed as I dramatically collapsed on the floor. I panicked. I should have handled the situation better and I should have at least told Shouto the troubles that had been going through my mind... but I didn't. Now he probably thinks I was lying about my love for him, and, after what I had just done, he had every right to.

I was just so done with letting my parents control me. They didn't even seem to care that I had almost no control over my quirk and almost died! Why should they be determining how I live my life? I wanted my wedding, not theirs. It seemed so trifling, but it really meant that I would be my own person making my own choices. I wanted Shouto to propose. I wanted to know if he really wanted to marry me, or was just being forced to. I wanted to wear my once-in-a-lifetime dress. I wanted my friends to stand next to me during the ceremony. I wanted my wedding. I wanted my life.

Emotions of every sort swarmed my room and I prayed that no one would walk in because an unintentional mirage was highly likely. Unluckily for me, my door was swung open, for I hadn't taken the time to lock it.

"What in the name of All Might are you doing, (Y/n)!" Rory's familiar voice scolded me. He collapsed next to me and out his warm hbd on my back.

"Rory," I spoke slowly, trying to stay calm, "I need you to leave. My emotions are too strong... you'll be sucked into a mirage."

"Like I really care about that right now! Plus, you've gained so much control over that! I'm not worried, (N/n)," Rory soothed. I sat up with slight shock and looked into his black-brown eyes.

"You're really not afraid of me?" I asked.

"Geesh, I thought we had gotten over this whole 'I'm a monster' thing! Of course I'm not afraid! Thanks to your mirages, I'm who I am. Now, enough with that. Why did you turn Shouto down at the alter?! I thought you loved him!" Rory threw his hands in the air out of pure confusion.

"I do! I love him probably more than he can imagine! I just can't marry him this way," I poorly explained.

"Thanks goodness you love him because I getting worried that I would have to lecture you about how I truly think he's your soulmate and in how I'd kill you if you broke his heart. Now, I'm still confused on what you mean," Rory sighed in relief, causing me to giggle and calm down a bit.

"I know I told you that we have to love and respect Mother and Father, but I'm sick of them not loving me in return! I'm just a toy for them to play with and I'm tired of being controlled all the time! If I could just have my own wedding, maybe then they could see that I'm a real person with real feelings. Maybe then they would set me free," I looked down at my hands, feeling as if I had lied to Rory about how he shouldn't hate our parents.

"It's about time you realize that. I know that we shouldn't hate them, but I'm glad you're finally aware of how unhealthy your submission to them is. You're a strong, powerful girl who I look up to, and I hate to see you so easily undermined by a couple of royal dimwits. Now, what are you going to do about the wedding. You literally ran from the chapel to the palace and left everyone speechless and Shouto broken," Rory folded his arms as I regained composure.

"I feel so terrible... I should have talked to him. I just want to talk to him and apologize..." I realized how selfish my actions were and deeply regretted what I did to my one true love.

"I'll go get him, but you owe me one," Rory sighed and laughed, me joining in on the laughter. He was about to leave when he stopped. "You know, I'm kind of glad you're cancelling the wedding."

"Why is that?"

"Because I still haven't talked to Quinn," Rory admitted before rushing away. I didn't even get to read him before he was out of sight. I knew he would use that IOU to keep me from spilling, so I grumbled at his sneakiness. I stood up and shut the door that he carelessly left open, and went to change out of my horrid dress. A pair of large fabric scissors caught my eye and, without hesitating, I swept them off the vanity they sat in and chopped off the bottom of my dress. I was left with a short, glittering white dress with a jagged edge. I unpinned my hair and pulled it back into a (h/t) pony tail, before kicking my dreaded heels off. In the corner of my room sat my worn, black combat boots. They didn't match at all, but I was trying to make a statement, not impress a magazine editor. As I finished lacing my boots, soft knock came at the door.

"(Y/n)? It's me, Shouto... y-you wanted to see me?" Shouto sheepishly asked. I swung the door open with a big smile on my face and threw myself onto him, enclosing him in a big hug.

"Oh I'm so sorry for doing that to you! I should have talked to you about how I had been feeling! I love you so much and I didn't mean to make you think otherwise!" I barely kept myself from crying, as Shouto awkwardly patted my back.

"I'm just so relieved to hear the you still love me. I was beginning to think I had done something awfully wrong," Shouto spoke dryly, but it was evident he was satisfied with what I said. I pushed off of him and he looked up and down at my interesting get up.

"Well this makes sense now," he stated. I raised an eyebrow for I had no idea what he was referring to. Obviously catching my drift, for once in his life, he went on to explain himself. "Well you cut your wedding dress and are wearing your infamous black boots... your whole show out there was obviously in defiance of your parents. Please warn me next time though," Shouto chuckled and scratched his next. He just gets me so much. This is why he is perfect, I thought.

"Sho, do you think we could cancel the wedding... I want our own wedding... one that we plan," I spoke, tilting my head downward to hide my flushed face.

"Of course, Dear, I would do anything to make you happy," Shouto said lovingly, while used his hands to force me to look at him.

"You're so whipped," I giggled, poking his nose.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Okay, maybe a little. But is that really a bad thing? I mean, you were ready to die for me so you have no room to talk," Shouto teased.

"Oh, (Y/n)... Rory gave something to me before she sent me down here, and I think it's important you have it now," Shouto said, shoving his hands into his pockets. If my eyes weren't so focused on his pocket, I would have noticed the red hue enveloping his face. My eyebrows pushed together out of curiosity and impatience to see what Rory had given him.

I couldn't see what he grabbed for he enclosed it in his hand. Nervously glancing at me, he slowly lowered himself towards the ground. It wasn't until he was finally down on one knee for a while that I realized what was happening. He lifted his hands towards mine and revealed the ring that was originally meant to be my wedding ring. My hands covered my widening smile and I had to seriously hold myself back from jumping and bouncing like a bunny.

"(L/n) (Y/n), will you please royally accept for once and marry me?"

I Royally Decline// Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now