Chp 33: I Do

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5 months after the original wedding date...

Shouto's POV
"What do you mean you can't be my best man?!" I shouted at Rory. It wasn't just the fact that he wouldn't be my best man, but that he was telling me literally AN HOUR before the wedding!

"I promised (Y/n) I would take care of something else! I can still be your best man, just not right away! She asked me last minute and I couldn't say no! She's still holding that one thing above my head..." Rory mumbled the last part.

"You still haven't told her?!" I couldn't believe that we had let that soldier girl, Griffin Quinn, stay with us for almost a year now and he still hadn't confessed to her!

"Things have been a little chaotic!" Rory made an excuse and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, luckily that'll give us an even number because I promised Kirishima he could be the flower girl. I guess we'll just have to have two girls walk together. That would be Uraraka and Fuyumi... yeah I'm sure they'll be fine with that. Just please go tell (Y/n)," I dismissed Rory who scurried back to the bridal chambers.

I looked in the mirror and wipe away a few beads of sweat that were decorating my forehead. I wasn't sure as to why I was so nervous... it's not like she was going to turn me down this time... hopefully.

"Turn around, Target Practice, I'll do your tie," Bakugo grunted, actually seeming to be nice for once. "You better treat the princess good, or I'll kill you, understand?" The calm way he spoke was all the more threatening. I vigorously shook his head which lead to him yelling at me to stop moving. We all finished getting ready and we're finally told to head out.

I walked myself down the aisle because I didn't have a mother and I wasn't about to walk down with my father. Familiar faces decorated the audience, and I gave a quick wave to the now babbling Caspian. Taking my place, I turned to see General Tokoyami walking out with Myoung. The pink-headed girl wore a (f/c) dress which (went nicely/clashed) with her bright hair. They took their places and Bakugo and Milaina walked next. Bakugo was scowling, like usually, and cursing at Milaina for crying the entire time. Following them was Midoriya and Quinn, who (Y/n) had recently became closer friends with. Fuyumi and Ochako practically skipped down the aisle together, before taking their spots on the bride side. Kirishima emerged from the entrance throwing rose petals and murmuring about how manly this all was through his tears of joy. I couldn't help but wonder where Rory was during all this, for I didn't see him in the seats. I shrugged it off and held my breath, preparing to see my beautiful princess.

She came out wearing an elegant yet minimal white gown that seemed to me as if it were made of the stars of the heavens. Her hair was loosely curled and tucked behind her left ear to showcase her scar she was so proud of. She grinned from ear to ear and took a late step, showing off the black combat boots she wore too often. Tears pooled in my eyes as I saw she was not alone as she walked down the aisle. Giving her away was not her father, for he was not invited, but the one and only Rory. I couldn't help but allow a few tears to escape and run down my cheek at this beautiful face. I covered my mouth with my hand and turned around briefly in disbelief. (Y/n) stood beside me and gave Rory a right hug before sending him off to stand next to me.

The same minister as before, in all his confused glory, began to read off the edited vows we had given him. After each line I repeated what he said, saying,

"I, Todoroki Shouto, promise to strive to be the wonderful husband you deserve. I promise that I will work alongside you, and not above you. I will love you on our best days and even more so on our worst. I promise that I will have faith in your choices and loyalty, and trust that you will have this same faith in me. I promise to grow along side of you and face future challenges holding your hand. Most importantly, I promise that my love for you is honest and more powerful than any other feeling in my heart."

I didn't manage to get through the entire thing without taking breaks to wipe away my tears. I never knew I was such I crybaby until this day.

(Y/n)'s POV
I could sense my own tears welding up as I saw Shouto getting emotional as he repeated the vows he wrote. I had always dreamed of a wedding in which my husband embraced his emotional interior. I bit my bottom lip in order to prevent myself from crying in the middle of his vows. It was finally time for me to repeat what I had written, saying.

"I, (L/n) (Y/n), promise that today I will not royally decline. Knowing that I will make a lot of stupid decisions, I promise to be honest with you and admit when I need help. I promise to work alongside you as an equal in this relationship. I will respect your needs and be your shield, sword, and shoulder to cry on, depending on which you need. I will be your biggest supporter and strongest fighter. I promise to love you day in and out, even if we argue. I would die for you, as I have already demonstrated, but I will also live for you. I promise that my love for you is true and eternal."

Gosh dang it... I didn't make it.

I stopped a few times and tried to chuckle through the tears, but I was just so gosh darn emotional. I was going to get to spend the rest of my life with my one true love. I was going to get to have a sleepover with my best friend every night!

"Todoroki Shouto, do you take (L/n) (Y/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The minister turned to Shouto and I crossed my fingers that he wouldn't try anything funny.

"I do." He said, allowing me to breath out my worries.

"And do you, (L/n) (Y/n), take Todoroki Shouto to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"You better say 'I do'," Shouto whispered so only I could hear, causing me to giggle a bit.

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!"

And that, was the best kiss of my life.

The End...

"Wait!" I watched Rory chase after Quinn as she headed out of the ballroom where the reception was held and to her room. I smiled, hoping he was about to do what I thought he was.

Rory's POV
"Wait, Quinn! I need to talk to you!" I yelled, out of breath from scurrying after Quinn.

"What is it? And why are you running?!" Quinn giggled, causing my heart to flutter.

"Well... I... you see... whenever I talk to you... I'm my heart beats at a rate so fast it's probably unhealthy... and what I think I'm trying to say is..."

"Just shut up and kiss me already," Quinn interrupted my rambling.

"I'm sorry, what?" I stood dumbfounded, staring at the confident soldier.

"I said kiss me already. It has taken you long enough," Quinn rolled her eyes and smirked, as a goofy grin twisted in my face. I stepped forward and lifted her chin up and she stood on her tip-toes, before we closed the gap that had been open for too long.

Looks like (N/n) wasn't the only one living their happily ever after.

~The End (For Real)~

I have loved this amazing journey I have been on with y'all and I can't believe it's over! However, like I have said before, the end of one story is the beginning of another, so stay tuned for my next book "Buried Treasure" an Bakugo x Resder Pirate AU.

I love y'all so much and I hope y'all know how wonderful y'all are. I live for your comments, so please comment your favorite part of the story or any questions you have for me.

See you soon~

-Mika 💖

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