Not Recovering Actually

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Hi folks! I hope you've already read the description, as it says it's a sequel. So, ENJOY ;-)

Previously Tails started to recover. But after a few days from the incident, Tails started to stay in a depressed state. He wasn't acting normal. He didn't ate or drink for hours and sometimes days. He remained anxious. He didn't talk to anyone. He could not feel any happiness or positivity in himself. He used to go to his workshop but he just sits their quietly and comes back home at night.
Sonic came to know about it a few days ago. He was extremely concerned about him. It's been days he saw Tails smiling. All he saw was emptiness. He decided to talk to Tails but Tails always stay in his workshop and says he's busy. Sonic waited for him to come home but he stayed there till late night. Sonic then decided to tell everyone else about Tails' behavior.
Sonic met all of his teammates, Amy Rose, Knuckles the Echidna and Sticks the Badger, at the Meh Burger in the afternoon.
"Guys, Tails is so not OK"said Sonic.
"But I remember he was recovering a few days ago........what happened then?"asked Amy.
"I don't know.........I tried everything"said Sonic.
"Did you asked him about it?"asked Sticks.
"I tried but he didn't talked to me........urgh"said Sonic.
"Is it anything related to the......... Chip?"asked Amy gaining everyone's attention.
"Or maybe it's that evil guy?"said Knuckles reminding everyone about Clades.
"Maybe it is him!"said Amy.
"If that's true we need to talk to Tails as quick as possible before that thing comes over him again"said Sonic while he stood up.
"I think you should talk to him now"said Amy.
"You're right Amy.......I'll talk to him now!" Sonic said as he sped off to Tails' house.
Soon he reached his destination. He knocked the door gently. No response. He knocked again. Still no response. He knocked several times but didn't get any response. He decided to open the door himself. He turned the doorknob. The door was already open. He went in but he didn't saw Tails anywhere.
"Might be in his workshop. My bad"said Sonic as he closed the door and went towards the workshop.
He opened the door of the workshop and said:"Tails you in here buddy?"he asked.
"Hmph" Sonic heard that in a very low tone. Then he saw his best friend sitting on his chair besides the table.
Sonic closed the door behind and sat on a chair next to Tails.
"Tails we need to talk"exclaimed Sonic.
"Not now-" Tails said but he was cut off by Sonic.
"I'm busy......that's what you wanna say?"said Sonic. Tails didn't responded him.
"Tails.......look at me" Sonic said but Tails didn't responded.
"Tails..........." Sonic called him again but he was not responding.
Then Sonic turned Tails' chair towards him Tails just sighed at this.
"Now look into my eyes"said Sonic while holding Tails' chin with his fingers, made them to do an eye contact.
"Tell me what's wrong?" Sonic asked in concern.
"Nothing" Tails replied.
"Sigh......Tails don't lie to me I know there is something wrong with tell me what is it?" Sonic said but he didn't responded.
"Are you thinking about Clades?" asked Sonic.
Tails nodded yes in reply. A tear fell down his muzzle.
"'s OK buddy..........come here." Sonic said and gave Tails a warm hug. They soon broke the embrace and Sonic said:"Would you mind telling me about it?"
"What do you mean?........I..I thought he already told you everything!" said Tails.
"No he didn't told me everything but I'm waiting for you to tell me" said Sonic.
Tails looked away from him and started:"It's been about five years Sonic.........I'm feeling like my past is coming back to me but I don't know why? Everything is turning like before"
"Can you tell what happened five years ago?" Sonic asked him.
Tails nodded and started:" Five years ago I felt Clades inside me when my father died. Since then Clades always told me to let him take control but I never let him. He lived inside me but he wasn't me he felt like something that came in suddenly. He told he was there to protect me. But from who I didn't know. Thousands of questions keep running through my head. I felt like my two tails weren't the only mutation.....................I heard voices"
Sonic cut him off and asked: "What voices?"
"Fallen voices" Tails replied and he suddenly his eyes closed and he collapsed to the floor. Sonic stood up and pulled him up in his arms.
"Tails Tails buddy what happened?!?!?" Sonic said in confusion.
Tails was unconscious. Sonic got very concerned about it. He placed his hand on Tails' forehead to check the temperature. He was cold like ice. "Oh no this isn't good" Sonic said as he picked him up in his arms and took him in the house. He lay Tails on the green couch. He then brought a thermometer to check the temperature. Sonic's eyes widened when he saw the temperature. It was 91.02 degrees Fahrenheit!!! Sonic stood up quickly and brought a few packs of hot and boiled water. He placed them on Tails' forehead in order to bring the temperature to normal. He kept changing the packs as nothing had an effect on Tails' temperature.
"Tails! Open your eyes bro c'mon talk to me!!!!" Sonic said.
Tails didn't responded. Sonic then checked his pulse. It was very very low. Sonic decided to take him to a doctor. He rushed to the Bygone General Hospital while carrying Tails in his arms.

At the General Hospital, Sonic was standing ultimately worried about Tails in front of the emergency room when he heard a voice from behind.
"Sonic!" said that voice. He turned around to see his rest three teammates coming towards him. They all looked extremely worried as well.
"We came as quick as we could!" Amy said.
"How is he?!?" asked Knuckles.
"The doctors didn't said anything yet.........." Sonic said as he lowered his head. The whole team was worried more than ever about Tails' health.
"Did you tell the doctors about the chip?" Amy asked Sonic.
"No.......not yet" replied Sonic.
There was moment of complete silence until a doctor came out of the emergency room. He stopped in front of the team gaining their attention.
"How is he doctor?" Sonic asked with concern.
"His body temperature is back to normal but.........." the doctor said.
"But What!!?!?!?!!" Team Sonic asked in a union.
"But we're afraid that his body temperature can fall again." the doctor exclaimed.
"Is it some kind of disease or something?" Amy asked the doctor.
"No but we have to do some tests to make sure it isn't" said the doctor as he continued:" You can see him if you want to" he said while leaving the way to the door of the room. Team Sonic nodded and went inside.
The room was quiet. Nothing could be heard except for the beep sound of a EKG machine.
Tails was resting on the bed. The Team came closer to him and Sonic putted his hand on Tails' forehead in order to check the temperature. It was normal now.
"He's OK now" exclaimed Sonic.
The rest of the team sighed in relief.
Somewhere dark, someone was spying on Team Sonic through a large oval-shaped screen. He smirked at Tails' condition and said:"Looks like it's the time". He further said:" The game has just begun!!" He laughed evilly and left the very place. To be continued..........

That was chapter #1 folks. And I'll like to tell you guys the temperature thing. When the body temperature falls below normal body temperature it appears to be deadly. It's a disease called hypothermia. Anyways till the next BYE;-)

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