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Chapter# 11 here guys! Hope everybody likes it. ENJOY ;-)

"Mom..............." Words escaped Tails' mouth. Sonic's eyes widened hearing that word while Nex stepped back.
Tails felt like he lost all control of his body. He felt his legs moving towards the source. The voice. The voice that was his longest wish to hear.
Sonic saw Tails' moving towards the source and quickly reacted. He ran to Tails' side and grabbed his arm.
"Tails, Wait buddy!!!" Sonic exclaimed.
"Mom!!" Tails said as tears started forming in the corner of his eyes.
The voice spoke again:“Miles.........”
"Mom!!!" Tails shouted again and again as he tried to release from Sonic's grasp.
Nex was staring blankly.
"Tails!! Calm down!!" Sonic said as tears fell from his companion's eyes.
"Sonic, let me go!!!!" Tails said as he was fighting Sonic's grasp harder.
"Tails! Buddy please!!!" Sonic said as he grabbed Tails' free hand as well.
The voice spoke: “Miles sweetie......come here.......”
"Sonic, let me go!! Please." Tails looked at Sonic with pleading eyes. Sonic had no clue of what he should do. Plus, at a situation like this, Sonic was so not grasping for straws. Sonic looked at Nex for some help. Nex shook his head in 'no'.
"Tails........I......I-I can't buddy." Sonic stated. Tails looked at him with pleading, disappointed, helpless and sad eyes.
"Sonic, please." Tails' voice reached its breaking point. Sonic hated to see Tails like this. But Nex said no. It wouldn't have been without a good reason. And Sonic was sure to get that reason for good.
The voice spoke: “Miles.......come here......Miles..............?”
"MOM!!!!!!" Tails shouted and kept struggling against Sonic's grasp but Sonic held him tightly.

Sonic's POV:

Tails looked totally helpless. Tears falling freely from his muzzle. But, you can't blame him! He just heard his mother's voice after who knows how long time. I hated to see him like this. I can't believe I'm the resistance between them.
My heart says continuously:"Let him go"
But the other hand, it was:"Don't!"
He screamed again and again. Shouting for his mother. I tried my best to calm him down. But it just grew worse.
“Miles sweetie.........come to me........come here....” whenever that came Tails would yell at me to let go. He tries his best, but I won't. Nex said no. I won't. For the love of chaos, Sonic! Since when did you became so heartless. Especially towards Tails.
"Sonic please...... *sniff* I beg you......let me go.......please" his voice cracked. He was crying on me. Because of me. I've never felt like this before.
"Sonic......please....."he looked up at me. His face stained with tears.
I didn't replied him. I just brought him closer and embraced him tightly.

Third person POV:

As Sonic embraced Tails, the voice stopped. The bright golden light faded away. It felt like time was frozen. Minutes passed and no one said anything. Until, Nex broke the silence.
"We.....shall carry on." Nex said.
Sonic nodded and then looked at Tails who was still sad. Sonic sighed and decided to speak:
Tails looked up at him and nodded.
Then they started walking towards another of the hallways.....

??? POV:

Great. Everything was going according to the plan. Phase #1 check. I escaped my cell with no one noticing. Now. Phase #2. Get out of this world. Currently, I'm in an underground room which was made for sorcery. Many spell books and potions surrounded the room. I'm glad to know some of the witchcraft my mother taught me. Until.........she passed.
Well, right now, I'm just confused how to open the correct portal to Möbius B-22 without merging with my other side. Now, you don't know why I wanna do that? I'm a dark soul and I'm supposed to merge with the other me. But things in my case are different. Well a few days ago, a friend of mine, Neximus, better known as Nex, just disappeared. I had little talk with him before he left that he wanted to meet Clades. I, being the only one knowing that the reason of their rivalry, tried to convince him not to do that. And now I know that Clades will be in his other parts' dimension, Nex would be there too. From major harm, I have to stop them.

"Dischiuso!" I say again and again trying to open the portal but nothing happens. I search through various spell books present in the room. I was just gonna give up.....when I found the correct spell!!!
"André Avati!!" I say as a blue portal opens in front of me. Now I feel proud. I step inside the portal and see that I'm at my destination.

Planet: Möbius
Dimension: B-22
Location: Bygone Island
Date: 17-04-3278
Time: 19:11:48

I scan the area with my red eyes. My tail swaying behind my back. A smile formed on my muzzle. The breeze passing through my white fur.

"Welcome to Möbius, Amaya." I greet myself as I begin the journey knowing that the real problems are on my tail. To be continued.......

I know it's short, okay. But its done. And one more character insert. Now we'll start the story. Don't forget to vote. See you in the next. BYE ;-)

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