Into The Fallens

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Back again after the longest of times! Sorry 'bout that. But ENJOY;-)

Sonic, Tails and Nex went inside the cave that came from behind the boulder previously. As they were walking, the cave got darker and darker every moment, until Tails stepped on something and......
The cave lit up?
"What was that?" Sonic asked.
"I have no idea...." Tails replied.
"Let's keep going." Nex said and walked past them. Sonic and Tails shrugged at each other and did the same.
After walking into the cave deeper, Tails stopped.
"What's wrong buddy?" Sonic asked wanting to know why he stopped.
"It's gone...." Tails said "I don't hear it now."
"Well that's just strange." Nex said.
"And why is that?" Sonic asked the dark fox.
"Cause I don't feel any different." Nex said "You sure they stopped here?" Nex asked turning his attention towards Tails.
"Yeah" Tails replied.
"Hmm......Let's see" Nex said as he started examining the place they stopped at. While at the same time, Sonic found something interesting too, well it was to his interest.
"Hey! what's this?" Sonic exclaimed as looked at the object. It was a circular stone attached to preferably more flatter plate of stone, connected to something that looked like a string going down and inside the ground.
"What did you found?" Tails said as he and Nex, both came close to Sonic to see what was there. And know what, before Tails or Nex could see it perfectly, Sonic pressed the circular stone. It pushed in and rumbling noises were heard. It was a trap.
"What did you did!?!?!" Nex asked getting angry.
"Uh...I don't know!" Sonic waved his hands in defence.
Before another word could be said the ground beneath the trio disappeared and they fell down screaming except for Nex who was covering his ears.
After two to three minutes of continuous falling, the trio dropped at a floor. And there was no light.
"Happy now Sonic?" Nex asked annoyed.
"What?! I didn't even knew what that thing does!!" Sonic replied.
"If you didn't knew what it does, why did you pushed it?!!!!?!" Nex asked.
"Guys please stop fighting!" Tails separated them. Nex and Sonic looked away from each other.
Tails turned on the torch light on his communicator and begin looking around. He found some stones that looked like levers. There were four in total. He studied each of them carefully.
"I think you guys should see this" Tails said to the two behind him pointing at the levers. Nex and Sonic walked up to him and closely inspected the object.
"Try pulling that one" Nex said pointing at the third lever.
" can pull anything and I can't!" Sonic pouted.
"Cause you are the idiot here." Nex said as he pulled the lever. Again, rumbling was heard. But this time a door appeared at their left. Light was also coming from there. The trio advanced towards the door. The path was enlightened by fire torches.
"Whoa! This place is bigger than it looks like!" Tails exclaimed.
"Sure is." Sonic said. He then turned his attention towards Nex.
"How did you knew what lever to pull?" Sonic asked.
"Instincts." Nex replied unenthusiastically.
The trio then walked into the what looked like a room but was a hallway leading to many more paths. They were in a maze!


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE RAN AWAY!!?!??" a dark shadowy figure standing next to a thorn asked a person bowing beneath him as a knight.

"Lord Vladimir I've no idea, I was out for the search of Neximus by your commands. When I returned with full intel, she had already escaped the cell and-" he was cut off by the figure; who now proved to be called Lord Vladimir.

"SILENCE!! I WANT NONE OF YOUR EXCUSES!!" The Lord shouted as he turned his back to calm himself down.
"Where is Neximus?" He asked coldly.
No reply came.
"I-In d-dimension B-22, sir." The person called Odieux replied.
"Hmm....she would also have gone there." The Lord said to himself.
"YOU ARE DISMISSED!!!"  He said turning towards Odieux as Odieux stood up, head low, and went out. Lord Vladimir appeared in the light and his face could finally be seen. He looked rather than an anthromorphic creature more humanoid.
He had red irises and other than that his eyes were black. He was overall covered in pitch black dressings leaving his face alone. He had a black cape swaying behind him and some of it reaching upto his front torso.

Back to the Cave:

Sonic Tails and Nex were walking aimlessly in the maze of hallways when suddenly, all fire torches were replaced with blue fire torches.
"What the-?" Sonic said confused.
"What's happening?" Tails asked.
"Something is coming." Nex stated as he looked at their front. Two hallways were connecting with the hallway in which they currently were. Sonic and Tails also looked in the direction.
There was suddenly a flash of golden light from the left hallway.
"What's that thing?!" They all exclaimed.
The golden light stayed at its place and something inside it or maybe it itself starting humming. It sounded like female's voice.
"Who's there?!" Nex demanded. No reply. Just humming.
"I asked who's there?!?!" Nex repeated. No reply. Still humming.
"Okay hummingbird, you asked for it!!" Nex said as he began advancing towards the source but stopped as soon as the voice giggled.
The voice said sweetly: “Miles....”
Sonic and Nex at this looked at Tails who was frozen to the ground as he recognized the voice.
"Mom.........." words escaped his mouth. To be continued........................

Well ch#10 done now. Hope you all like it! And another new name, Odieux. It means hateful. See you in the next! BYE;-)

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