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Hey, whazzup guys? I'm back with ch#12. Hope everyone likes it. ENJOY ;-)

"Welcome to Mobius, Amaya." She said to herself and scanned the area. Basically, Amaya was a white cat with red eyes. She was wearing a light purple top and a dark purple skirt. Her hands were gloved and she wore dark purple sneakers. She had long hair waving behind her back.
She took her steps and walked into a forest. Soon, she saw a village. She walked into the village passing through many people scanning everything. Every building, every person, every object.
She was walking aimlessly as she passed by a pink hedgehog. Amy, that was.
Amy noticed her and realized she wasn't from here. What she didn't realize was that she wasn't from this world...
"Excuse me" Amy called her.
"Huh?" The white one turned at her.
"I haven't seen you here before, are you new?" Amy asked friendly.
"Uh...actually I was looking for someone."
"Maybe I can help?" Amy stated.
"His name is Nex. He is a dark colored fox with silver eyes." the cat said. Amy just stared at her. 'How come she knows Nex?' Amy thought. Could this be another one? Amy decided to ask her before the situation goes out of hands.
"And...who are you?" Amy asked.
"That doesn't matter." She replied firmly.
"It does." Amy said.
"Do you or you not know anything about Nex?" She asked unamused.
"Who. Are. You?" Amy asked again.
"Mobians could be really annoying sometimes....." She whispered to herself. Thankfully, Amy didn't heard that.
"The name is Amaya" the cat, Amaya, finally spoke.
"That's okay. I'm Amy. But.....I wasn't asking that." Amy replied.
Now, Amaya knew what she was talking about. She was asking if she was a dark soul. 'Who cares if she knows what I am. At least she'll tell me about Nex's location' Amaya thought.
Giving a sigh, she said: "Yes, yes I am."

Back to the Cave:

There wasn't any sunlight coming down here but their eyes said it clear. It's night time. Their eyes half opened. They need to sleep, soon.
"Hey Nex, you tired?" Sonic asked.
"What kind of stupid question is that?" Nex asked annoyed.
"I dunno. I mean do you feel tired?" Sonic asked again.
"Of course I do!! I haven't slept since I came in this world!!!" Nex shouted throwing his hands up in the air.
"Will you two stop?" Tails said in a low tone.
Sonic and Nex sighed knowing his condition fully.
"Let's just get a safe spot to rest." Sonic suggested.
The trio soon found a corridor with fire torches and little more warmth. They decided to stay there for the night. The all rested against the wall. Sonic and Tails wrapping each other as Nex took a few torches from above and created a campfire by one of his powerful blasts.
"That's better" Nex mumbled to himself as he lied down next to the two already asleep Mobians. He closed his eyes and soon slept.

A Few Hours Later:

Tails crept his eyes open. He didn't knew how long he slept or what time was it. He looked at his communicator.
"02:54 am" Tails said the time to himself. He scanned the area and stood up carefully not to wake up Sonic.
"I bet I heard something" he, again, said to himself. He thought someone woke him up but no one to do such was there. He started examining the hallway to see it led to three others.
"There has to be a center to this maze." He thought loud.
It was when he heard someone. The someone who woke him up. He heard humming and then:
He turned towards the source. He saw a bright light quickly move into one of the three other hallways. Tails looked at his sleeping friends and then again at the hallway.
"I'm not letting go this time" he said and went towards the hallway following his mother's voice.
"............Follow me sweetie........."
Tails ran in the direction for what felt like hours but were mere minutes. His heart beating faster as felt something big was about to happen. Something out of this universe was about to reveal. But he ran, not caring. Finally he stopped at a place.
It was a huge balcony.  The hallways finally ended. Was this the center of this maze? Down the balcony was a deep and wide endless pit. The sky above was lit with trillions and trillions of stars.
"Mom!?" Tails called confused. At first no answer came but then:"I'm right here, Miles."
Tails turned around to see his mother standing in front of him. Somehow, faded in appearance.
"Mom!!" Tails shouted as he ran towards her to hug her. But he couldn't as his hands passed through her. He looked up at her. She was smiling.
"Miles, how are you sweetie?" She asked soothingly.
"I.....I-I'm good" he replied. His voice shaking. Not in fear but in disbelief.
"Where....where are we?" He asked her. This place was so not Bygone Island.
"This my son, is the edge of the universe." She replied taking the view ahead.
"Edge of the universe? How? Is that even possible?" Tails repeated. This whole thing was just confusing for him but somehow he expected that.
"Not in normal spacetime."
"Then how did we reached here?" He asked.
"Think" she said. Tails tried to process it and came to a conclusion.
"Through this maze?" Tails clicked.
"Yes dear. But this maze is not a maze. It is the connection between all dimensions........It is called Z-0-0-1" she explained.
"I see. But why did you brought me here?" Tails asked.
"To lead you to your destination" she replied.
"And what is my destination?" Tails asked. This stuff was just too confusing.
"The core of life"
"What is the core of life?" Tails asked.
"Love." She replied. That one was clear.
"You have to get to the center of this place to get the rest answers" she said looking at him.
"H-how this place is endless!" Tails asked
"This maze have three more edges like this one. I led you to this one. All you have to do is go from here to exact 45° Northeast. There is the center, Miles." she explained the way.
"45° Northeast? It means............that way!" He pointed to a hallway next to where he came from.
"Yes my son. May you succeed in your every purpose. Always know that I'm with you and that we'll always love you......." She planted a kiss on the fox's forehead as she faded with the wind. To be continued......

There you go. Ch#12 done! Hope everyone liked it. See you in the next. BYE;-)

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