Dark on Dark

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Hi Guys! Chapter #7 is here and I hope everyone will like it. Got nothing else to say so, ENJOY ;-)

Everyone gasped at the answer Tails gave to them. One of the Fallen was right there in front of them. Sonic still had his hand on Tails' shoulder. Then Sonic felt something from Tails. At first it appeared to be slight shivers but then he began to shake violently. Sonic became concerned and so did the rest of the Team behind them. Sonic lowered himself to Tails head so he can see what's wrong.
"Tails?" Sonic asked him slightly.
No response. He remained quiet. He then shook even violently and the gritting of his teeth could be heard.
"Tails what's wrong?" Sonic asked again.
This time he laughed manically in reply. Sonic backed off at his actions. He, whoever he was now, stood up and turned towards the team. He was Clades.
"What do you want now?!?!" Sonic said to him as soon as he met those empty grey eyes.
"Nothing from you....." Clades said and flew away from the very village.
Team Sonic looked at each other. Their eyes showed confusion, mystery, disappointment but most of all it showed extreme concern for their young fox companion.


Clades continued flying until he reached the cliff where he met Dr. Eggman last time. He stood up there and looked around. He then closed his eyes. After some time he opened them and said :"Found you Eggman". With those words he rushed towards Eggman's evil lair.

At Eggman's Base:

Nex was there at the base. Eggman was in shock when Nex came towards him as he didn't expected him to come so quick.
"That was quick" Eggman said in surprise who was sitting on his chair in front of the control panel.
"Just shut up!!!" Nex replied in anger.
"But what happened?" Orbot asked who was standing besides Eggman.
"He was there...." Nex said.
"Who!?!?" Eggman asked.
"Miles....." Nex replied in a low tone.
Eggman and his robots were confused at Nex's statement that a loud boom was heard. Something blasted the front door.
"Now who's that!!!" Eggman said.
"Let's see!" Nex said powering his green energy up.
"No need to go anywhere!" A voice said from behind. Only his silhouette could be seen due to the smoke of the blast.
"Who is it!!!??" Nex said with his anger growing a bit.
The smoke soon finished and the silhouette appeared to be Clades.
"You!!" Nex said as he grinned at Clades.
"Why do you have to be everywhere I go?" Clades asked neutrally.
"Don't you think I should say that!" Nex anger rose.
"I'm not here to fight!" Clades said with his neutral expressions.
"Then WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!!" Nex's anger reached it's peak.
"I'm here for the doctor" Clades replied, still neutral.
Eggman behind remembered what he said to Clades. He could none of the two dark creatures are gonna help him but will only care for their own purposes. Eggman knew that Clades won't leave him if he came to know that Eggman knows nothing of worth for him.
"If that is so, PASS THROUGH ME BEFORE THAT!!!" Nex said and fired the green energy in the form of a ray. Clades dodged it easily.
"You started it!!!!!" Clades said and fired his own white energy balls at Nex.
Nex dodged it. They both went levitating. Eggman on the other side quickly hopped on to his Egg Mobile with Orbot and Cubot and floated away from the lair.
Nex then used his energy and fired another ray at Clades. Clades tried to dodge but Nex continued firing the ray at him. Clades and the ray behind him kept circling in the room for a while. Then Clades changed his path and jumped over the green ray and fired a blue ray at Nex. It hit Nex hard in the chest and threw him in the wall behind. Nex collapsed to the floor. Clades walked up to him and charged an energy ball at Nex.
"What do you wanted from the doc anyways?" Nex asked.
"Answers" Clades replied slowly. Nex then kicked his hand with the energy ball and stood up quickly. The energy ball hit the control panel. As a result, an alarm started. Like every light in the lair was turned into red light. The alarm repeatedly said :"System Self-destruct Sequence Activated. Self-destructs in 4 minutes 59seconds."
"Great now look what did!! YOU KNUCKLE HEADED FOOL!!!!" Clades shouted.
"I am knuckle headed? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO THINKS THAT EGGMAN CAN GIVE YOU ANSWERS!!!!" Nex shouted. Clades didn't said anything to him.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE HE FOOLED YOU THAT EASILY!!!" Nex shouted and with that he used his green energy to form a sword. He then charged at Clades. Clades dodged his attack and formed his own white sword. They both kept charging at each other continuously.
"SHUT UP!!!!" Clades shouted as he charged at Nex.
"HE WANTS TO USE YOU!!!!" Nex shouted and charged as well.
"What? HOW DO YOU KNOW!!?" Clades demanded.
"Because he fooled me too" Nex replied. They both stood still. Not fighting anymore.
"Self-destructs in 1 minute 46 seconds" the alarm warned.
"Why are you telling me this?" Clades asked.
"Cause you have gone mad after those answers" Nex replied.
"What do you know about it?" Clades folded his arms.
"Self-destructs in 53 seconds" alarm warned again.
"I was one of them I can help" Nex offered.
"And why will you?" Clades asked.
"You'll help me in return" Nex said.
"Spit it out" Clades said.
"Self-destructs in 29 seconds" the alarm warned again.
"You'll help me when I'll need you in the future.......deal" Nex demanded and brought his hand up posing for a handshake. Clades thought for some time then took his hand.
"Deal" Clades completed the handshake.
"Self-destructs in 13 seconds" the alarm warned.
"Let's get out of here" Nex said. Clades nodded. They both then ran towards the door when the alarm started its countdown to ten.
"7, 6 ,5 , 4 , 3, 2" the alarm said. Clades and Nex made their way out on 2 and the next second a loud boom was heard and the lair behind was destroyed. Clades and Nex looked at the destroyed lair when they heard someone.
"My LAIR!!!!" Eggman screamed floating in his Egg Mobile.
The two dark foxes gave him a death stare.
"I..I should probably leave" Eggman said and floated away.
The two dark foxes were now left alone. They both smiled at each other.
"No longer rivals" Clades said and posed for a handshake.
"No longer rivals" Nex said shaking hands with him. To be continued...........

That was chapter #7. I hope everyone liked it and if you are liking it then vote for it too. See you in the next BYE ;-)

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