Where Are You#2

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Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter. Nothing much to say. ENJOY ;-)

At Tails' Workshop:

Knuckles was sitting in a chair beside Tails' worktable. While Sticks had a pair of binoculars in her hands as she was continuously looking out the windows with them.
"Uh...Sticks?" Knuckles called.
"Shh.... I see the government agents disguised as green bushes. If I didn't did something right now, they'll soon gather all intel on us an-" Sticks was cut off by Knuckles.
"Yeah. But I was saying that I'm bored." Knuckles said.
"Just shut up then." Sticks said as she was looking out of a window.
"Fine." Knuckles said. A few minutes passed with Knuckles constantly asking Sticks stupid questions. Sticks got annoyed and hit him on his head, hard. A few minutes of silence and Knuckles spoke again.
"Hey Sticks?" Knuckles asked.
"What? You need another one?" Sticks said, still looking out of the windows.
"Uh...no. Actually, I was talking about that." Knuckles said pointing at a table beside another window.
"What. Is. That?!?!" Sticks shouted as she saw what Knuckles was talking about.
There on the table, was a white flower pot with a half grown rose plant.
But it was different. It's petals were glowing white. And one by one, each fell on the table, fading into the air afterwards. When every petal disappeared, the leaves began to glow even bright shade of white.
Sticks and Knuckles were both shocked at the sight.
"That. T-that's...........Tails' flower pot. R-right?" Sticks said pointing at the flower pot. Knuckles slowly nodded his head in approval as they both backed away.
The leaves were glowing brighter every second and then ,finally, they glowed so bright that they engulfed the whole room in their light.
Sticks and Knuckles covered their eyes as the room lit up. When the light was gone, Sticks and Knuckles reopened their eyes and they saw someone who no one thought that they would ever see....
On seeing who it was, words barely escaped Knuckles mouth.

"C-C-Cosmo-o?...." Knuckles said.

With Amy and Amaya:

The girls ran into the direction of the sound of an explosion, previously.
They both soon found their friends standing in the middle of a hallway.
"Sonic! Nex!" Amy called.
The other two looked at the source and found Amy standing there........ with a white cat?
"Amy! What're you doing here? And who's this?" Sonic asked turning towards them as Nex refused to look because he was still looking at the wall he tried to blast.
"Short story, short. I found another dark." Amy exclaimed.
On hearing this, Nex looked who Amy was talking about and was shocked!
"Amaya!?!" Nex said.
"Yup!" Amaya said cheerfully.
"But how?I thought that you were-" Nex was cut off by Amaya.
"Yeah. We need to talk about that. Now." Amaya said as she grabbed Nex's arm and pulled him to a nearby hallway, just to keep their talk private. While Sonic and Amy shrugged at each other.

Back At Tails' Workshop:

The seedrian girl observed her surroundings carefully. She looked throughout out the place only to find two people, Knuckles and a badger.

(A/N: Cosmo never knew Sticks)

"Kn-nuckles...?" She said trying to remind herself of an old fellow.
"H-how? How are you here?" Knuckles asked. Sticks was standing blankly. Knuckles knew this girl? This girl knew Knuckles too? What was happening?
"Okay...Enough. Now tell me who you are?" Sticks asked firmly.
"Sticks, she's our friend." Knuckles said. "Cosmo, this is Sticks. She might be feral sometimes so, don't mind her." He said as the seedrian giggled softly.
"Sticks, this is Cosmo. The girl who sacrificed everything of hers to save the galaxy." Knuckles introduced her with pride in the last part while Cosmo blushed slightly. Sticks tapped her chin and looked at the girl named Cosmo like if she was inspecting her.
"I see....................................................A good stranger!! I've always wanted to meet one!!" Sticks' face beamed as she offered a hand to Cosmo, as a sign of friendship. Cosmo gladly accepted it and they both shook hands.
"I wonder how surprised Tails would be to see you." Knuckles added. Cosmo's face turned from a joyful one to a concerned one.
"Tails? W-where is he?!" Cosmo asked concerned.
"Relax. He's just out with Sonic and a dark soul to solve the raveling mystery of the Fallens in a mysterious cave." Sticks said. Cosmo processed it all. She knew what was happening and she knew why she was here.
"I-I need to go there. Now. Please." Cosmo exclaimed. Knuckles was confused but Sticks nodded in agreement.
"Okay. I'll take you there." Sticks said as Cosmo smiled happily in reply.
"Thanks a lot...." Cosmo said in her grateful tone.
"Knux, you in charge." Sticks said as she and Cosmo left the workshop.

At The Cave:

"I escaped." Amaya told Nex.
"I see. But why are you here. You know exactly what Vladimir wants from you, you shouldn't be here." Nex said.
"I know, Nex. But the reason I'm here is not only because of you and Clades but..." Amaya trailed off.
"But what?" Nex asked.
"He has commanded Odieux to get you and the crystal. And seemingly, Odieux knows you are here." Amaya said worryingly. Nex sighed in reply.
"You shouldn't be worried about me. Plus, this is nonsense I don't even have that crystal!!!" Nex said.
"Well, you know him. He wants what he says." Amaya replied.
"And what is up with you solving the whole Fallen thing?" Amaya asked later on.
"Yeah. That. I promised Clades I'll help him find what he wants. While in return he'll help me." Nex said.
"Aw. I just love when you two work together." Amaya teased him.
"Just quit it. And let's go."


Sticks and Cosmo were walking inside the cave when they saw the opened trapdoor. Sticks used her instincts and suggested that their friends were down there. They both jumped inside and honestly didn't got a smooth landing. Then they saw an opened door which led to many hallways. There. They stepped inside the maze.
Sticks used her feral instincts and tracked her friends all the way through different hallways just by smelling their scent. While Cosmo followed her.
"We're near them." Sticks told Cosmo as she stood up from the ground.
"C'mon!" She said as she grabbed Cosmo by the hand and ran towards another hallway. As the both girls made their way the hallways, they finally saw Amy and Sonic standing in the middle of another hallway. By the looks of them, they were waiting for someone.
"Sonic!! Amy!!" Sticks shouted their names. On hearing it they both turned their attention to see Sticks waving at them.
"Sticks?! What are you doing here?!? How did you even found us?!!" Sonic and Amy asked, as they were confused.
Sticks didn't replied but showed them the reason by stepping aside.
"C-COSMO!?!" To be continued....

The end of chapter #14. Hope everyone liked it. See you in the next. BYE;-)

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