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Hey guys! Chapter #15 is here. Hope everyone likes it! ENJOY ;-)

"C-COSMO!?!?" Sonic and Amy exclaimed at the same time as Amy ran to the seedrian and hugged her tightly. The other returning the same embrace.
"My I-I'm so see you again!" Amy said while the two broke the embrace.
"But how?" Sonic asked gaining their attention.
"How is it possible?" Sonic repeated clearing his words. While everybody looked at Cosmo for an explanation. She sighed and said:
"With the help of my seed"
The trio was confused and were waiting for a further explanation.
"When our seed is planted we have 65% chances to resurrect. And if the seed is looked after properly and if it grows into a plant, we can resurrect anytime the spacetime continuum allows us without harming its fragile fabric. I'm standing here." Cosmo said while the others processed it.
"Okay.............but your plant was nothing more than a year old!" Amy said.
"Yes it was. But in the mean year I was given an excellent care that my plant grew internally stronger than usual, allowing me to come back." Cosmo replied.
"I don't care how you came back. I'm just happy that you're with us again." Sonic said with an assuring smile.
The seedrian girl smiled in return.
Meanwhile the good moment, Nex and Amaya came back.
"Oh! You two are back!" Sonic said.
"Yup..........Hey who's that?" Amaya said pointing towards Cosmo.
Sonic putted a hand on Cosmo's shoulder while replying:"This. Is Cosmo. Our old friend."
"Well it's nice to meet you" Amata replied.
"Me too" Cosmo replied.
"Now if our little reunion is over, can we get back to the business?" Nex said.
"Oh no! I totally forgot about Tails!!" Sonic exclaimed clutching his head.
"What do you mean?! Where is he!!??" Amy and Cosmo asked concerned.
"We. Don't. Know!!!" Sonic and Nex replied at the same time.
"You guys have to stop saying stuff at the same time. Its creepy." Sticks said while Amaya agreed nodding her head.
"No time to waste now!! Let's go!!!" Sonic said.
"But where!?!" Amy asked. Sonic didn't replied. No one did for a brief moment when:
"Wait! I'm coming, Tails!" Cosmo said as she ran off in a totally different direction, leaving the others confused.
"No no no! We can't let another one get lost!!" Nex said as everyone followed Cosmo.

With Tails:

Black. All he saw was now black. He was currently standing in a black void now. Alone and confused.
"Hello? Anyone?" He asked but like the last time all he got was his own echo.
"What is this place?" He asked himself.
It was when red holographic monograms began to appear from the black floor he was standing on and flew straight above him, but not too far. Just at a height he could perfectly see them.
"What?" Words escaped his mouth.
The hologram started forming monograms which showed different things like: ancient designs, ancient writings and a crystal which , holographically, broke into two, forming the one above the ceiling of the previous room.
"What does that means?!!" Tails asked no-one.
The monograms began to revolve around him as voices were heard again. This time not understandable, multiple and somewhat diminished.
Tails, confused by everything, clutched his head tightly and fell on his knees.
"ENOUGH!!!!!" he screamed and fainted there.

Back With The Gang:

Cosmo ran and ran through many hallways with determination in her eyes. 'I'm coming, Tails. Please be fine.' She thought as she ran. Not knowing that the other five were running just behind her.
"Where is she going!?" Sticks asked.
"I've no idea. But something tells me we are near Tails!" Sonic replied.
They all skidded to halt when they saw where Cosmo stopped. The edge of the universe.
"What is this place!?!" Amy said, surprised.
"That's it." Nex said gaining the attention of the other four.
"That's it! We are not in a maze! How can I forget that!?!" Nex exclaimed.
"Then what is this place!?" Sonic asked.
"The edge of the universe." Nex replied leaving Sonic, Amy and Sticks confused.
"If that's so Tails is probably in the centre!" Amaya said.
"Let's get moving!" Nex said as the others nodded. They turned around to see Cosmo already left.
"Oh crud."

Cosmo's POV:

I don't know where I'm going. My body is not in my control. My brain isn't working anymore. All my senses are lost. But my heart is leading me. With all of me. I can't resist it. I don't even want to. I just know: I'm near you. That I'll find you. That I'll be with you. I don't care if you don't feel the same, but I'll come for you, now and always.
I rush through hundreds of hallways.
Not knowing what this place is. I run and run and run continuously. Until....I entered the place.
"TAILS!" I spotted him above an altar by one of his tails. I ran up to the altar and pick him up in my arms. He was unconscious. By seeing his face, he didn't looked very comfortable.
"Tails! Tails! Tails talk to me! Wake up!" I tried calling for him. But I didn't got anything but a little groan. Was he annoyed by my presence?
"Tails..." I called again. Nothing. Moments later, he opened his eyes. Those blue eyes. Whenever I see them, I feel like I'm drowning in an ocean of love and care. He looked up in my eyes and smiled warmly.
"H-hi Cosmo...." He said weakly.

Tails' POV:

These stupid voices won't even stop for a mere second!! It's too difficult for me to understand anything!! I don't wanna be here! This is worse than anything! More than Clades, more than the horrible deaths I've seen, more than anything! I don't know why but these voices are causing me serious headache. I feel like my brain is gonna explode!!
Until.... I heard a voice. Different than any other. I recognize that sweet sound more than my own name. No, I can't be mistaken for her. But is it possible? Is she back to me? Is this what Mom wanted me to get? I think and think it over and over again. Hearing her voice between this noisy junk. She was clear like a mirror. I then jumped to a conclusion:
"Best Mom ever!!!" To be continued....

That's all. Pack up for chapter #15. I hope everyone liked it. See you in the next! BYE ;-)

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