A Fallen's Soul

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Hi Guys! Chapter #6 is here. I hope everyone likes it. So, ENJOY;-)

Back to the village. Everyone did as Clades said to them. Not a single voice. All was so quiet as a snowflake. Just the slight sound of warm wind and falling of crusty leaves.
            The Sun was growing darker and darker. Team Sonic, after helping everyone, met at Tails' house. Sonic opened the door and the rest of the team followed him in. They saw that, Tails or maybe Clades at the time, was standing still with his back at them. He seemed to be worried. He turned his attention towards them. Team Sonic backed off a little but then they saw he was now Tails.
"What are you guys doing here?" Tails asked.
"What do you mean Tails?" Amy asked him.
"I mean.....didn't Clades told everyone to be in shelter!" Tails replied.
"Yes he did and everyone is in a safe place" Sonic said.
"Then why are you guys wandering like this?" Tails asked.
"Hey we're not letting you and your dark side do everything all alone" Sonic placed his hand on Tails' shoulder.
"Thanks guys...." Tails said.
"It's okay dude. Now wanna tell us what's happening?" Sonic said to the two-tailed fox.
Tails nodded 'yes' in reply. Everyone in the room sat down on the green couch and gave all their attention to Tails' words. Tails started :"The dark Sun.....it means that there are more than one dark souls on this land"
"More than one?" Amy asked.
"Yes but I don't know anyone else except Clades" Tails said.
"Maybe that's where the other trail came from" Sticks said to herself stroking her chin.
"What do you mean? What other trail?" Tails asked her.
"Last night when we were looking for you......on a higher cliff....there were two energy trails" Sticks replied.
"I wonder whose it could be?" Amy said.
"You know the more we are getting into it the more I'm getting confused." Knuckles said scratching his head. Everyone began to think deeply. A complete pin drop silence in the room. Then Sonic remembered of the other fox he met last night.
"Can it be him?" Sonic thought.
"What is it Sonic?" Tails said as if he knew what Sonic thought of.
"I think I know someone like that" Sonic claimed.
"Who?!?!?" Everyone asked him.
"When I was searching for Clades in the mountains there was another fox.....I think Clades knows him" Sonic replied.
"And the way they both were talking.....I think they both are rivals" Sonic continued.
"Do you know anything else about him?" Tails asked him.
"I heard Clades calling him Nex" Sonic said.
"Maybe that's his name?" Knuckles said.
"The name isn't enough" Tails said. Then Sonic remembered of what Nex said to him at last.
"Yes he said he'll deal with me later" Sonic said.
"Then he will probably come soon!" Amy said.
"Then we can have him then!" Tails said.
"Yeah" Everyone said and ran out of the house.

Eggman brought Nex with him at his base. They both were in the control room when Nex started :"So, what's the plan doc? We killing him straight or torturing him to death?" Eggman's eyes widened at what Nex just said. It was clear to him now that he really is a dark soul and can also do worse.
"Let's first test your powers!" Eggman said smiling unconfidently. Nex smirked at this.
"Then let's do it!" Nex said.
Time Skip:

Outside the base. Millions or we can say trillions of metal scraps were on the ground. Another boom was heard and thousands of more metal scraps were laying on the ground. There at the left stood Eggman with his two small robots. Eggman's jaw just dropped at what he saw. On the other side Nex was standing with a smirk on his face. His hands were releasing smoke as he fired energy from them.
"How was that doc?" Nex asked him.
"That.....was.....INCREDIBLE!!!!!" Eggman said.
"You can crush that blue pineapple just in a matter of seconds!!" Eggman said.
"Blue?" Nex rose an eyebrow.
"I..I mean yellow....Yellow of course!" Eggman said. He began to sweat heavily. Nex noticed that.
"Then what's that sweat about?" Nex pointed at Eggman's forehead. Eggman quickly wiped the sweat.
"Oh that's just the weather nothing else!" Eggman tried to bring him to trust.
"You're deceiving me" Nex said in his demonic tone.
Eggman just smiled and began to sweat more heavily.
"I..I..I think I should l..leave know!" Eggman said. He turned away to walk when he heard something. Ho stopped to listen.
"Wait!" Nex said.
Eggman was getting nervous.
"Is this blue pineapple a hedgehog?" Nex asked him. Eggman turned towards him and said :"Glad you asked!" Nex smiled and gave him a 'tell me about it' look.
"His name is Sonic....And he is my ARCHED NEMESIS!!!!" Eggman said.
"Ya know where I could find this pineapple?" Nex asked. Eggman smirked and told Nex everything about Sonic. His residence, his appearance, his favorites, his hates and his friends.
"That's enough information!" Nex said and flew towards Bygone Island.
"Now that hedgehog has no chance to survive" Eggman smirked.
"What are you two doing! Start cleaning this mess!!" Eggman ordered Orbot and Cubot.

Team Sonic were in the mid of the town. Still no voice. Death silence there was. They were walking their way when they heard something landing hard on the ground at their back. They turned around to see. The person stood up. It was Nex. Sonic recognized those silver eyes.
"That's him" Sonic told to his Team. They took their battling positions.
"I told you I'll deal with ya later" Nex reminded him. Nex then saw Tails. He backed off a little. He thought it was Clades.
"Clades?" Nex asked. Everyone looked at Tails.
"Not most of the time actually" Tails said.
"Whatever" Nex said. Nex changed his path and started moving in a different direction.
"So, you're not gonna fight?" Sonic asked. Nex stopped. Still his back at Team Sonic.
"No" Nex replied. Team Sonic left their battling positions.
"Why?" Amy asked him.
"I can't fight Tails.....Clades is my rival not you." Nex said clenching his fists.
"But why? I thought we are rivals too!" Tails said.
"No we aren't!!" Nex said.
"Then who are you?" Sticks asked.
"No one" Nex replied.
"Hey you can't just leave a riddle for us!" Sonic said.
"Yeah dude we need to know!" Knuckles said.
Nex didn't replied. Then Tails remembered something.
"Are you-" Tails was cut off by Nex.
"Yes....yes I am" Nex said and flew away again.
"WAIT!!" Tails tried to stop him but it was too late now.
"What is it Tails?" Amy asked. Tails lowered his head in disappointment.
"Who is he?" Knuckles asked.
"Tails buddy tell us please" Sonic placed his hand on Tails' shoulder.
"A Fallen's Dark Soul" Tails answered in a low voice. Everyone gasped at the answer. To be continued.....................

That was chapter#6. My hopes are still up. Well what do you think will happen next? We'll see that in the next. BYE ;-)

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