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Valentines Special!

[Frnd/n] - Friend Name


When you first started dating Dick, you knew he was a romantic. When he asked you out it was in person and him showing up at the coffee shop you met at and ordered a latte with a coffee art that read 'Will you go out on a date with me? Take a sip for yes.' You laughed before looking up to see him grinning by the counter and subsequently took a sip from the warm drink.

You didn't really think about Valentine's Day until it was right around the corner. Now on that first date you'd think he would have a full day and night planned. But now you knew about him being Nightwing and his commitment to the city. He hated to have to tell you he had to work the day shift as Officer Grayson and of course crime never takes a holiday, so he'd be out on patrol that night too.

Of course you understood and assured him it was alright and that you would spend the day with a friend just hanging out like you used to when you were single.

With a sigh he left to go get ready for his shift as you called your friend to ask her if she was free Valentine's Day.

"Hello?" She answered over the receiver and you smiled. "Hey [Frnd/n], what are you doing on Valentine's Day?" She hummed before answering, "Like I do every year. Eating half priced chocolate and drinking expensive wine while I watch funny movies. Though this year I will be alone since you have a man."

You sighed, "A busy man." [Frnd/n] gasped, "What do you mean busy?!"

"Dick has to work day and night. He's the new guy so he didn't get a choice." The disappointment was evident in your tone no matter how hard you tried to cover it. "What a dick move."

Immediately you snorted and laughed. [Frnd/n] grinned on her end of the call. "Forget guys, let's have another girls night like we usually do." Smiling you nodded, "Yeah, lets do it. Fuck the police" Saying as your friend bust out laughing.

"Excuse me" Dick walked in, his uniform on. Your grin only widened, "I mean I'm not wrong." You smirked and winked at him as Dick chuckled. "That [Frnd/n]?" He asked. "I think you mean my Valentine's Day date" nudging his stomach, with any other guy your finger would sink into the skin a little bit but this man is a vigilante so all you felt was hard muscle. Biting your lip you started feeling up his abs. "I gotta go [Frnd/n]" You said absentmindedly. Chucking she teased "Use protection." And that was the last thing you heard before hanging up.

Dick smirked, "Like what you feel?" You looked up into his blue hues, "And see."

Smiling he leaned down an pecked your lips as you leaned against him with your hands on his chest. "I have to get to work." You frowned and groaned, your eyes flickering from his lips to his eyes. Reluctantly answering "Okay, but promise to spend time with me before patrol tonight? Since you won't make Valentine's Day." Nodding he kissed you again, "You have my word."

Sighing you stepped back and let him go. "Okay, you're gonna be late. Be safe."

He smiled and kissed your forehead. "Aren't I always?" You shook your head, "No, that's why I have to remind you."

Rolling his eyes he shook his head, before turning to get his jacket. You sighed and watched him as he faced you again. "I love you and I'll be home for dinner." He kissed your hair line.

"I love you too" Exhaling before he pulled away and headed out the front door of your apartment. With a hum you went to the bedroom and started to get ready for your day at work.

It was finally Valentine's Day and you groaned while climbing the stairs to the floor of your friends apartment. Dick was at work, but luckily you got to spend a bit of the morning with him. You both may have gotten up a little early to have a little morning fun before he had to work.

Dick Grayson (Nightwing) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now