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[F/n] - First Name [L/N] - Last Name


Bright lights and ringing were the only things that registered in your brain. You couldn't move as you felt pain pulsing through you. Head splitting as you drifted in and out of consciousness.

Voices of strangers pierced the veil of ringing every-so-often. "[F/n] I need you to stay awake honey." a female voice was saying as the lights above you continuously shifted.

Your vision cleared some to see a woman in blue scrubs leaning over you. Multiple others in scrubs and lab coats.

Her mouth was moving but the ringing had taken over.

Lips quivering as you try to speak. "W-Where's Dick? I-I n-need D-Dick." voice weak and strained.

Her voice pierced through again, "He's coming sweetie just stay awake"

You tried your best to do as she told but the lights began to dim and the ringing began to take over once more. Before darkness took over, your mind replayed the sound of screeching wheels and crushing metal. Then darkness welcomed you sweetly.

Dick sprinted into the ER after hearing about the car accident.

Getting to the desk he ran a hand through his hair as the nurse looked up. "Can I help you sir?" she acknowledged him.

"[F/n] [L/n], I-I was called that she was in an accident. I'm her b-boyfriend Dick Grayson." the words rapidly sputtering out of his mouth.

"Oh of course, let me get you one of her doctors" The woman stood from the desk and walked away from the man currently freaking out.

"Dick!" he turned to see his three brother running over to him "We heard about [F/n] is she alright?" Tim questioned as they stopped in front of him.

"I-I don't know, I'm waiting on her doctor. Where's Bruce?" he tried to keep his mind off you.

"Father is on his way" Damian answered.

"Mr. Grayson" Dick turned to face a pair of doctors. One male and one female.

"Yeah, that's me. How's [F/n]?" Dick tried his best to keep his cool, but how could he? You're the love of his life who was just in a life threatening accident. He was freaking out.

"I'm Dr. Christopher and this is Dr. Aarons" the male Doctor introduced them. "She's currently in surgery, there was some lacerations of blood vessels but the surgery should take care of those injuries. Her right leg was also crushed when the hood of the car was pushed into the driver seat. It's broken in two places, along with a concussion."

"But she's going to be alright?" Jason piped up from behind Dick, practically reading Dick's mind.

"As long as the surgery goes well she should make a full recovery" the female doctor, Dr. Aarons, stated. Dick breathed a sigh of relief whilst stepping back and running his hands through his hair.

"It also seems the baby retained no injuries." Dr. Christopher informed them. Dick stopped in his tracks looking straight at him, "What? What baby?" his brothers sharing his shocked expression.

"We're sorry we thought you knew" the doctors stood there a bit awkwardly.

"Sh-She's pregnant? No no she can't be pregnant" he shook his head whist crossing and uncrossing his arms.

"Mr. Grayson she's two months along" the male doctor assured.

"Dick maybe you should sit down" Jason put a hand on his shoulder "Think through this"

Dick Grayson (Nightwing) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now