Cereal and Secrets

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Tumblr Request: "I was hoping you could do a Dick x Reader where he finds out that his s/o is a crime fighter too and someone he's worked with before Thank you !"

[s/h/n] - Superhero Name


Dick stood dumbfounded in your apartment. He had slipped through the window during his patrol, finding it apartment empty. You worked in the ER at RABE Memorial Hospital so he figured that's where you were. You had learned about his identity the first night you met, which was when he passed out on your fire escape. He had remembered seeing you in the ER when his partner was hurt during a chase.

After slipping in he fell back onto your couch, it was a slow night for patrol so he decided to drop by to see you. Not to mention his partner [s/h/n] wasn't around tonight, making things even more boring. And the feeling only increased.

Letting out a sigh from the couch he heard his stomach growl, peeking his head up to look into your kitchen wondering what kind of cereal his lover may have hidden in the cupboards. Instead of slipping off the couch like a normal person he rolled over backwards, over the arm of the couch before landing on his feet.

Jogging into the kitchen he grabbed a bowl remembering where they were from his previous visits, before going straight to the cereal cupboard. Letting out an excited squeal when he saw you had gone shopping and the wide array of sugary breakfast cereals at his disposal. He pulled out a box of Lucky Charms but noticed a note on the box.

"Dick I swear to god if you eat this whole box again you won't make it to morning!"

He chuckled before pouring the cereal out and then putting milk on top of it. Grabbing a spoon he began to munch on his snack and wander around your apartment. Walking around your living room he took in the books you had lying on the coffee table and the dvd's that lay in a basket next to your TV. Making a mental note of watching Arrival with you, having heard good things from you about it.

Then he went into your bedroom, looking at the picture frames on your dresser. Noticing ones of you with your family, a few with your friends, and ones of the both of you. He smiled when looking at them, seeing his favorite picture you had taken together. One where you both had been making cookies at the manor and long story short there was a flour war. When it was over you were both head to toe in flour, he had pulled you against him and connected his lips to yours. Not knowing about Steph standing in the doorway, camera ready to capture the moment.

Dick grinned at the memory, damn does this man love you. He turned around, and examined the room, noticing something poking out from under the bed. Brows furrowed in confusion he set his bowl down before kneeling by the bed and pulling out the large duffle bag. Unzipping it his jaw dropped. Dick pulled out the uniform and mask. Recognizing every inch of it.

You're [s/h/n]?

It honestly made sense, he would often drop by during patrols only to find your apartment empty, or would notice bruises and stitches you hadn't had before. You always used the excuse that things got crazy at the hospital. Though now he realized how they matched up with injuries [s/h/n] obtained. How had he not seen it sooner?

He continued to look at the uniform, he wasn't mad or anything, just confused. Why hadn't you told him? Did you not trust him? You know about him being Nightwing. Dick continued to have those thoughts swirl in his head before it all came to an abrupt halt when he heard you behind him, "Shit" you muttered.

Turning he met your eyes, your hand was covering your mouth. "Dick. Dick I can explain. I just– I–." You stuttered, not knowing what to say to him. Fears of him leaving you surfacing. Noticing your panic and fear, he stood from his place and came over to you. Cupping your face in his hands, "Hey, hey it's okay. I'm not mad." Gently smiling at you.

"You're not?" Mumbling to him through a quivering lip. He shook his head, "I know where you're coming from." Not removing his hands from your face. "I was going to tell you, I swear. I just wanted to wait because I know how you worry, I didn't want you to have to worry about me when we were fighting together." Explaining while removing his hands from your face in order to hold them in your own.

"I understand. I honestly should've noticed sooner. I'm a little relieved, I thought you didn't trust me and that's why you didn't tell me." He chuckled, you laughed too. "That's insane, Dick I trust you more than anyone in my life. I'm so glad you're not mad." Nuzzling your face into his chest.

"How could I be mad at you? I love you" Dick beamed as he tilted your chin up to rub his nose against yours. Eliciting some giggles from your throat. "Plus now I know how much more of a badass you are, it's kinda hot." Pulling away to look at your face completely. Shaking your head you pushed away from him, even after a bomb like that was dropped he still couldn't help but flirt. "Should I assume you're crashing here?" pulling out some clothes he left at your place from the dresser. "How'd ya know?"

Handing him the clothes you gestured to the dresser, "You only raid my cereal cabinet when you plan on staying."

He looked at the empty bowl of cereal before back at you, "You make a good point, so it's okay if I stay?" Giving you his best puppy dog eyes. Laughing you rolled your own, "Of course Nightwing~" A teasing tone in your voice.

Chuckling he pulled you against him like in the photo from your dresser, "Why thank you [s/h/n]~" Teasing also before connecting his lips to yours. The kiss being drawn out and passionate, washing away any remaining worries you had about him being upset. "I love you" he mumbled against your lips.

Smiling into the kiss you answered, "I love you too."

Dick Grayson (Nightwing) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now