K-9 Unit

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Inspired by this post: https://avengerdragoness.tumblr.com/post/159096181717/memento-scribet-avengerdragoness

Italicized is a German command (German is often the language K-9 unit dogs are trained in (in America anyways)). Here is a sight that helped me with the translation - http://www.vonfalconer.com/commands.html


Officer Richard Grayson. He does his due diligence on his cases or on patrol with his partner. Those two are inseparable, a match made in heaven. Always calling his partner 'baby girl' or 'sweetheart.' They're definitely an amazing match and in perfect sync.

But, did I mention his partner is a dog?

Spirit is her name. A beautiful German Shepherd with quite the bite. You would know, you're the one who helped Dick become a K-9 officer and actually introduced him to Spirit. You and Dick work in the same precinct, being 2 out of 3 K-9 officers detailed to it.

Dick was rather close with his dog, he always told you about how he'd take her to the park on their days of, where she would let off steam. Along with wanting to introduce her to his younger brother. However, he lived back in Gotham and Dick hadn't gotten the chance to have him out.

You found it endearing when he told you that. Having not know he had siblings, it surprised you slightly. He went on to explain how he was adopted by Bruce Wayne and has 3 younger brothers. Saying their names are Jason, Tim, and Damian.

There has always been an unusual spark between the both of you. You'd flirt back and forth but it never really went past that. Dating a coworker could get messy, and this job was complicated enough.

So, you'd leave it at the flirting. Nothing more, nothing less. Simple. It's not that you didn't find Dick attractive or had nothing in common with him. You did, a lot actually and you both enjoyed many of the same things. It was just a risk you weren't willing to take. And sadly, your life is your job, that doesn't leave much room for dating.

Which is why you show up back to your apartment, only companion being your canine partner Zeus. Your schedule was pretty consistent. Get up, go for a run, go to work, come home, go to bed, repeat. A rather simple schedule, your job being the most unpredictable thing.

However, you were looking forward to your day off. It had been a while and your boss insisted on it. So you went to bed excited to sleep in.

The next morning you slept until around 10:30, much later than your usual 5:30 to 6 morning. Upon getting up you made some breakfast for yourself, along with some coffee. Changing into some athletic clothes you got ready to take a run. Picking up Zeus' leash you looked around for him, "Hier Zeus Hier." Calling for him in German, the language they are trained in.

It wasn't long until he trotted up in front of you. "Gute Hund! Good Boy!" you praised while scratching behind his ears. Clipping the leash to his leather collar before opening the door. His ears perked and tail wagged knowing exactly what was going on. "Want to go for a run?" scratching his head again. He barked in response, eagerly moving in his place. "Come on, geh weiter." Nodding your head out the door, he excitedly followed you out. Staying by your side. Honestly the leash wasn't needed, but on public sidewalks a dog needs to be on a leash. Wouldn't want to have to ticket yourself.

"Good morning" your neighbors greeted you while passing in the hall. "Good morning, how are you today?" winking at the little girl grasping her mother's hand. She smiled up at you before looking back to Zeus. "We're good, just getting back from some early morning errands. You and Zeus finally get a day off?"

You nodded smiling, "About time right. We have to start our run but maybe you can come over for coffee later, and maybe Abby can play with Zeus"

"Really?!" The little girl's eyes lit up at the offer. "As long as it's okay with your mom" looking at the woman.

"We'd love to [F/n], how does 6 sound?" She grinned down at your daughter before diverting her attention back to you. "Sounds like a date" winking at the little girl again who giggled. "I'll see you later" chucking while walking away. They called to you their goodbyes before you were on the elevator.

Once on the street, you and Zeus started your run. Taking your regular route from your apartment, through a park nearby, and back. It was an uneventful run, Zeus sticking to your hip the entire time. He's beautifully trained, probably the best police dog in the city.

Running through the park you stopped upon hearing familiar laughter. Looking around and laying eyes on the one and only Dick Grayson throwing a frisbee to Spirit. You noticed a younger boy with him, no older than 10 or 11.

Smiling while watching Spirit bring the frisbee back to the younger boy, of whom seemed to be ecstatic at the well trained animal. Though your [e/c] eyes soon met a pair of blue eyes, "Hey [F/n]!" Dick waved when seeing you, causing the boy to eye you suspiciously.

You jogged over to the duo, calling Zeus to come with you, trotting behind you upon coming closer. "Good morning Dick, who's this?" Smiling at the young boy, of whom drew his attention away from you and to the dog at your side.

"This is my youngest brother Damian, he's quite the animal lover and wanted to meet Spirit." Dick introduced him while placing a hand on Damian's shoulder, which he shrugged off. "Oh, it's great to meet you Damian, I've heard good things about you." He looked up at you, a scrutinizing glint in his eyes.

"Who are you? One of Grayson's interests?" Damian openly asked. Dick immediately blushed and growled the boy's name. You laughed nervously, rubbing the back of your neck, "Uh, no. We work together, I'm [F/n] [L/n]. Zeus here and I are apart of the K-9 unit as well." Holding a hand out to him. Taking it he shook your hand "Shame" he mumbled.

Making Dick send the boy a glare once more. You only laughed at the exchange, actually feeling rather flattered by the comment. You chatted innocently until you noticed the time slipping away quicker than you thought.

"Well as much fun as it is running into you both, we have to finish our jog. See you boys later." Waving to the two before turning to finish your run, "Hier Zeus."

"Hey [F/n] hold on a minute." You stopped mid-step, turning your head to see Dick running over. "Yeah?" asking with an eyebrow raised.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go get dinner tonight or tomorrow? I know that you don't normally like to go out with coworkers, but I can't help but feel like there's something here." Gesturing between the both of you.

"Dick I'm flattered, I just" Hesitating nervously, while diverting your eyes. You're torn, it's true you really like Dick but you work with him. What if something goes wrong? But then again, what if it goes right?

"[F/n] please, give me a chance" he appealed, his hands together in a begging gesture. Looking at his puppy dog pout you melted, "Yes" sighing in defeat, yet also happily. He smiled gleefully, "Okay how about tomorrow? 8?" You smiled and nodded as he beamed. Both soon saying your goodbyes before you turned to finish your jog.

Dick turned on his heels with a wide smile. Returning to Damian with a skip in his step. "You asked her I'm guessing?" he questioned while waiting for Spirit to return with the frisbee.

"Yes I did, and she said 'yes,' and I couldn't be happier" his grin widened even more, something thought not possible. Spirit must've sensed his happiness because when she returned she jumped right on him. Knocking him over while licking his face, "Spirit! Nein!" he laughed.

He pushed the dog off before hugging/tackling her. Making the canine that much more playful. He began to chase her around, Damian allowing a small grin on his face. The relationship reminding him of his own with Titus.

Dick continued to allow Spirit to chase him before sprawling on the ground as she attacked him with kisses. He may have asked you out, but it's clear not only to you, but everyone that no one can take the spot of that dog. Something you found even more attractive.

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