Black & Blue

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Tumblr Request: How about one where Dick disappears for awhile, so with no one to take care of Bludhaven his s/o takes over the role of Nightwing? So when he comes back hes a little shocked. Thanks for opeing requests! Your writing is amazing! ❤❤❤"


The figure wearing black and blue soared through the city streets. Hair flowing wildly in the wind as they flew from building to building, only needing their grappling hook a couple times to get over some larger alleys, or to cross the main street.

The streets of Bludhaven are quiet tonight, only a few cars drove down the road every few minutes, the few people on the streets in drunken dazes as they stumbled their way home. The black and blue figure watched them, keeping a close eyes so they'd make it home safe. Seems tonight would pass without incident as time ticked by slowly, almost reaching 3am, the witching hour. Though that changed when a shriek came from a few buildings down.

A woman was struggling in the alleyway, surrounded by three men. One with a knife, the other rifling through her purse, while the last held her down. The one with the knife was grinning sadistically at her, toying the knife on her skin but not drawing any blood. Scaring her into silence. He grabbed her legs with a bruising grip, and smirked. "Be quiet for us now." His low, rough voice spoke. The woman's eyes showed pure fear as the other two men smirked.

"That won't be necessary" A mangled, robotic voice came from the corner of the alley way. It was dark and whoever was there blended in with the shadows. All four stared at the corner, a hopeful look on the woman's face. Was she saved?

The three men jumped up, the one with the knife pointed it at the corner. "Come out, show yourself." His voice was stable but his hand shook slightly. The first thing they saw was the whites of a domino mask before an escrima stick flew out and knocked the knife out of the man's hand. He looked down at the knife only to be greeted with an uppercut to his jaw, knocking him onto his back, unconscious. The other two men were stunned and had trouble keeping up with their assailant's speed, and soon they both were knocked out as well.

The woman was now sitting up and backed up against the wall. Her hero was standing in the middle of the men, panting. Her eyes scanned the figure as they picked up her purse, gently placing everything back into it and turning to her. A finger striped hand held out her bag to her as they squatted down in front of her. "Are you hurt?" Their altered voice asked gently.

She nodded slowly before taking her purse. "Thank you... Nightwing?" The figure smiled as she looked them up and down, this wasn't the Nightwing Bludhaven knew. But nonetheless, they fit the part. "For now, I'm Nightwing. Just until yours gets back. Get home safe now, I'll keep an eye on you." The figure winked before grappling out of the alley.

They watched the woman as she got home safe. Through the window of her apartment, they saw her hug her kids and kiss her husband. The figure smiled and turned away, heading to their own home for the night.

Slipping through the cracked window, the figure sighed, taking off their voice modifier and setting it on their dresser.

Looking up into the mirror on the vanity, their domino mask peeled off, the mirror now reflecting your own [e/c] eyes. A frown cast on your features, eyes shifting down your body before looking away. Dropping the mask on the dresser, you stripped out of the suit while on the way to your bathroom.

You needed a shower.

A few minutes later you were coming out in sweatpants and a comfy t-shirt, drying your hair with a towel. Your eyes cast at the bed, pausing for a moment. You stared at it, empty, until the glowing red lights of your digital clock caught your attention. 4:05am. Again, a sigh escaped your lips before you turned your back to the bed, intending now for the living room couch.

Dick Grayson (Nightwing) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now