Cheating Averted

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Tumblr Request: "First list 23 with Dick Grayson and First list 50 with Cyborg? (Do you write for him? Let me know.)"

23: "Oh wow, you're bleeding... a lot. S-sit down, okay? Don't fall!"

Warnings: Gets kinda heated at the end *wink wink*


It had been about an hour since you woke up to find Dick missing from your bed. He had gone to bed with you and two hours later you woke up to his side of the bed empty and cold. He'd been gone for awhile.

Sadly, this wasn't the first night. It had happened four times this week, where could he be going without telling you? Your mind immediately jumped to one conclusion. He was cheating on you. You'd notice a few time that after you'd go to bed together, the next morning his hair would be wet from a shower.

Why would he disappear and then shower when he got home? All without telling you. Not to mention the bruises that have been showing up more and more often.

Having enough, you got up and went into the living room. Pacing back and forth as you waited for him to come home. Constantly glancing at the door as you chewed on your thumb. You weren't sure what you were gonna say but you weren't going to allow yourself to be hurt. You've been with Dick for a couple months, he seems happy, how could he cheat on you?

Before an answer could form, the sound of a window opening drew your attention away from the door. Freezing, you slowly turned around. It was coming from the bedroom. A grunt could be heard before a thud. Quickly grabbing a baseball bat from your closet, the one Dick insisted you keep out, before heading for your bedroom.

Using the end of the bat you gently pushed the door open. Just to see someone hunched over and clutching their ribs. It took a moment to realize who it was. "...Nightwing?"

He looked up and sent you a charming grin that was clearly trying to mask pain. Trying to stand he almost stumbled but you rushed over to support him, just now noticing the gash on his ribs. "Oh wow, you're bleeding... a lot. S-sit down, okay? Don't fall!" You said while helping him sit in your desk chair.

He chuckled and sat with a grunt. "Stay here" You said before turning and running to your bathroom. Grabbing a first aid kit, another thing Dick insisted on, you jogged back and set it on the desk before opening it.

Turning to him with gauze and peroxide you mumbled. "C-can you take off your top so I can see?"

He smirked, "Maybe you should buy me dinner first." You rolled your eyes and helped him unzip the back and pulled it down over his torso. "Damn" you mumbled while examining the wound. Taking the gauze you poured some peroxide onto it before cleaning up the wound. Hearing him hiss above you. However, soon you felt his eyes shift to you. "You know what you're doing." He stated.

"My boyfriend gets random injuries a lot." You mumbled as the last of the blood was cleaned up so you could see. "You don't need stitches." Saying before grabbing some clean gauze to set over it.

"I don't suppose I could repay you. Maybe a kiss" He smirked. You chuckled and taped the gauze down before standing. Taking a wrag you wiped off your hands and sighed. "As nice as that would be, I'm loyal to my boyfriend. Sadly I can't quite say the same for him."

Nightwing's eyebrows furrowed under his mask. "What do you mean?"

"Am I really about to open up about my failing relationship to one of Gotham's vigilantes?" You cocked an eyebrow and he shrugged. "We try to help in anyway we can."

Sighing you set down the rag when your hands were clean. "He's been disappearing in the middle of the night. Showering before he comes back to bed. Strange bruises. All the signs point to he's cheating." You turned your back to him to head to the bathroom.

"[F/n]" You froze in your place while your eyes widened. "How do you know my—" You began to say but when you turned you were met with the clear blue eyes of your boyfriend. Dick Grayson.

"You think I'm cheating on you?" He asked as he gripped his mask in his hands.

"I...I.." You stuttered and looked him up and down. "N-not anymore, now that I know you're Nightwing." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you getting hurt."

He got up to approach you but you were quick to sit him back down, he was still hurt. Sighing he looked up at you. Your hand cupped his face gently, thumb stroking his cheek. "I just wish you would've told me. Especially when you started crashing here so often."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I was just..." You cut him off, "...trying to protect me, I know. You're lucky I love you so that just sounds really sweet."

He grinned and pulled you into his lap before pressing his lips to yours. "I love you too."

"You better." Your arms draped around his neck before gently playing with his hair. He chuckled and smiled. "I do, and now that you know. I can get quality medical treatment at home too."

That elicited an eye roll from you. "Please don't come here bleeding every night." Dick laughed and his smile made your heart warm. "I can't promise I won't every once in a while but I will try my hardest not to."

"Good, wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face." You pinched his cheeks playfully and he swatted your hands away. "Please I got that enough as a kid." Grinning you leaned down to nip at his neck. "Want me to stop this too?"

He groaned as your teeth sunk in. "Hell no." You giggled and kissed where you sunk your teeth in. "I always have had a think for Nightwing. Now knowing he's my hot boyfriend, that just makes you sexier."

"You're playing a dangerous game [F/n]." He growled as you nipped again. A hum buzzed in his ear. "You're not the only one who likes to live on the edge." Your voice was low and sultry. However that didn't stop your yelp when he abruptly stood up.

"That's it. You're screwed." He growled into your ear. But your smirk only widened, "just what I wanted."

Dick Grayson (Nightwing) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now