Body Image

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Tumblr Request: "Hi, could you maybe do a story where the reader is really skinny, and i dont mean like 'model skinny' i mean 'toothpick for arms, no shape' type skinny. Its been an insecurity of mine since i was little and has made me feel a bit down recently. Maybe do it with either Jason or Dick? I read your blog all the time and your stories are great and you are such a sweet person 😶"
➪ "Oh and for the skinny reader ask, could you maybe make the reader a bit shy? But once you get to know her she's a bit weird and sarcastic? Thank youu"


Body image is too important in society today. Everyone wants that perfect slim, hourglass figure. Though who actually has it naturally? Not many. However, it still got to you. Your figure wasn't exactly prevalent. You felt like a stick figure and hated it. Often your insecurity would get the best of you, and social interaction wasn't something you were often up for. The insecurity mixed with your shyness made staying in your apartment very appealing.

Though, your social butterfly of a boyfriend, worried about your habit to coop yourself up. He knew that you hated your figure by the way you tried multiple different tactics to help it. Working out, diet change, visits to the doctor, though nothing seemed to help. In your eyes anyway. Honestly, Dick loves you just the way you are.

He thinks you're gorgeous and amazing. Knowing your true personality of being a total weirdo and extremely sarcastic. Much like himself. It made the chemistry between you that much stronger... but he's still a worrier. Especially when you will stay in your home as long as possible. Your having a home job not helping.

This is what led Dick to your door currently. He hadn't heard from you today and decided to check up on you. Knocking on the door he held a bag of take-out in his hand as he rolled back and forth on his feet.

He heard some movement within the apartment before the door opened. "Hey babe" he greeted as you opened the door. "Dick what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be preparing for patrol?" Asking him confused, knowing his schedule rather well. Chuckling he kissed your cheek, "Took the night off and brought your favorite." He said while entering your apartment and placing the food on the kitchen counter. You followed him inside and examined the take-out. "What's the occasion?"

"No occasion, just worried because I hadn't heard from you today. You feeling okay?" Dick asked as he took your hand in his. You shrugged, "Just didn't feel like being looked at today." diverting your eyes from his. His expression fell, "[F/n]..."

You met his eyes, seeing his saddened expression. "Um forget what I said, let's just eat."

Though he stopped your other hand reaching for some plates and made you look at him. "How many times am I going to have to tell you you're beautiful and gorgeous and perfect for you to believe it?" He asked seriously. You shrugged, "When I don't have toothpick arms?"

"[F/n], you don't give yourself enough credit." He smiled, pulling you toward him. "You're beautiful. The way your [e/c] eyes sparkle, and your [h/c] shines, no one notices your, quote-unquote, lack of figure, except you. Not to mention your laugh is hypnotizing, your smile lights up rooms, and your weirdness almost matches up to mine. I think you're perfect."

You smiled and blushed sheepishly. Hitting his chest, "You're too sweet for this world Dick Grayson." Squealing when he wrapped his arms around you. "It's only the truth." He chuckled with you in his embrace.

Kissing the top of your head he released you. Reaching for the plates you were going for and stealing them away. As he began to plate the food, you jumped onto the counter and watched him. He picked up the plates before going to take them to the small table in the living room, pecking your lips in the process. Dick always knew how to cheer you up and bring out your weird, mischievous side.

Chuckling you hopped off the counter and grabbed two cans of soda from the fridge. Though getting an idea you shook up one of the cans. Walking to the table you placed the shaken up can in front of him, suppressing an evil grin.

He thanked you before opening it and having it explode everywhere. "Shit! [F/n]!" Yelling as he ran in the kitchen to hold it over the sink. Meanwhile you had fallen out of your chair laughing. He came back into the room to see you dying on the floor. Though a smile made it's way back on his lips. "At least you're smiling again."

"Mhmm" Humming when standing up and wrapping your arms around his waist. "Thank you for cheering me up" telling him genuinely.

"It's what I'm here for. To tell my beautiful love just how perfect and beautiful they are."

Dick Grayson (Nightwing) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now