A Little Longer

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Tumblr Request: "I really love your writing. I was wondering if you would write something where Dick saves his so from a home invasion or something. Thanks for taking requests."

Warnings: Home invasion, nudity(?)(not sexual), attack

Reader Type: Neutral


It's quiet when Dick swings through the city. A little too quiet for his liking. There hasn't been a single call in tonight, which was odd, especially for Gotham. Almost nobody was on the streets and the old abandoned docks were actually abandoned tonight. The only sign of life he saw in the city was the occasional cab driving down the road or catching a glimpse of one of his brothers in the distance. Looking just as bored as he was.

After about another hour of dead, unusual silence, Dick decided to call it a night. Head home early and maybe even get to go to bed with you at a time that wasn't 3am where you were long lost into your dreams.

He landed on the roof of the building adjacent to the windows of your apartment. The lights were still on and the blinds open. Normally all that would be on at this time would be the glow of the TV while you catched up on shows or watched reruns after dinner.

So, all the lights being on was peculiar. He squinted to look closer through the window. Something didn't seem right. That's when he saw books scattered around the floor, the coffee table on it's side, and a vase of flowers shattered on the floor.


His eyes shot to look through the bedroom window, movement drawing his attention there. He saw your form get thrown on the bed, a figure dressed in black pinned you down. Hand under your chin to push your head back, a knife pressed to your throat.

When he saw the wince on your face, Dick saw red.

The last thing he remembered was pure red, rage and aggression. Nobody hurts those he loves. Nobody invades his place of sanctuary. Nobody dampens one of the few rays of light in his life.

Glass shatters, grunts and bones cracking echo in his ears as his knuckles come in contact with bone and cartilage. Blood is smeared over his Nightwing emblem, the harsh red tainting the vibrant blue.

It doesn't end until he hears you yelling desperately for him to stop. Until he feels your arms lock around his waist and pull yourself to his back. Begging and pleading for him to stop. You knew when people he loved got hurt, Dick could lose himself.

Everyone sees him as this chipper, happy go lucky man who can see the silver lining in almost any situation. They see his suave, charming, and handsome features in the tabloids. His team and newscasters see his selfless acts and the natural leader he's always been as Nightwing.

But the moment the people he loves are at risk of harm, he sees red. His heart overrides his brain, his morals blur and his life stands still.

It takes disfiguring injuries or someone he loves to pull him out of it. The sound of your broken tone brought him back to his senses. Blood covered his hands, suit, and face, some even got in his hair.

He looked back at you before turning around and pulling you close. Clinging to you with dear life as his nose buried in your hair. His breathing was labored and arms squeezed you suffocatingly tight. But you didn't care. It made you feel safe, secure, at home.

After a minute or two ticked by, he pulled back to look at you. Examining your body for any signs of injury but it seemed he'd gotten there in time. All that took any damage was your belongings, and those could be replaced.

He glanced down at the three intruders. Binding their arms and legs, he asked you to go into the bathroom while he cleaned this up.

Dick moved the men down to an alley below, calling it in before returning to your apartment. While he cleaned up the mess, he heard the shower start running. Quickly he stripped out of his gear, taking it to the laundry room. Leaving his suit to soak in the utility sink before hurrying to the bathroom.

He knocked gently before entering. First he saw your bloodstained t-shirt and shorts in the trash can before noticing you peering at him from around the shower curtain. Pulling the curtain back, Dick stepped in behind you. Pressing his chest to your back and leaning his head into the crook of your neck. He felt you gently begin to run your fingers through his hair. Washing out the blood that matted his locks and massaging his scalp.

Dick relaxed, adrenaline draining from him as his arms held you tighter.

"Thank you"

He heard you whisper, voice broken and hoarse.

"I love you."

Dick picked up his head finally, pressing his lips to your cheek.

"I love you too."

He whispered back before burrowing his nose in your neck again. Breath dancing against your skin.

"Let's just stay like this a little longer."

Dick Grayson (Nightwing) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now