Helplessly Hoping

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Tumblr Request: "I was listening to "Helplessly Hoping" by Steven Stills and got the feelings so I was wondering if you could write a little Jason (or Dick) x Reader something roughly based on that song?"


Dick came home from patrol with a small sigh. He rolled his neck and shoulders, hearing the joints crack with his movements. It had been a long night. It started off with an argument with you. He was supposed to have the night off to recharge and rest after going non-stop for about a week straight, but Bruce called and he ignored your pleas for him to rest to go out anyway. They got caught up with scarecrow and he ended up having to go back to the cave to get a remedy for the fear toxin just in case any got in his system.

All he wanted to do now was get in bed beside you and snuggle up. He knew you'd be pissed at him but at this point he didn't care. Walking through the living room he pulled off his mask and started unzipping his suit. The light in the bedroom was dark so he got changed without light so he wouldn't wake you up.

Once he was changed into a pair of sweatpants, he turned to the bed and froze. There was the silhouette of it still being neatly made without a trace of anyone even having laid on it. Quickly, he flicked on the lights to find the room long untouched except for the door to the closet cracked.

Dick walked over and pulled it open. His jaw fell as he looked around inside of it. All of your clothes were gone and many of your other items. "No, no, no" he whispered and looked around the room again, this time catching the sight of an envelope on his pillow. Walking over he saw it had his name written on the front.

Sitting down on the bed he flipped it over and opened the flap. Dick gently pulled the paper out and unfolded it. He took a deep breath before reading it.


I'm not entirely sure what happened between us, but these last few weeks have felt like I and our relationship have been on the back-burner. I understand how you being Nightwing and helping people is important, but I can't keep watching you work yourself to the point of collapse or illness anymore. I've told you that time and time again yet you just keep doing it. I know you're doing good work out there but who's gonna do it when you get sick from exhaustion? Honestly, tonight was the last straw. You promised me that you would rest and heal, yet you went out anyway. Bruce doesn't need you every night. There's Jason, Tim, Damian, Cass, and Steph out there too. One night without you isn't going to lead to Gotham spontaneously combusting, but you refuse to see that and I can't watch it anymore.
Don't get me wrong Dick, I love you. I just can't watch the man I love get sick, or even worse die, from something like this. You're killing yourself and I can't watch it or be ignored anymore. So for now, this is goodbye. I hope you find what you're looking for, and I hope that you can figure things out. I love you Dick and I wish you the best. I mean it.

Love, [F/n]

Dick stared down at the letter, trying to process the words he just read. You...were gone? How could you be gone? You're always home when he comes home. You're his rock, his center, what would he do without you?

Once it sunk in, Dick put the letter down and grabbed his phone, dialing your number. Ring... Ring... Ring... Then, "I'm sorry but the number you are currently trying to reach has been disconnected."

Dick let his arm fall limp and rest on his knee. "It can't be true it just can't." He whispered to himself. His head dropped into his hands and he shook it vigorously, like he was trying to wake himself up from some awful nightmare. "It can't" he growled.

But it was. It could. You were gone, and there's nothing he could do about it.

Dick Grayson (Nightwing) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now