We Were At War

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Summary: Imagine being an Avenger and having abilities like Doctor Strange and can travel dimensions. So you're in a relationship with Dick and go back to the DC-verse after the Battle of New York and having PTSD and Anxiety attacks like Tony (but keep them to yourself) and getting in fights with Dick when he tries to say he understands but you just get more pissed because he couldn't and one of the fights is when you just go off and it all comes pouring out.


Your job wasn't exactly the most normal. Neither was your relationship. You see, you're an Avenger but you're also dating Dick Grayson. How does that work? Welp, you can travel through dimensions thanks to your trusty sling ring and training from the Ancient One. But sometimes your relationship with Dick is strained because S.H.I.E.L.D needed you. And now so do the Avengers. Not that you were being called to arms anytime soon. You literally just saved the world like a day ago.

You stood next to Steve, arms crossed as you watched Thor make Loki grasp the other side of the Tesseract. The other members of your team stood around. Clint was next to Nat, Tony off to the side as Bruce put the Tesseract into the casing Thor would use to travel back to Asgard. Glancing at Cap you saw him staring at the Tesseract, probably remembering the things and people it harmed back when he first became the super soldier. Turning back you stared at Loki, jaw clenching in anger. Yes, he's going to pay for his crimes, but that didn't change the fact he shoved a scepter through the back of one of your closest allies and friends. You wished Fury would've given you the opportunity to make him suffer for what he did to Coulson.

The god's eyes flickered to you and your eyes narrowed at him before he diverted them back to the pavement. At least Hulk got ahold of him and beat the living hell out of him.

Thor looked from the Tesseract and at the rest of the team. Giving everyone a nod before turning the handle and the Tesseract transported them back to Asgard. You and Steve took a step back in unison, putting more distance between you and the powerful object. When they were gone everyone exchanged a look.

Finally, it was over. Or so you thought.

You jolted awake from another nightmare. Rubbing the sweat from your face and panting as you looked around your bedroom. Noticing the slightly disturbed sheets beside you. Dick must've gotten up to use the bathroom. Quickly getting out of bed you grabbed the notepad from your nightstand and scribbled down a quick note saying you had to get some air and would be back soon.

It wouldn't be the first time you had a nightmare from that battle. From that entire mission. You always slipped from your shared apartment after a nightmare or felt like you were going to have an anxiety attack. Dick didn't know you were going through these things after the Battle of New York. You didn't want him to know. Yes you trust and love him, but he already worries about your superheroing enough. Like you do his.

Slipping on a coat and shoes you left the apartment and quickly hurried to the elevator and then out the front doors. Taking a deep breath of the cold night air Gotham always seemed to have. You felt an overwhelming tightness in your chest as you stared out at the silent street before you. All of a sudden the street was turned to rubble and there were Chitauri corpses and crashed ships all around you. Then the next moment it was back to normal. Then when you turned to walk, the street changed again, a Chitauri was charging at you but all of a sudden Cap's Shield took it out. Just like the moment it had happened during the Battle of New York. Your heart stopped for a moment before kick-starting again and the street was once again normal. Your breathing quickened and you crouched down with your hands tangling in your hair. Trying to focus on deep, even breaths. When your breathing normalized and your heart rate evened, you looked around hesitantly.

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