"What The Fuck Richard"

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Inspired by this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBQP9gEldRk


You were relaxing with Dick in the living room of the manor. He was upright as you were laying with your feet on his lap. He rubbed your legs as he was listening to some song Jason had recommended, his ear buds keeping any conversation at bay.

Scrolling through your many social media apps, you were beginning to get bored. Though that boredom didn't last long. Soon enough your phone buzzed and a message showed at the top of the screen.

Clicking it led to a message from one of your friends.

'Oh my god watch this right now!


Doing as told you clicked on the link. It opening to a youtube video a mere 7 seconds long. Pressing play you stared at the screen, an unamused look on your face, watching as a kid maybe 16 or 17 botched throwing a Frisbee. It wasn't anything too special until the person behind the camera suddenly yells "What the fuck Richard!"

Immediately you burst into uncontrollable laughter. Falling off the couch you're laughing so hard. Dick pulled out his ear buds, "What's so funny?" eyebrow cocked in confusion.

Meanwhile you're still laughing hysterically, "Oh my god 'what the fu-' hahaha"

You suddenly jump to your feet, "I have to show the guys this" running off toward the kitchen. Finding Jason, Tim, and Damian there. "Everyone shut up and watch this masterpiece" presenting the video to them.

Jason takes your phone, the two other boys standing next to him. They were about as unamused as you were until the line came. Next thing you knew they were all in the same state as you.

"Holy shit! Why is that hilarious?" Jason laughed, trying to catch his breath. "I don't know but it fucking kills me" you were hunched over, it having been found funnier the second time.

"Has Dick seen it?" Tim asked wiping his eyes. You shook your head, "And no one shows him. This will make for a hilarious inside joke which will lead him to be confused. I look forward to that." You grinned evilly. The others nodded agreeing to the opportunity.

"Look forward to what?" Dick asked entering the kitchen. Jason tossed your phone to you so the evidence could be tucked away. "Nothing" you all answered in unison. Everyone going back to what they had been doing.

The next following days weren't very eventful. The video had been played multiple times among the four of you. Though the phrase had yet to be put to use with your own Richard.. Well until now.

You and Dick were once again at the manor. Spending more time there rather than your shared apartment. You had been helping Alfred with some chores, dusting, sweeping, simple things. The living room having been the last thing on your list. Upon finishing you put all of the cleaning supplies away until you heard Alfred call for you.

"Miss [F/n] I do appreciate your help, have you done the living room? It's quite a mess" his voice sounding like it was coming from the living room.

Your brows furrowed in confusion, "Yeah Alfred I already finished –" But your voice stopped upon seeing the state of the once clean living room. When you left Jason, Damian, and Tim were already in there watching a movie. So you knew they didn't trash it. But alas there was your boyfriend who spilled potato chips everywhere.

You pounded your foot on the ground, "WHAT THE FUCK RICHARD!" yelling into the living room. Rage built up in your voice. But as soon as the words left your mouth you exchanged a look with the three other brothers in the room before you all broke out laughing.

"Jesus, she fucking said it!" Jason was hunched over on the couch. "That was so perfect" Tim looked at you, laughing just as hard as you were. "I can't breathe" Damian clutched his stomach.

"Oh god I didn't even mean to say it" now on the ground laughing hysterically.

Dick just looked around confused as to what the joke was. "Why is everyone laughing?!" he yelled. "Do you guys have a joke that I don't know about? You've been snickering about something for days!"

Your laughter died down. "Okay, I think we've had our fun" pulling the video up on your phone. Presenting it to him, his face remaining the same throughout the video. "I don't get it"

"What do you mean you don't get it? It's hilarious" Jason interjected. Dick just shrugged. You snatched your phone away "You're no fun" putting it in your pocket.

You went to walk away before Dick pulled you down beside him by your hips. "No fun huh? Let me show you how much fun I can be" he whispered in your ear before kissing you.

"Get a room" Jason groaned throwing a pillow at the both of you. Laughing you threw it back but it ended up hitting Damian. Leading to an all out pillow war. With many 'What the fuck Richard's being thrown at Dick. And a few other choice words being yelled.

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