The Kraken And It's Master

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You woke up to the stink of sardines and vomit. The pound of the headache more eminent than anything had ever been. Without further though, you reached for the rum of bottle beside you, popped open the cork lid and brought it to your lips to take a swig. A single swig became a drinking contest and before you figured, the entire bottle was inside your system.

"The damsel is awake then. Ay, me see" Before your mind could cope up with your mouth, you hiccupped, a disgraceful hiccup that could shun you in a middle-class society. The pirate cackled with passion before sneering, "Giddy up lass! Me crew's been holding up for days, though t'would be unkind to screw with a faint lady."

Out of instinct, you moved for to acquire defense, only to realize that it wasn't there. The pirate before you cackled yet again. "Ye stupid whore, we sold your beauty off to the lord himself, a handsome amount he paid us."

He reached for you, his hand to cup your cheek, without any hesitation you bit him, letting your unchecked wrath feast on the taste of his skin and blood. He drew back with an outrageous cry and drew back his flipped palm, undoubtedly to slap you, but you were ready. With a thump you got up, your feet instantly accustomed to the imbalance of the rocking ship. The dagger hidden in your leather shoe was in your hands, ferociously cutting at the rope that bound your wrists and ankles.

The pirate crashed against the wall, yelling for back-up no doubt. By the time his crew arrived, drunk and disoriented, you were up and ready to take everyone down with a dagger and an empty rum bottle.

Then there was a rumble and then the ship tilted, a certain creature's tentacles wrapping around the mast of the ship. In the future you would remember the day not for escaping the fate your father had set you up with but the day you had survived the attack of the kraken and encountered Davy Jones himself.

One moment you were part of a screaming stampede and then the next you were bound to a wooden structure, the fullness of the moon shining upon you. Then there was the squid faced man, inches away from your face, asking you if you feared death. You pondered upon the question, did you fear death? Yes, you did your mother was dying and you could do nothing about it, but what answer did this creature desire? Deciding that lying would get you nowhere you replied with a firm and confident yes.

Honestly, you were happy to be there, you had avoided being raped and survived the kraken itself. How bad could it be to live eternally on the Dutchman? Jones' expression contorted into faint surprise and if it wasn't a mirage of despair then-respect.

"But what good would it do to keep a girl on me ship?" The tone of his voice sent fearful shivers down your spine. You were no fool, shadowing your mother at the bar to eavesdrop on sailors' tales. Had been your passion as a child. You'd better come up with something quick if you wanted to live through this. "Sir" You voiced "I can fight, I can steer, I can work in your crew." You were bruised, battered but nothing seemed to matter as you reasoned with death himself.

What happened next, you were unprepared for, Davy drew his sword at lightening-speed, bringing it to your neck, causing your heart to leap out of your bosom. You drew in a sharp inhale, contracting your neck as much as possible, your hands curled into tight fists behind your back, forbidding you from fighting back. This was a test and you knew it.

"Fight me woman. Show me yourworth."     

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