Chapter 5: Aboard The Black Pearl

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Slight Will x Reader in this chapter, here's a recap in of the last chapter.

 You were thankful when you saw that the guards took you to the actual prisons and not the lord's resting place, even when they shoved you inside so that your head banged against the stainless steel bars. Immediately, you searched for an escape route, maybe if you could get off the ship under deck and swim off to an island, you could survive...

 Then there was chaos, extreme, you had to keep a hold of the bars to keep from diving into the head of a canon, the sounds of explosion told you that cannons were being launched, that ships were at war. A bang occurred blasting your corner cell, without any hesitation you jumped off into the salty sea. You spied two islands and one ship, one too far away to reach for. The island seemed wild and unoccupied, you had a low chance of survival.  

Your only option left- the ship right before you, with a tad amount of effort you managed to grab on to the ladder, only when you had hauled yourself up to the third or so step, you realized the various problems in your plan-

1. This was the Black Pearl, Captain Jack Sparrow's ship, the same perverted male you had minutely escaped from.

2. There were at least three dozen a person on deck, despite the fact that they were debating, there was no way you would go unnoticed by them.

3. Will was on the ship, the only man who knew you well, but it seemed as if he were being held prisoner.

The island wasn't far away, you might have been able to make it there, but there was that chance of Beckett getting to you again. You had also pieced together that Jack was betraying the Lord and staying on this ship was your safest bet, but you couldn't reveal yourself, not so soon. Hanging on the slimy wood of the latter was impossible, you let go some time or the other. Listening to their words carefully, you deduced that they were taking Will to someplace called 'the brink' probably a prison of some sort, under the deck, you thought.

Disregarding your previous caution entirely, you soundlessly made your way to the where Will would be in a while. The stink of dead bodies hit your nose squarely. You moved quickly, the sound of the entrance door swinging behind you. You ducked behind the wooden separation, you saw them drag Will down the deck and lock him up mercilessly.

You hesitated before showing before. Will owed you all kinds of favors, things he had done nothing to fulfill, but then he was also your ticket out of here, your safe card.

"(Y/N)" Will grinned, sighing when he saw you. "I'd ask you what in Davy's name are you doing here but I can see you're cross with me." You folded your arms across your chest, suddenly feeling exposed. "I apologize; I was just about to get to you...and my father." His expression sobered up into seriousness.

You couldn't hold back anymore, reaching for his bloody fingers, you caressed his hand. "I will help you Will, but you must know that your father despairs."

Your previous affections for the man had blossomed into something more convenient- a sisterly love. Will wrapped his other hand around your intertwined, bringing his forehead to rest on the bars "Liz is away, father is dying, every step I take towards him is also one away from my beloved." He looked up at you through his lashes, seeking advice.

You sighed, you knew his plan well, taking over the flying Dutchman and becoming the eternal captain. "Maybe you could find say...a replacement." Will sighed "Davy claims souls have different values. Not possible."

"No" You said shaking your head "Someone to become the new captain?" Will looked bewildered "Who in their sane mind would do that?" You thought about it, you had a past, your present was non-existent and your future was more flexible than lust-driven women. You could be the one.

Will understood exactly why you were silent "No, (Y/N), you will not, I will forbid it, I cannot lose you too." You searched his eyes, something, anything that would tell you he wanted otherwise. Nothing.

"Anyway." Let's get you out of there. "No" He shouted, "Not until you promise me you won't kill Davy." "Jesus, Will, no I won't, Davy made me strong. If anything, I will stop you from stabbing his beating heart."

As soon as the door was off, you retreated to your hideout without a word, and it was like that for a while. Will would go out to the deck every once in a while and 6ou would pollute the air with your negative vibes. For 3 days it stayed like that, and were regretting your disagreement.

Until one night, while Will was out, you heard a splash, a huge one and then one following it. You jumped to your feet, running up the stairs and on to the deck, coming face to face with Sparrow. 

Please vote  and comment those mean a lot, I updated in the middle of the week because I have exams the next, so I might not be able to work on this story at that time.

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