Chapter 8:What Hurts The Most

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And when the captain glanced at you for the last time, you realized that he didn't want you to make the same mistakes he had. His betrayal of Calypso, his beloved wife, the crew had told you of the legend, but you didn't exactly understand how your own compared to such an intensity. You swallowed.

"Sir" You said calmly "I've made my choice, part of the ship, part of the crew."

You sat there, under the deck of the Dutchman, polishing your sword, occasionally helping out with the canons. Once you had done so with reason, but at this point, it was all mechanical.

You couldn't stop thinking about your conversation with the captain, and then the one with...Jack. The storm outside rumbled, the ship suddenly set in motion. You stood, the captain needed you above.

Thinking nothing of the muttering you heard on your way, you almost walked past the cells without noticing him, only when the ship rocked and sent you stumbling to the bars did you see Jack seated on the wood inside. "Jack!" You gasped "Why are you here, aboard the Dutchman?"

It hurt when he didn't look up to you. Another strong wave sent your head to the bars. "Ohh" You groaned when you saw the blood on your fingers. And then it hit you, "You weren't joking about killing him, were you? You want to take his position to escape the debt."

Jack stood up suddenly and walked over to the bars you gripped. When he reached his hand through them, you sighed in relief, closing your eyes. He was no longer cross with you, he was merely checking your wound.

"My hat" His voice was hoarse "I want it back." You bit your trembling lip, cursing the stupid hat.

"Yes, I will return your hat." You looked up to see his gaze focused solely on the hat. "Since you care for nothing but your hat. Oh I will." You added softly.

You took the hat off, wiping your blood off it with the sleeve of your ship. Your head throbbed because of the wound but not nearly as much as your throat did. You tried pushing the maroon thing through the cell, but it wouldn't fit.

"It won't get through." You said, placing it over your head once again. Sighing as you moved up the stairs. "You'll get it back eventually, when you win." A tear escaped your lashes and you scoped before wiping it away.

"I want my hat back." He voiced again, like a broken record.

You stepped up in front of him, "Are you proposing that I let you out for the sake of giving you the hat?"

He nodded "Only if you have to." For the first time he made looked into your eyes and you realized that yours eyes weren't blurry not because of your tears, but the blood seeping through the wound. Sighing you wiped at your face, taking out the keys and unlocking his cell and holding out his hat.

You were shocked when he pushed you aside, "Get back in" You shouted "And keep this thing with you."

He snatched his pirate's hat from you while you moved to stop him. "No Captain Sparrow, you will not leave the prison cell."

He drew out his sword and stared straight at you, his eyes piercing through your very soul, "I will fight you if I have to."

And he did, you fought back, until your eyes were so blurry with tears that you could barely see. That was when he slashed at your skin, whipping the sword away from your hand, decapitating your weapon and moving on.

You grit your teeth, tying a stray cloth over the wound. If he wanted you to fight you would fight.

The deck was chaos in its worst form, you swung at a few British occasionally before attacking the Pearl's crew. "(Y/N)?" It was a familiar voice. You shut your eyes moving to another part of the battle, but the voice followed you "(Y/N) I thought you were on our side." It was Will Turner, you turned "Will, I can't." You pleaded, this conversation was slowly unfolding your willpower and you had the urge to stab yourself before you killed any more friends/foe.

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