Chapter 7- Choosing A Side

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A small recap people, two chapters for today because I won't be updating next week at all, I have, my exams, yes, believe it or not I am a freshman who goes to school. Also, please vote and comment.

  The man eyed the two of you "Shiver me timbers! Didn't your father teach you not to talk back to older men." With a last glance, he turned dramatically getting off the now embarked ship.   

 You turned slowly, smirking at Jack, "See? That wasn't so hard." 

Jack grimaced before standing tall and ruffling your bed-ridden hair. "Didn't expect you to learn so quickly."

Clutching your sword in anger you grit your teeth," Fight me Sparrow. Fight me." Again he gave you that annoyingly endearing smile from the morning. "No love, I do not fight women." Which only proceeded to anger you further, but you unsheathed your sword nonetheless. "You must get going, Sparrow." You said flatly.

Seating yourself on the stairs next to the helm "And before you ask, I'm keeping watch. I have a feeling there might be...interference." He scoffed seating himself beside you "And how might you be able to prevent that interference?"

"You know, Jack, you know that I do not fight for the pearl, then why do you ask otherwise?" You said softly, knowing that he was serious.

"Love, you are obviously not bound to the oath and you owe nothing but revenge to your father, then why do you say otherwise?" He was a tad bit annoyed, you could sense it.

But why? With a gasp, you realized "Are you saying that this side will be the winning side." Jack sighed, slinging his arm around you "Yes, that is what I mean, but you never answered my question."

He severed you so that you had inevitable eye-contact. You squirmed before him, having trouble voicing your reply "It's because, it's just that Davy was the first to show me generosity, and that- I know it's not exactly generosity when someone duels you but he was the first to-to give me a chance to prove myself, to accomplish something. And that basically translates to him giving me a reason to live." Your eyes fell and you clutched his other arm, the air suddenly becoming too tight.

For the second time in forever, he wrapped his arms around you, shielding your face from any spectators. "Let's not mourn already, the lad's still alive." You sniffed, the hints of a smile forming on your face. "You still haven't promised to spare him."

Jack combed his hand through your hair "I might, he did show mercy to my lady."

"Oh JACK!" Instead of shoving him away like common sense asked of you to, you pulled him closer "You shameless flirt." You murmured into him.

His chest vibrated against your cheek with laughter. "Aye lass, you caught me this time."

Before he shifted and said, "And you said it like you believed that I am the only one who can out sword Davy Jones." Your blushed so hard, you were sure he could feel the heat on himself.

His arms moved away from around you, "That's just about enough love, any more affection and they'd all announce my marriage." Dusting his hands on his pants he got up.

You didn't get up with him, not even when he tugged at your arms, you didn't budge. "Come on (Y/N). It will be alright, they won't 'feast' upon you, not without my consent. I am one of the nine pirate lords, you know."

"(Y/N)?" There was a pause, you struggled to keep the lump in your throat down.

"Are you being serious? After all that..."

He let go.

"I'm sorry Jack, you looked at him trying to convey your sincere regret with your eyes.

But he had turned away already. "Be warned lass." You nodded frantically. "Yes Jack, yes."

He moved to get off before stopping "You might lose someone who's worth more to you that your captain." With those words, he got off the ship.

Only later would you realize that he was referring to himself and not Will or Bootstrap.

You sniffed, the tears magically returning. "And lass, it's Captain Jack Sparrow to you." It hurt inside, it hurt so much, you thought you were sick. Never had the tears streamed down so excessively, not when your mother was sick and you were helpless, not when your father had threatened to sell you off.

But you had made your choice and you were not changing it.

Edit that I forgot to put in:

 You wiped furiously at your eyes, trying, somehow to console yourself and then suddenly, Davy Jones stood before you. You stood up abruptly, "Sir!" You held your right hand next to your head, saluting, but when he didn't reply your energy died out.

"Haven't you come to fetch me?"

"(y/n) ..." The captain's voice was weak. You stood moved towards him, "I am ready, sir." And when he looked at you, you saw that he was grieved. "Sir? Mr. Jones, I understand that it is my question to ask but why-"

"SHUT UP AND THAT'S AN ORDER!" You flinched, jumping into the air. "Y-yessir." You stuttered, and then realized your mistake again, having to clamp your mouth shut before you could apologize.

You knew it was time to go, casting one last glance at the helm of the ship, your eyes stopped at Jack's hat that rested her. After moments of hesitating, you moved to out it over your own head. Holding it down, afraid that the wind would take it away from you.

And when the captain glanced at you for the last time, you realized that he didn't want you to make the same mistakes he had. His betrayal of Calypso, his beloved wife, the crew had told you of the legend, but you didn't exactly understand how your own compared to such an intensity. You swallowed.

"Sir" You said calmly "I've made my choice, part of the ship, part of the crew."

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