Chapter:4 You meet him

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Today is a Sunday so I chose to update. (A/N) This is when Beckett bargains with Davy, his heart and all. The next chapter will be that of when the Elizabeth deals with the Sao Feng dude and (Y/n) will be aboard on the Black Pearl.

 The British came over, your father was very much present there with Davy's beating heart. The ship was obviously searched thoroughly and you ended up kneeling to your father. This time he seemed genuinely surprised to see you.

"Oh dear! Look who's still alive." You glowered at him, remembering your first and previous interaction with him despite the hit you had took.

"Oh no darling" He had made that annoying click sound with his tongue again. "Don't be so cross, daddy's here to take you back." You had done everything in your power to prevent so, Bootstrap had put up a fight alongside. Hell, even old man Davy had protested, but the East Indian officials had great leverage against your captain.

So they watched you, each and every one of them including hammerhead, as they dragged you across the plank of the ship, screaming and begging to be let loose. For the first time in a long time, tears escaped your lashes, they were a sign of weakness, you wholeheartedly despised them but Jesus knew what sin your father would commit at this point.

"Lock her up in my chambers." You shrieked, madness taking over, adrenaline flow going overdrive. With the pressure in your elbows, you pushed the two guards gripping you away, unsheathing your Dutchman given sword and slicing through both. Pitching your sword so that struck your father's bastardly wig off, your rapier fast approaching his neck.

And that was when you met him.

The click of a gun was quick and sharp, a shot fired expertly, missing you by millimeters, on purpose it seemed. You whipped your head to the side, your hair following your movement, making you look like a classic Victorian spirit. You growled at the intruder, eyes narrowed into slits.

"She's a feisty lass, where'd ya get her?" Jack Sparrow lowered his gun. You seethed at him, forgetting all about the man you held at neck point. "You impudent imbecile, you shaggy, formless creature, you mascara smitten man-whore, you---"You bit your lip, drawing out excessive blood, trying to keep your head from bursting with fury. "You're way too old to be alive."

The man beside you chortled, gripping the railing to keep from tipping over. Sparrow on the other hand looked as confused as fuck, his eyebrow arched his smirk transformed to half a smile. "Is she..." He trailed off, to busy staring straight at you to continue.

"Yes, captain, she is indeed my daughter." Beckett spoke, sarcastic humor evident in his voice.

You were flabbergasted at how the situation had turned so quickly. Jack sighed, closing his eyes and running his fingers through his beard, "Shiver me timbers! All the sweet things I could do to ye lass." You moved like the wind, your rapier at once took its place on the bottom of his abdomen. He yelped and the sound soothed your rumbling anger. "Before you go about insulting a maiden, remember this moment when I spared you the greatest insult of slicing off your boner." You leaned in closer before you drew back to give him a tight slap. And then when you tuned to your father's still-alive presence the captain grabbed your wrist twisting you around harshly before drawing out his own and sending yours flying across the deck.

His sword was now sheathed and he had you pressed up against the ship's frontier, his arms secure around your waist. If not for his iron grip you would have toppled over and into the shark infested waters. When he spoke to you there was nothing non-sexual about it, he was somehow too close to your ear and the exposed region of your neck at the same time. His voice was deep and dark, something about it sent shivers down your spine. "You see love; how wrong you were to call me a...shaggy...formless...creature." With each word his voice became softer, rougher and he pulled you impossibly closer, bending over with dominance.

You whipped your head to the side to avoid contact with his lips, he sighed against your neck, the gesture making you shiver violently in his arms, "Don't be so difficult. I'll be gentle, I promise" The innuendo was as clear as the morning sun, and should have disgusted you more than it did.

His lips moved against your cheek drawing a sharp exhale from you.

You were frozen on the spot, several reasons- Jack restricted and controlled most of your movement, choice or no choice, you couldn't move because you've always had this little crush on him from when you were a child. But, you were also terrified, this amount of physical contact was torturous for you especially after the promises your father had made., the fear overpowered your anger and you realized you wouldn't have turned away if it hadn't been for your glassy eyes and the lump in your throat.

"Enough!" Lord Beckett's voice cut through the moment, slicing the air so that it would never be the same again. Jack pulled away from you, seemingly surprised when he noticed your melodramatic expression. You let the guards draw you away this time, the fight was futile, even more so it was over, you had surrendered.

You were thankful when you saw that the guards took you to the actual prisons and not the lord's resting place, even when they shoved you inside so that your head banged against the stainless steel bars. Immediately, you searched for an escape route, maybe if you could get off the ship under deck and swim off to an island, you could survive...

Tell me what y'all think by writing down comments, also votes would be very cool. Shout-out to RandomzStlye! 


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