You Meet Hector Barbosa

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The next morning you were disoriented again, after spending days under deck, you had become used to discomfort. Sheets surrounded you, your head rested over a pillow, the sun was faint, exactly three seconds later you remembered everything.

Your sat up, ripping the sheets off yourself, slumping with relief when you saw yourself clothed.

Then you heard his laugh, his pirate guffaw, leaning against the arch, he stared at you almost endearingly.

But you were no longer intoxicated, getting up, you shoved him in greeting "Where's my meal, I've been starving for days." Jack gestured to the empty bottle of rum that you'd consumed last night. Your face flushed as you struggled to compose a reply, the memories now more intimate than ever.

The man before you sensed the aura, "'Tis alright (Y/N), now if you'd excuse me." He left the room. You stumbled back on the bed, regret pumping through your blood, it was a miracle Jack hadn't taken advantage of you in any way. You groaned, the thought of him laughing at your misfortune taking over. God, his impression of you must have burned away entirely, you were nothing but a wailing maiden in his eyes.

Why were you so damn foolish that even now you couldn't stop blushing about it all? And what made it worse was that he was all passive about it.

Speak of the devil...

The door swung open and the captain entered with all his glory, you watched him place the platter of food and rum beside you, waiting for you to start feasting. When you held your arms crossed and eyes on the ground, he leant down, tilting your chin so that you could no longer avoid him.

Your eyes met and your breath heaved, almost stumbling into unnecessary apologies before he shushed you, literally, in the same way he had done yesterday. This confused you, "Jack, why would you-" And he shushed you again, now you were frustrated. "Jack Sparrow! I thought you talked to Barb-" Then there was another shush.

You were plainly pissed. "It's Captain Jack Sparrow, lass. Yes, I talked to Barbosa and he wants me too share you with him, but right now, you should eat up. And don't worry love, everyone has those times."

And then he left again, you sat on his bed, nibbling away at the meat, your thoughts too strong for your appetite. And then when you'd had enough, you decided that you could at least be useful. Exiting the cabin, you tended to whatever you could on deck, it appeared that the ship was preparing to halt, nearing a certain cove you couldn't quite identify.

Supporting the mob hauling the anchor you asked the bearded male "Where are we?" The pirate scoffed before answering "Shipwreck cove, what is a lass doing here?" His teeth were evident in his smile. Before you could reply, you were pulled back. "So you're the young lass Jack spoke?"

Captain Barbosa stood before you. "The name's (Y/N)" The old man sneered indignantly, "Come on now darling, I'm sure Jack paid you enough for two." You drew out your weapon "Sir, he did no pay me nothing."

He grinned, "I'm only kidding girl, I must be at least thrice your age, welcome to the crew."

"I'm 21 sir, and this ain't my crew." His smile disappeared as soon as it had appeared. "Then get off." Before you could respond, Jack came to the 'rescue', "Ay, I see you've met the Lord's daughter."

"The LORD'S daughter, you say. Prepare the plank boys, or even better we'll feast upon her at the Brethren Court."

"You do not understand sir, in that scenario, I am on your side." You replied confidently, the memory of facing Davy Jones for the first time resurfacing. "Then why are ye not of me crew?"

Shoving Jack to the side, you smirked at the grey-bearded male "That sir, is because I belong to Davy Jones." He seemed taken aback before he replied "Then you are not on this side, why are you still alive?"

"I am here because he is here." You gestured to Barbosa "What side is he on? You don't know, do you? Thus, I am free to remain here."

Barbosa scoffed "And this is my ship lass, I decide who gets on board and who doesn't." You smiled "From what I've heard sir, Jack here is captain too."

  The man eyed the two of you "Shiver me timbers! Didn't your father teach you not to talk back to older men." With a last glance, he turned dramatically getting off the now embarked ship.  

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