Aboard The Dutchman

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Davy drew his sword at lightening-speed, bringing it to your neck, causing your heart to leap out of your bosom. You drew in a sharp inhale, contracting your neck as much as possible, your hands curled into tight fists behind your back, forbidding you from fighting back. This was a test and you knew it.

"Fight me woman. Show me yourworth."     

You had no sword and you knew he wouldn't magically offer you one. Groping the back of your pants, you pulled out the one weapon you had left. 

The empty rum bottle. The dagger you owned had been long spent on the Kraken. The crew behind your opponent laughed like it was the first time in their lives. However, they were silenced by the snap of their captain's pincers and the sound of his grand rapier out and flying at you.

You were no dunce, there was no way you could defeat the legendary captain with a rum bottle, you were no Jack Sparrow, but maybe if you lasted long enough...

Ducking you twirled out of the hit zone, too slow though, a new gash dissected your previous one. Gritting your teeth, you ran past the mast and around. Jones was quick to follow, his sword and himself moving through the seaweed clad wood. Now this was a shocker, none of the legends had informed you of his magical abilities.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the captain's war cry as he brought his weapon down on you, throwing yourself back you held the bottle like a shield. The sword through right through shattering the thick material. Bits flew, you shut your eyes, literally feeling the glass cut through your face. Blindly. You thrust the jagged halves into the captain's face, earning a pained groan. Moving right, knowing he was inches behind from finishing you. Frantically hunting for some sort of defense mechanism, reaching into the hammerhead's private space, snatching his sword before he could protest. You head it about your head in the same way you had held the bottle, gripping on to the sharp edge to eliminate Davy Jones's advantage and then kicking him where the sun doth shine.

Growling at you, this time, purely annoyed and not injured he gave you little time to regain your breath. And then you dueled him as best as you could, with your blood slowly making your sword slip. And when he disarmed you, you kicked him one last time before you crossed your arms preparing for the blow...that would never come.

When you peeked open he was gone, everyone was gone. Standing up was a tough task but you succeeded, eventually.

William turner was the first to find you. You practically stumbled into him your blood swooshing on the deck with every step you took. And he helped you, fixed you up, showed you your position, warned you against reciting the oath, treated you like a real father would.

Days passed, you became a part of the crew, everyone knew you as (Y/N). Davy was very subtle but you figured he was impressed, he never lashed out on you without purpose, as time progressed so did the appearance of scars on your frame. You worried for your mother but Bootstrap told you it would take a while for the one day at shore to arrive.

And then William arrived, well, the younger one, you acquainted well enough and you were even drawn to his noble intentions and loyal promises but you quickly learned that he was betrothed. When he asked for your help, you figured that you owed as much to his father.

And while he got away, you were stuck in the cells, but you had company and that went well, only the labor became a greater torture day by day. Everything started to blur, your nutritional needs were never satisfied and you felt yourself die internally a little every day. You missed your mother deeply, everything just seemed so depressing.

And then it became worse

Te next chapter is the one when the reader finally meets Jack Sparrow, I will only update after I get three votes, as soon as I get three votes.

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