Chapter 6: He Comforts You

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Until one night, while Will was out, you heard a splash, a huge one and then one following it. You jumped to your feet, running up the stairs and on to the deck, coming face to face with Sparrow. He looked as bamboozled as one could get. "Love?" He voiced, "What brings you here?"

You shook your head at him, moving to the edge, your eyes gazing into the open ocean. "Will!" You shouted not caring about how many others you might alert.

"You know, if I knew he was he was wooing you then I would never have talked to you as I did." He mumbled, his eyes brimming with questions.

You turned around to him. "For once in your life, can you shut your trap. And no we are not with each other, he is very much faithful to Elizabeth." You couldn't help adding, the you turned back "WILL" You shouted at the top of your lungs.

"(Y/N) Came the faint reply, don't worry I am alright, it's all part of the plan." You sighed, bizarre relief overwhelming you.

However, that was until Jack's arms came beside yours, securing you to the deck for the second time. You moved for your sword only to curse your instinct when you regretted its absence for the millionth time. You turned around, facing the man. "Looking for something." He smirked.

You gasped when you saw your Dutchman sword in his grip,the one you had lost on your father's ship, immediately you reached for it but he stopped you. Clicking his tongue, the very same way Lord Beckett did to peeve you, he said "No (Y/N), it's not yours to keep either. Where'd ya steal it from?" His tone was serious.

"It's mine "You growled back "Davy gave it to me, you despicable scoundrel. It is mine." You snatched it from him securing it" Jack laughed "A woman in the squid's crew, unheard of." But you knew he had let you take the sword. You smirked when you realized he was impressed.

You heard footsteps, but, before you could escape to the brink, Jack grabbed you leading you inside a cabin space. "Shhhh" He said putting his finger your lips, knowing exactly how much it ticked you off."

A long time passed before he came back. , you waited impatiently, not understanding his intentions very well. As soon as he was in the room you got up abruptly from the edge of his bed. His hands were immediately at your shoulders holding you down, "Easy lass, easy, unless you want to end up with the dead men." You couldn't understand if he was referring to you dead or locked up.

You huffed and sat down and he took his own place beside you, relaxing onto the headboard. You eyed him uneasily because the last time you had been with him.... And he eyed you with the same unease, never had a woman proved to be such a threat.

"How about this" You say civilly as possible. "I ask you a question, you answer. You ask a question and I answer." Without waiting for a reply, you launched onto him, metaphorically of course "What exactly have you set Will up to?"

Jack chuckled "You must be mistaken lass; he makes his own choices." A glare from you left him sighing. "Aye, aye. He's with your old man, wants to free Bootstrap from the Dutchman." You groaned, why wouldn't he talk to you before acting so recklessly.

"Why do you hate him so much?" The name was unspoken but knew he was referring to your father. You sighed, subconsciously moving closer to the pirate. "He's not my father." Jack locked eyes with you "At least, I'm not his wife's daughter." You paused before continuing, you knew it was foolish reveal yourself to someone you didn't know but you'd held it in for too long now. "Do you have any rum?" He grinned at you, full on and said, "Why I thought you'd never ask, love." You rolled your eyes, taking the bottle he'd magically pulled out from behind him. Taking a swig, you handed the rum over before continuing. When your answer had turned into your life story, you couldn't remember.

"He ditched us, me mom and I. None of us looked back to each other, then me mother fell sick, I went all the way to Royal to get help but he took advantage of me, sold me off to pirates." You noticed precisely when and with what velocity Jack lowered his arm on you, settling the weight on your shoulders and pulling you closer to him, what he said next surprised you "Say no more love, I understand." Your eyes locked again and this time you couldn't breathe, exhaling sharply you whipped your head towards the other side, shrugging his arm off.

Drinking the rum had been a wildly reckless decision and you weren't getting out of it. The stories you'd heard and the experience you'd had screamed at you to get away from the pirate lord. However, even with the knowledge, you couldn't deny the pull you felt towards him.

Futilely pretending the moment had never occurred, you continued "And then Davy struck, made me battle him with...with a bottle of rum." Remembering the moment, you couldn't help but laugh, breaking the tension in the air. The captain next to you laughed along, you snatched the bottle back from him to take a drink.

"And then he came back." For the third time that night, your eyes met and this time you couldn't hold back anymore, maybe it was the rum or maybe it was the way he looked at you, it might have been both for all you knew.

"I was so scared Jack." You breathed into his chest, gripping his shirt like you had once done to the ladder of his ship. "He- there was no one stopping him, Davy tried, Old Turner tried, I tried and I almost did but Jack, I-I couldn't kill him and he-thank goodness you were there." Tears pricked the corners of your eyes a gasp escaping your lips.

"No more love, no more." His breath was hot against you ear and you burst into bloody tears.

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