Chapter: It's Alright

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People, I decided to update, ya'll have had enough of the wait...Also you might want to check back on //Choosing A Side// because I accidentally eliminated a portion while writing, I recommend going back and reading the story over, because I'm not sure if I'm giving you the right information. So yeah...

Again I ask of you to read, write comments and vote for this story.

Thank you.


The air changed.

When Jack looked up at you from under his lashes, seriousness written over his face, your eyes widened. "Anything?" He asked you, you couldn't do anything but nod in reply.

"How about something with that boner you threatened to slice off. Be seated on the bed when I return." With that he left his quarters in a rush.

Starts Here:

You trembled like a child with a fever on the bed with overwhelming anticipation, your imagination multiplying your fear infinitely.

Was that all before the war an act for him?

Had he not felt anything of any other nature towards you?

Was he bringing someone else to join him?

You grit your teeth, no more tears you reminded yourself, whatever was coming you would accept is, as a sacrifice to your mother.

And then Jack entered with a wooden box in his hand, sitting beside you, he unlocked the box and brought your hand to his thigh, you shut your eyes in fear, dread fueling up the fire. 

Begging would only make him happier, would it not? Then why not give him the worst of his worth?

You had never been more surprised in your life he pried the bloodied cloth from the skin wound he himself had inflicted. You didn't even flinch when the process tore your skin. Jack 'offed' before cleaning the wound and bandaging it up.

He moved to your temple, your head now pressed against his chest as he poked at the deep cut and then bandaged it up like he had done before.

Your breathing had calmed. However, the shivers running down your spine were as constant as ever.

It was only when he lay his hand on the small of your back, did you look up to catch him grinning at you.

"Love, did you seriously think I was going to force you into ...?" 

When you didn't reply he continued "Now you know how I felt when ye ditched me for that ugly Kraken."

You moved your mouth but no words came out.

"J-Jack?" You stuttered so hard your voice sounded like a young child's.

He looked at you, smiling the warm smile you had lost hope of ever looking at. "Yes, love? I suppose it's understandable that was too fast for you to comprehend."

"Is this supposed to be s-something crueler?" Your voice cracked. You couldn't decide but you desperately hoped it had all been an act.

"Now, now, love, you're not the only one I've double-crossed." The captain smirked "But no, I'm being true to you, I did not mean it at all when I bargained with ye."

And then you were on him, this time literally. "Oh Jack! Dear Lord." You breathed against his chest, rubbing your cheek against the beat of his heart, glad he hadn't bound himself eternally.

He roared with laughter, his chest rumbling against yours "Thanks, but Captain will do."  

You melted into his embrace when his arms secured around you. "Oh Jack! I-I-I please have mercy."

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