Chapter 9: Not Who I Thought You Were

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The next morning you got up with a newfound strength, the thought of getting to your mother leading you. You were tired of obsessing over the cruelty of your fate, the past wouldn't change at your wish. It was early and little people were present on the deck. Walking over to the gates you had once taken refuge inside, you knocked once, twice before entering when no reply was heard.

Only to come face to face with the Captain. You squealed in surprise, jumping straight to the ceiling in the air before balancing yourself against the closed door.

"Why are you here?" He questioned, he had obviously just woken up. You took in Jack's appearance, his hair appeared to be more dishelved than usual, his eyes bloodshot, black circles marking them from the rest of his face. You knew it wasn't just soot rims, he was sleep deprived and exhausted.

Something inside you softened and melted, despite his blunt tone you wanted to apologize to him, soothe him, knowing that the battle had taken a lot of out of him. But you weren't here for casual talk, you'd lost that status a long time ago, this was business, scary business.

He slouched on the bed, not bothering to offer you a seat, leaving you to rock to the flow of the ship.

"Do you mean in your cabin...or on the ship?" You voice was obviously a timid one. His uncharacteristic seriousness and stern posture scared you beyond comprehension. You wondered how you could once have been on such good terms with him.


You glanced up, only to catching him glaring directly into your eyes, you looked down again, wishing the heat of the room would make you melt. You hadn't expected him to be this cross with you, not after you'd helped him at Davy's. You gulped. No more tears (Y/N), You repeated.

You looked at him again, his eyebrow arched in demand. "You can't just go along treating me like that sir."

He huffed "And why, might I ask lass, should I treat you like a princess when you're really just a daughter chasing after the status of her departed father?"

You knew his was trying for something and you wanted to remain impassive at how untrue his words were, but you couldn't "That is not true, and you of all should know that. I simply came here to ask a-" You cut short.

How could one ask a favor while arguing at full-force, hitting below the belts?

"A what?" He gestured his curiosity through his hands. Taunting you, bullying you like he had done so many times, only this time it really hurt. He knew why you were here, you'd told him just yesterday's previous.

There was no need to calm your ego down, all your previous anger had already dulled down to numbness, the tears almost formed in your eyes before you cleared your throat and started-

"Err, you see sir, I needed to go to Tortuga, my mother's sick and-" The next moment he was standing before you with his palm open wide, demandingly.

"The fee." He questioned. Your eyes widened at his words "You can't travel across on this ship without a price."

You looked up at him "I have no coins on me, in fact I was about to ask you for some, you see, I need it for my ill mo-"

He cut you off with his pirate guffaw. Soon, he was doubling over his knees trying to keep his balance. "You...foolish lass...why would I...ever...har-har-har"

"Jack!" You voiced, your frantic voice getting louder by the word. You hadn't seen him behave this way ever, you'd rather him be cross with you. Frantically, you looked around the room, trying to figure how much liquor he'd consumed, but you found absolutely none. "Please stop this madness, I'll do it, whatever you want me to."

The air changed.

When Jack looked up at you from under his lashes, seriousness written over his face, your eyes widened. "Anything?" He asked you, you couldn't do anything but nod in reply.

"How about something with that boner you threatened to slice off. Be seated on the bed when I return." With that he left his quarters in a rush.

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