ch.8 Pets

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Harry's p.o.v.

We had one more day until going back to Hogwarts. I was really excited to meet the new DADA teacher, Professor Jackson. I hope this one would last a year... I thought. Hermione was really excited as well. She said that she was going to ask for the time-turner from McGonagall again. Who would want to go to double the classes?, well other than Hermione. Ron was excited but he tried not to show it. He sometimes got like this, as if he was trying to act like a 'popular/cool' guy.

He would be like,
"I'm waiting for pigwidgeon for my new broom for quidditch so we can win for the school quidditch. Not like I want to or anything but...''
Something like that.

Hermione was starting to get irritated by this and would yell,''WE DON'T CARE!!'' But that was an extreme case. Only when she was studying or reading a book and he was interrupting her. Which was weird because when she reads, she starts to squeal and mumble something like ''I ship them!!'' I wanted to ask why she would like to ship people thinking that that would be against her S.P.E.W. project. You know giving house elves human/elf rights and all. Shipping humans would be like slavery! but I was sure it meant something else so I kept quiet.

Percy's p.o.v.

We were staying at the leaky cauldron. The kids were really hyper. They had already packed for school and had neatly folded their robes and scarfs and other school essentials which were listed on the Hogwarts letter which was addressed to each of them.
I had packed my trunk as well but with teaching materials such as a bag which held endless amount of weapons. Hey! Don't judge my teaching methods!! I screamed internally who the hell am I talking to I wondered.

It was mid afternoon and we were all bored out of our mindes. Since all of us had ADHD, We were tapping our feet,
twirling a pen (me),
jumping out of shadows to scare the crap (sorry for the language...) out of us (Zoë and Nico)
striking them with lightning everytime they did so whilst sharpening arrows. (I wonder who that is)
Reading Hogwarts a history (Lucas) being the only one without dyslexia.

Then I suddenly stood up scaring Thalia, Zoë, and Nico but not Lucas, who was so concentrated on his book and didn't notice. His twin made him notice by wacking him on the head with her very own copy if Hogwarts a history translated to Ancient Greek. He finally looked up with a scowl.

I announced,
"Lets go to that pet shop we saw on diagon ally. It did say on the letter that we teachers could bring any kind of pet but the sudents could only bring an owl, a cat, or a toad, no? Who's with me?''
They all raised their hands in reply, and we were off!

We arrived at the Magical Menagerie with a crack, remembering that I could've apperated earlier on our way to England, as well as the possibility of shadow traveling but I looked at the queasy lookes my children were giving me and thought it was the right choice to travel by pegasi, even if Thalia hated it.

We walked inside and we all walked in separate directions looking for our pets. The owner looked at me and called me over. "Are you Mr. Jackson?'' He asked

"Yes I certainly am''

"Well this morning when I preparing the shop, I was given an owl from an old lady with piercing grey eyes.
She told me to give this owl to you.''

"I looked at the owl, chuckling at the idea of Athena coming to a mortal pet shop. The owl was beautiful. She had golden feathers and fierce grey eyes which turned kinder when she looked at me. She reminded me of Annabeth. I thought back on the adventures with Annabeth and smiled. I knew she was mine immediately.

"Thank you sir. She's beautiful.''
I named her Anna. Because she reminded me of Annabeth so much.

Nico came back with a golden Labrador with blue eyes named Sunshine.

Thalia with a thunder bird which was very rare, called Grace. Although she hated that name she said that she wanted to honour it for her brother's sake.

Zoë came with cat. But not just any cat, this cat could change colours between blue and grey, called Bianca. Nico rubbed his eyes furiously when he heard this.

Lucas held an owl which turned from blue to grey. Zoë looked at him suspiciosly for how similar it's abilities were to Bianca's but he just shrugged it off. He was called Bob. It was my turn to rub my eyes.

We said our goodbyes and this time shadow travelled back to our rooms with our new pets.

End of chapter 8

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